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Everything posted by Space

  1. That should work. You can also copy to microSD and upload to imgur.
  2. I still play Wii U Smash Bros every few weeks, I'd be pretty happy if they did port a Deluxe version or just call it Smash Switch. A few things I'd like to see: - Better menus (I literally only realised the other month that I had not unlocked some levels as Events mode was pretty hidden away!) - Bring back the Brawl style break the targets mode; not keen on the bombs break the targets - Bring back the Ice Climbers! - More characters and more Pokemon related content - More advanced level creator
  3. Agreed, really hope they go restore features Mario Kart Wii time trial had. Have a feeling this won't happen though. I will never understand why they changed it after getting it so right. If I remember right another detail they dropped with the Wii U version was seeing everyone's exact finish times at the end of a race. Great for those close finishes. Would be nice if that made a return.
  4. Smart Steering to stop you falling off is a good option when playing with very young or very casual gamers. They can fall off all the time otherwise and end up getting lapped. Although I have never been into battle mode the arenas do look good, hopefully I enjoy battles more this time. I did like Diddy Kong Racing battle mode so there is hope. What would you like them to change? The main thing that bothered me was not being able to compare times with friends like in Mario Kart Wii. And when viewing the top ghosts it looked like they were using some kind of cheating technique which is really off-putting if you want to race normally.
  5. I'd like some way of showing game progress. For example with Kirby Rainbow Paintbrush Wii U I think I'm on 98% now having got all the treasure chests, would be nice if that kind of indicator was displayed as a minimum to show if someone got far in a game. When it comes to more specific achievements, sometimes they can work well, but I like the ones best that are tied to progression rather than some extreme challenge like complete the game without dying that most people won't ever get.
  6. Space


    I wonder if Nintendo has publisher pricing guidelines which encourage a higher RRP. Some of the prices on other Switch games are more than expected. Possibly testing the water to see if people choose to pay more for a home & portable version in one. Not sure how much the cost of producing cartridges compares to Bluray, it is probably a little higher (but not £10 high).
  7. @King_V would be a shame to see you leave over this, since my return here I have enjoyed your posts and enthusiasm around launch time. Great, I'm glad they decided to include an activity log. The parental controls app is cool, but I'd rather not like seeing it so prominently on the home page. Yep showing just first names and not something unique has its downsides. I'd like it displayed both (if it had usernames, but friend code would be something). I think we'll see some advancements in that area. To address this problem on the N-E friends spreadsheet we could have a N-E username column and a new Switch nickname column.
  8. Not sure about Game but I have had great experiences with Amazon refunds. Some refund reasons don't incur any fees and can be returned to my local post office. Money has been refunded the same day (before they could possible even check the item properly).
  9. So it's not possible to copy it at all, what if a console fails? Nice! I'm going to have to find a new coat with a suitable Switch pocket.
  10. Possibility of a global dock recall? Probably not... but they might need to replace many individual docks and consoles when complaints arise. Say after 6 months, what proportion of launch buyers would have scratched systems? There is a chance they will offer to send new docks to everyone to save replacing more systems in the long run. Will be interesting to see what happens.
  11. Not sure about anyone else but I think having some more dedicated TV show threads would be nice, makes it easier to discuss a show. Particularly as with Amazon and Netflix people tend to watch at different times. Recently watched Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and wanted to echo everything in Ashley's post. It's fun, very watchable, Rachel Bloom is brilliant and her character is hilarious and easy to empathise with. Trent should feature more!
  12. Friend code spreadsheet - linked in first post, quite a few people on there now. Agreed, 1-2 Switch should at least have a demo, or better still given away for free / factored into console price. I just can't see most people buying it, especially at the eShop price. Snipperclips would have been another good one to bundle, at least that is more competitively priced. You're right about BotW being daunting too - it's a pretty serious undertaking for anyone really, the scale is intimidating and casual-light gamers will probably struggle to get off the plateau.
  13. Robot Wars returned yesterday. Enjoyed the last series, team Apollo were brilliant. This season should be great with robots like Carbide more battle tested, and there is a great one called Aftershock in the first episode with an awesome weapon. Glad it's not just flippers anymore.
  14. Just ordered a tempered glass screen protector. No Prime ones available, pretty much all are sold out but sellers are setting it to '1-2 months' to bypass the 'out of stock' filter. The soonest available decent one I could find is this. No scratches on mine from docking yet, have been super gentle with it so far. Does seem like a bit of a design oversight, the dock is pretty basic compared to the Switch itself. In contrast my Wii U gamepad has been completely indestructible, and the dock couldn't damage it, but I'm guessing they changed it as it didn't always engage if slightly off-centre. Based on my Wii U experiences I didn't expect to need a screen protector. But when I had a PS Vita I managed to scratch it badly almost straight away... hopefully mine is still ok by the time the screen protector arrives!
  15. Good to hear thats on its way.
  16. Snipperclips is a great showcase for the positives of the joycons. I have found swapping my Switch and BT Ultra HD box has reduced the interference - the signal is more direct now and doesn't go past the hot BT box now. It is also a foot further from my router. I have been thinking maybe they should have had the joycons fixed to the screen (like Wii U) then relied on Pro controllers for TV mode. Everyone would find this a lot simpler, and I'm not really convinced there's any downside other than the increased cost of buying 2 Pro controllers. Then you basically have the TV mode of PS4/Xbox One, but with amazing handheld portability. The screen is too small for 2 player same-screen really, which was a key reason for joycons. I'll get a second Pro controller soon, the joycons are just a bonus extra really, but hopefully they will lead to some unique experiences. Overall I'm 9/10 happy with everything as long as they continue to add features to the platform as it's incredibly basic.
  17. No issues with wifi here yet, I find the new BT Hub 6 to be a bit unreliable so surprised it has been ok but early days. I just tried in Zelda and could only get the amiibo to work when on top of the right stick. Tried all around the stick and on the side.
  18. Hopefully just a matter of time until Netflix and Amazon get Switch apps. I think something like Apple TV might be best for Netflix & Amazon usage on TV though, then it means you can play Switch anytime even if someone is watching TV. I love how instant resuming a game is with the console from sleep...
  19. Right stick up/down - works on the map and in game.
  20. I noticed the left joycon analogue was a bit dodgy in TV mode, but I did drop it so I thought it was that! My Switch is quite far from the TV, right next to my router and not in line of sight. Seems fine in portable mode. I have been using the Pro controller in TV mode since then. Hopefully they can sort this out, I might try moving the Switch when testing it today. If anyone doesn't have the Pro controller yet it's excellent - prefer it over the PS4 / Xbox One / Wii U Pro controllers.
  21. Only played it a little so far, seems pretty good. Impressive visuals. Gameplay feels a bit closer to Wipeout than F-Zero, as does the ship designs. Not sure it has the charm of F-Zero yet but only done one cup.
  22. Right hand side of your profile.
  23. Thinking about getting Snipperclips... anyone got it / any good?
  24. Feel bad for everyone with issues. My ShopTo went smoothly, but I cancelled my Zelda pre-order there a while back to use Amazon instead as it was cheaper. But I checked my wife's Amazon account last night and we'd forgotten to pre-order it somehow - unbelievable. So it was off to the shops this morning to try and locate a Zelda, I could only find a special edition, so had to get that! Although ShopTo have been very good I think I might do the Smyths midnight launch next time. Clearly things can go wrong with couriers and it's good to know it is all sorted the night before and no waiting around. PS if you got an invite from SpaceBen that is me!
  25. Mine has arrived - first impressions excellent. All the hardware is top quality. Great OS too. Code: SW-2607-5875-7295 Happy Switchmas everyone!!
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