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Everything posted by Space

  1. They are increasing the level cap from 40 to 50 and introducing seasons: https://pokemongolive.com/post/gobeyond-2020/?hl=en Also if you haven't already, link your Go account with the Pokemon Home app and you can get a Meltan Mystery Box every 3 days!
  2. I've got back into Pokemon Go lately. Feel free to add me or invite me to remotely join raids - 8120 3390 2235. One thing I realised is if you join a raid and drop out (if there isn't enough players to win) before the battle starts it doesn't use up the remote raid pass. Also I know a couple of new players who need more gifts, if you are able to help! 262638301972 and 502946298263
  3. Hi, sorry - I only just renewed the league before @Fierce_LiNk’s last message. Feel free to use his new one going forward - especially next season as I’m not really playing FPL anymore. The code for the old league is q2lxoe.
  4. I’ve renewed the fantasy league for the new season, the code to join is xc5kcy. Last season I was doing so well then it all went wrong near the end, here’s to 19/20! 😄
  5. Lost I ended up re-watching this in its entirety this year. It's a show that the first time around I stopped watching briefly then came back to and loved. The ending was a bit disappointing the first time around, however I really appreciated the whole thing a lot more this time, including the ending. I watch a lot of TV and Lost still really holds up so well and remains one of my all-time favourites. It's a real adventure. Dexter Loved the show so much but the ending was really a let down. I would have rather they just ended it abruptly without a real ending. Voyager I remember absolutely loving the finale. Extremely satisfying, exciting and emotional. If only more TV show endings saw the show at its best.
  6. Just ordered this from base.com on Switch for £28.85. Hopefully it runs ok, I would have much preferred 60fps but Switch is now my only console.
  7. Space

    FIFA 19

    Only played a couple of games, first impressions are the gameplay feels tighter and more precise. The ball felt a bit more weighty and satisfying kick. The visuals look slightly sharper and detailed. One improvement is the kick off mode let's you enter your name (like Smash) and you can set some house rules like winner stays on. This is a nice addition. Spent some time trying to cobble together a FUT team, I got Sturridge in one of the initial packs which was one of the few positives. The transfer market is very sparse with only 1-2 cards for each player so it's pretty tough buying who you want.
  8. The Meltan reveal was pretty cool. I was playing when he first started appearing, there were loads on the screen. I don't have Tauros either. Hatched a Farfetch'd yesterday, but I already had one
  9. Space

    FIFA 19

    FIFA 19 is here for those who pre-ordered the Champions Edition, or 28th for the regular edition. I'll be opening mine this evening when I'm back from work. Anyone else playing this year? I enjoyed FIFA 18 on Switch and felt it compared well with the versions on other consoles.
  10. Cool to see Deoxys added to the game. I've never done an Ex-Raid though, it's impossible to do raids where I live as there's never anyone there. Mewtwo should be in normal raids from today, I might need to travel into central London just for this. Beldum's been my buddy for a while and I'm up to 95 candy. I think he's the only normal one I've got left to evolve.
  11. I'd happily pay yearly for cloud saves alone but I'm disappointed this will not backup saves for Pokemon, FIFA, Splatoon and some other titles. I really don't feel this is acceptable and will lead to customer confusion. Surely there's a technical solution to this they could adopt in time.
  12. Yep the Decidueye one is great and fires an arrow, gives it an extra dimension. Bewear has a hugging action, he's not getting opened until Christmas though so can't report on his awesomeness until then. They had the super colourful Alolan Muk which was hard to leave behind. Can't wait for the new Switch game. I have been playing Pokémon Go daily since launch and am looking forward to just lounging on the sofa and not having to walk anywhere.
  13. Pre-ordered Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu with Pokeball Plus in-store at Smyths yesterday. Decided I should be more proactive in supporting a great local toy/games shop. It's a great place to pick up Pokémon figures too, these are some of the latest ones
  14. Pretty good Direct I thought. Cities Skylines looks worth checking out. Excited about Final Fantasy VII coming to Switch in future for some nostalgia. Never expected that one!
  15. Great, there's 4 teams in the fantasy league now. There's some decent prizes this year, although I will settle for not finishing last. Looking forward to the charity shield tomorrow.
  16. Love the high press. By the way, have set up an N-Europe fantasy football league should anyone want to join! The code is: 1151543-375779 If one already has been renewed from previous years please let me know the details.
  17. Anyone know if there's an N-Europe fantasy football league? Looking forward to the new season. 6 very well equipped teams battling it out is going to be great to see. I fancy Liverpool to finish top 2 this time around, with the 4-1 win over United this could be a sign of things to come. I predict it all goes terribly wrong for Mourinho this season and he implodes. The early signs are there with is negative comments and saying American fans wasting their money watching his team. As a Chelsea fan looking forward to seeing us under Sarri! Shame we're not in the Champions League, but gives us a season to adopt a new style. Yes! I hope this happens... Loftus-Cheek deserves his chance.
  18. Not been able to play this yet. How well do you all rate this compared to Mario Tennis Ultra Smash on Wii U? I didn't enjoy that too much much and preferred Mario Power Tennis on GameCube, it was less gimmicky and felt like it had more depth (although this was a long time ago!).
  19. Friend Codes are now live. Feel free to add me: bkno - 8120 3390 2235 Also from today Regice is appearing in raids.
  20. Farfetch'd is now in all regions. Caught one yesterday.
  21. Upgraded from iPhone SE to X. Very pleased with it so far, feels very natural to use and Face ID is a joy.
  22. Three worlds in and loving it so far... well done Nintendo! Such perfect gameplay mechanics and it looks fantastic. There's so many nice touches to the design in general.
  23. Does not exactly fill me with confidence about them patching it, thought it was going to be more of an apologetic response!
  24. Space


    The Good Place seems pretty good just a few episodes in. We are really enjoying the part 4 episodes of Terrace House Aloha State. If anyone's not seen Terrace House yet check it out, I'd recommend the Tokyo one first.
  25. That Switch goalkeeper kit is fab. 👍 I will have to play more Ultimate Team to earn it. Last year on XB1 I was able to get to Div 2 once in UT, super hard, Div 3 was my level really. Incredibly competitive, I'll be playing a lot less intensively this year.
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