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Everything posted by Letty

  2. I went to visit my mother and brothers today specifically so she would make me and Jordan pancakes. It was mayhem. Delicious mayhem.
  3. I have been feeling uncomfortably energetic.... and there seesm to be 400 babies attatched to my body. Maybe you're right.
  4. Renamed my goldfish last night. Stoyan Todorchev gets to keep his name, but Latrelle had now become Princess semi-colon! Day was ok, had a driving lesson, did some weaving at college (barrel of lols...;_ bought some pens. Then went into my work, and my boss told me I have to work in the Fudge shop every Saturday now T_T Sucks, I really liked the art shop. Then I went to aerobics, and watched Masterchef!!
  5. Since the beginning of this year, Ive been doing aerobics, spinning and weights on a weekly basis. Whilst I've not noticed any weightloss, I have notcied how SUPER FIT Ive become!! I can do a 30 minute run and not even be out of breath! I did an hour of aerobics today and ran home after ^^
  6. The only drinking game Ive ever played is where you all sit in a circle with shots, and each person says a statement, like 'I've never had phone sex' And if anyone in the circle HAS had phone sex, they drink a shot. People get drunk quickly, and you find out tons of gossip on people
  7. My brother's came to visit me and Jordan today, and brought 4 packets of biscuits. I love those guys.
  8. I still haven't really got the hang of camera control, but I've visited some great stages! It encapsulates everything I love.
  9. I've had a good last 2 days Last night I went to my friend Noor's house, and a lot of us all played Taboo and ate cake and things Ended up staying pretty late. I also got given my friend's fish, he is called Stoyan Todorchev Then today I went to work, and at lunch time, I went to buy a new fish to be in Stoyan's tank. I also bought a plant! The new fish is called Latrelle. MY PEN RAN OUT! T_T I was meant to be going out tonight, but tbh I have no idea where I was supposed to go, when it was, who was going, and Im poor! Now I'm going to have a shower, and then have a look at my theroy test dvd! </posh>
  10. Letty


    I got a peeeeeet. Its a fiiiiish. Its called Stoyan Todorcheeeeeev.
  11. wat. It was so amazing, and had such an impact on me, that I remember every ingredient, the exact placement of each on the bread, the amount of time in the machine, every mouthful.... Oh shit I think I might cry. Ps. It wasn't awful
  12. I had the sandwich of gods recently. I made it like, in one whole sandwich, but with two halfs. I also used one slice of white, and one slice of brown. (Its really nice bread from the bakery ^^) One half had Cherry tomato chutney, ham and cheese, and The other half had branston pickle (which I usually don't like, but it made it awesome) and gouda cheese!! I stuck some mayo in there too. Then I put it in the toasty machine. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!! Plus it was free, as it was my lunch break at work ^^ Edit - thats an awful big paragraph just about a sandwich ._.;
  13. Well done dudette!! Too many times have I accidently gone into 5th whilst between two cars or something >.<
  14. Today was awesome! Some german woman came to visit us in college today, and we spent the day making outfits from clear plastic I also got a killer corset pattern out of it! Im gonna finish it tomorrow. Also making posters/tickets right now for Project Rainbow.
  15. The best one I eve did was when I worked at the Peerieshop cafe There's a huge cupboard in the kitchen area, where flour and cloths and things are stored, and a person could easily fit inside. So I hid in the cupboard, and someone asked the new guy to fetch a cloth from there. When he opened it I jamp out and shouted
  16. Don't worry nightwolf. Everyone on this forum is surely completely normal and wont perv on anyone. *unstraps camera from shoe* I'm sure noone will be wearing a skirt anyway...
  17. As I neared the end of my highschool, I wasn't allowed to do PE any more - my PE teacher said I should just go study instead as I obviously wasn't interested. T_T
  18. I almost had a serious accident whilst driving today I'm terrible at turning out of junctions. *cooks dinner*
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