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Everything posted by Hem

  1. That's probably due to you having the free time, since (I think you) are not employed.
  2. Think he was referring to the fact virtually anyone can look good from a webcam photo, as they have complimentary lighting etcetc.
  3. Hem


    NYC Diesel is a must.
  4. Bournemouth stunning area. Uni isn't up to much though, abeilt it does have an organised, fresh, modern feel.
  5. Dubstep is good by Dub is better. Scientist/Israel Vibration/Jacob Miller ftw.
  6. Subway.After.Session.
  7. So fancy dress shenanigans happen at Cambridge too. Who would have thought it.
  8. Yeah, more pics of all you beautiful N-E people please .
  9. Buy a 1 Million pound house, then probably become the author of this book;
  10. Happy Birthday
  11. http://www.commercialbreaksandbeats.co.uk/ ...is your friend.
  12. Cool, would be nice to read a more detailed trip report if you've got the time to write one. Always wondered what Underworld would be like live.
  13. Last time I checked UK, Bermuda wasn't actually apart of 'Britain'. Some parts of London are very atmospheric at night, Covent Garden being my favourite place within the capital.
  14. Hem


    Sensible World of Soccer.
  15. It's a shame most of the forum population doesn't share your fine taste in film Oxigen
  16. Probably not the wisest thing to post a confessional on a public message board though is it. Although I admire you for doing it, scum like that shouldn't get away with stuff, and i'm glad he got a seeing to.
  17. ^^ Thinly veiled advertising? BBC.co.uk for me.
  18. My Dad says the same thing... then I ask him for a film recommendation and he can't remember the name of a film he watched and enjoyed two days previous. Memorable eh.
  19. Well alcohol does bring out the true emotions of people within society...
  20. Taxi driver tonight methinks.
  21. Think this thread has run it's course tbh.
  22. I have no idea.
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