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Everything posted by Hem

  1. Oh yes, sorry. I had the problem on Windows 98 too, so the program must be available for that somewhere too.
  2. I once had a similiar problem. I can't remember exactly what program was used to fix it, but I think it was along this line: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/winsock.htm
  3. I'm currently deciding on what uni to go to, I want to do some kinda animation/multimedia course? I am looking at Kent (Cantebury), Brighton, Bournemouth etc... any advice? Where are any of you? Also, how are the pay prospects in this field jobs wise?
  4. Make sure you insert the disc into a DVD reading drive, as the disc is a DVD rather than a CD.
  5. Well it's not that fun online, unless you bet real money, but it's still good practice playing online.
  6. It's becoming increasingly popular, especially online (texas hold-em), but how many of you forum goers play it? Whether it be online or with friends, I always think Poker has a somewhat negatively ignorant view by most people who don't fully understand that it's not all luck and it really is quite an intelligent game to play. I personally play it online at VC Poker (vcpoker.com) and sometimes at Paradise Poker (paradisepoker.com). However, I prefer playing it in person for real money, as it always adds a exciting edge to the game. What about you?
  7. Why do you care about someone you don't even know in person?
  8. Seems a bit ironic that she has lost most of the respect that she had in the public eye, from something that doesn't even last an hour, but oh what the heck. I'm sure she doesn't mind too much, what with the millions in the bank and all that.
  9. The Times. Yes.
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