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Everything posted by Space

  1. Chelsea vs Villa tomorrow. Should be a one sided game.
  2. That's nice. Also your sig is very good Keit, I've not seen that style used before.
  3. Mr_Odwin will have a field day with this.
  4. I thought this was going to be a thread about Cascading Style Sheets, not Counterstrike. :P
  5. I don't buy a paper daily but when I do it's the Guardian. Easily the best of the lot. Their new extended sports coverage is great too.
  6. I recommend the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack. When you install it you get Media Player Classic and it can play Quicktime, Real Media, DivX and all sorts of other formats without the need for other players. This means you don't need to install Quicktime, Real Player etc. Some mirror links: (all the same file, just in case one server doesn't work) http://dl.codecpack.nl/k/klmcodec137.exe http://i1.edskes.com/k/klmcodec137.exe http://i2.edskes.com/klmcodec137.exe http://j1.edskes.com/klmcodec137.exe http://j2.edskes.com/klmcodec137.exe The homepage is actually: http://home.hccnet.nl/h.edskes/finalbuilds.htm
  7. Nice to see I'm still owning. But the last 3 gameweeks haven't been great though and some teams have been gaining on me. That week where I got 94 points is seeming long ago. Having to make 3-4 transfers has also caused some lost points.
  8. Nice. What software did you use RedShell?
  9. Mods, move this to Creative please, it will get a better response there I think. I tried in Firefox and I think you could get it down to about 78kb but no lower. A few years ago I tried a really good animated GIF optimiser but when I needed to use it again recently I couldn't find it on download.com. I'll search around on my old computer and let you know if anything comes of it. Cool sig. Maybe a tad too much rain though. I tried a rain one myself but it didn't work out too well. I think now I've got into using Photoshop CS2 instead of Fireworks I could probably come up with something better.
  10. I've played a demo of Renegade a LONG time ago and found it a bit laggy but that could well have been pre-ADSL times I really can't remember how long ago it actually was. Renegade isn't meant to be too great to be honest but as I don't have it I'm not in a position to comment. As for Generals I cannot recommend it any higher. It really is superb. Takes a few hours to get into as there are a few big differences (no ore/tiberian, but supply points) but it really is an excellent game. Play.com are selling Generals with the expansion pack for £17.99. Let me know if you buy the game in the future, it'd be good to have a game.
  11. Wow didn't expect a demo to be released this early! Cheers Sexual Chocolate. I've got Pro Evo 4 on both PC and PS2 and the PC one has better graphics, easier to update teams/kits (3rd party patch), tweaked gameplay and online play. The only problem is the controls, but I bought a 2 slot USB PS2 adapter so I have my PS2 pads plugged in and they work great. For Pro Evo 5 I'll be getting the Xbox version though in preparation for 360.
  12. Btw do you have Generals? I agree, but both were great games and Red Alert isn't playable these days (I've tried). PCs run the game too fast and it really is quite simple. Would be good for handheld gaming though.
  13. Tiberian Sun was a good game but I feel Generals is far superior on the Gameplay front. I've been playing it heavily for a while now and there is a lot more depth and the balancing is better. I wish a new GDI/NOD C&C games gets released sometime in the future. Red Alert 3 is up next.
  14. New site's looking good guys, congrats. NO MORE XSORBIT!!! :lmao:
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