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Everything posted by Bogbas

  1. Or it might be that 2.4 Ghz processor is needed if you don't have a dx9 gfx card. In some weird way it actually makes sense.
  2. It'll be a bit tight, but according to a picture in this page there should be room below for the card. The xtx version of the x1900 would take 2 spaces, but the aiw seems to take only one. But you'll need to think how to cool those graphics cards properly. As the fan from the x1900 would be sucking air from the bottom of the x1300.
  3. Eh? Do you mean will it run SLI? The answer is no. And yes the x1900 aiw will fit in one of the pci-e slots. Or are you thinking of getting one x1900aiw non crossfire card and another pci-e non crossfire as the secondary card? That I don't know. But a non ati pci-e card like geforce 7800GT(X) will work but not in sli configuration. And wouldn't it be cheaper to get the x1900 aiw and a pci card as the secondary card? And having more memory is probably good as it's going to be used for video editing/3d modelling (one minute of DV- quality video takes a little more than 200Mb,). Just for games 4gig would be overkill.
  4. If i remember correctly you'll have to configure the dosbox to use one of your directories (eg. C:\dosbox) to act as it's root directory. Basic setup and installation Use the instructions given there and you should be having a working dos emulator in no time
  5. Have you tried setting the compatibility option in the properties of the executable to windows95/98? Also if it is a Dos game, you can try a couple of dos emulators. Dosbox and VDMsound. Just put those in google and you should find them
  6. Sounds like a marketing scheme... If this kind of thing continues valve's going to be as bad as EA... Not really a fan of the steam system. I want my games to come in a box which has nice manual, and perhaps some extra stuff in them. Like in GTA VC/SA This kind of downloading games is just stupid...
  7. Ok.. To me it has been a bit like IRC = no life But anyhow I just think that they should sort out the problems with 7.5 before publishing a new version. I have had tons of problems with it. Usually for the login part. It sometimes just says that "there's a problem in messenger service, please try again later." Usually it works after I try to login few times.
  8. Somehow this remind me of a quote : "640 kb should be enough for everyone" And diemetrix, check out the demoscene sometime. scene.org It's funny how much stuff you can put into 64k Edit: oh right about the game... I tried it once and was pretty impressed. Then I got stuck to some corner in it... So it has some bugs but it's pretty nonetheless
  9. Now it sounds like to me that an emo is a somekind of mix of goth and punk... But if someone slits their wrists it's usually a cry for help. And it sounds like this will just be passing phase in people. Don't expect them to act like that when they grow up (and if they do tell them to grow up ). This just seems like the punk movement in the 70's to 80's.
  10. Is this like homeworld? I'm not getting my hopes for good strategy game up knowing the quality of previous games... If you're such a trek fan, you might want to see a trek parody movie Starwreck: In the pirkinning it's quite good for an amateur scifi movie. The acting is a bit off but it makes up for it in the humor. And aren't one of the points in developing a mod to make the original game better? for example Half-life --> CS and Operation flashpoint --> FDF mod.
  11. What does emo mean? Also could someone briefly describe "chavs" I think I'm hitting a language barrier here...
  12. It doesn't, it just knows the pitch. You can fool the game by just saying things like "aaaa" or "eee" at different pitch.
  13. For what I recon you can use IR,RS232,Bluetooth or an USB cable ot connect it to a pc. Or you could just plug the memorycard into a memorycard reader which is connected to your pc If you want the pictures out of the internal memory of the phone you have to use IR/RS232/bluetooth or USB cable.
  14. Seems like your windows installation has screwed itself. The only proper way to get out of it is to make backups of your important files and reinstall windows. You can also try to repair the installation by using the win xp - cd. Can't remember how it worked, if you selected the repair at the first screen it shows. It goes to some kind of recovery console(hard to use). So if you have a relative/friend that can do it I suggest that you contact them.
  15. Find a picture of the actual ram. If it has chips on both sides, it's double sided. If there's only chips on the other side and solder joints on the other it's one sided. And you can check your mobo's manual where it should be specified how much and what kind of ram it can handle. Edit: Just checked, the x1900 is quite a power hog. 341 watts for the xtx version. Though the AIW will have silightly lower clock rates, don't know how that will affect the power consumption. So I'll recommend that you get a 450-500w power supply right from the start.
  16. What is green, furry and four legged. And kills you if it falls on you from a tree? And as reading bash.org is fun, I found this quote to be hilarious: "*** IRC -- Based on the original code written by Jarkko Oikarinen *** Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 University of Oulu, Computing Center <Jarkko> You people have turned a cute little project I did 5 years ago INTO A TREMENDOUS WASTE OF TIME!!! GET A LIFE!!! MOVE OUT OF YOUR MOTHER'S BASEMENT!!! You, with the bot... have you ever kissed a woman?"
  17. I played through the whole game and I'm as lost as I was in the beginning. I don't like when the games story is driven by some tv shows or radio broadcasts. Every time I tried to see/hear one properly, BOOM! HEADSHOT! Some combine guards appear from somewhere and takes me down. ANd after the firefight the broadcast has ended. So in the end I don't know what I did and why I did it. Really flattened the game experience for me. But on to the topic, seeing mario 64 for the first time kinda took my breath away. After that everything has just been in 3d. And I also like the scene in oot which comes when you power up the system. The music's great, you hear the galloping and then it slowly fades in with link riding epona against the horizon. And displaying the zelda logo.
  18. Just had to say this: Say goodbye to your (social)life. :P
  19. I think that some older matrox (G450?)cards would do the job nicely. That is if you can find one. But I'm not really sure how 2 "independent" graphics cards would work in a system. There might be some problems there.
  20. I dare you to keep your monitor on overnight displaying a somewhat bright image. And I can't be held responsible if you get a faint outline of something on your screen... Plasma screens also have this problem. It was so bad that tv companies had to scale the brightness down on their "watermark" - logo. As it got burned to the plasma screens. Don't know if lcd's has this problems. I'm fairly sure that modern CRT's still has this "problem". Edit: Modern monitors have anergy saving features that makes screensavers unnecessary. And btw you answered a rhetorical question...
  21. Well the mobos seem to have PCI express. And because of that there seems to be no room physically for more than three PCI ports to fit the atx standard. As your graphics card doesn't have an AGP variant, you really have no choice. And are you going to get second x1900 for the another graphics card, if you are, get the crossfire version of the card. The wifi is easilly solved, get a USB dongle And here's a mobo that meets the requirements: link edit: it doesn't have the nforce chipset, but as you're not getting a SLI card, and want two graphics cards, there's no point in an nforce chipset.
  22. Asus mobo is probably a good choice. I had some bizarre crashing problems with MSI but when I changed to asus there has been no strange crashes. Abit mobos are good as well. That's almost a dream setup... What are you doing with it? Start an indie movie workshop?
  23. You can play games on a projection tv, but it's not recommended. Read the little thin paper which comes with the games. Here's an actual quote from the nintendo consumer information and precaution booklet: "DO NOT USE WITH FRONT OR REAR PROJECTION TV Do not use a front or rear projection televison with your nintendo system or games. Your projection television screen may be permanently damaged if video games with stationary scenes or patterns are played on your projection television. Similar damage may occur if you place a video game on hold or pause...." It continues saying basically if you still use it with a projection tv they can't be held responsible for the damage. Basically the damage is when a static image is been shown at a certain spot for some amount of time, it "burns" to the surface of the screen. Similar burning can happen to a normal monitor/tv but it takes many hours longer. Ever wondered why computers have screen savers?
  24. Loved the forst season , loved the 2nd even more. Got hooked to season three after trying to watch it the second time. But all in all it's a great show seeing as 90% of tv shows seems to be some stupid reality tv. I'm fed up with reality shows...
  25. I'm just wishing they'd made a cube version of contra. But that's probably never gonna happen so I stick to my ikaruga for old-school
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