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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. I noticed that too, except after trying the second time (after doing it once and failing), they always went off course then they got close to the hole.
  3. Another thing that makes me hate this world: Fat ***** who think they're superior to you by picking fights with me for no reason at all, although they have the intellence of a fucking walrus. Actually, take that back, that's insulting Walruses. Seriously, WTF is wrong with these retarded chimps we call human beings?!
  4. Chain mail, that's what really fucking pisses me off. People feel it's necesary to send me about 2 million fucking copies of fucking chain mails telling me that MSN is closing down, and passing the message onto 15 contacts will save your fucking account, or that if you don't send the message onto 10 contacts, your true love will go off with some other bloke. God, the tempation to send them Goatse or lemon party is overwealming. Also, something else which pisses me is Maths B (I think it's called Calculus in Britain), which is monotonous to put it bluntly.
  5. That's 512 Megabits, remember, which is around 64 Megabytes. Yes, they did manage to compress 2 CDs worth (I'm estimating around 800 MegaBytes-100 GigaBytes) into a 64 Megabyte cartridge, including nearly all the FMV videos (they had to compress them quite a bit (although from what I can gather they still looked pretty good), and a few less significant ones were removed), I think they kept the Voice-Acting in (if there was any in the first place), and the graphics actually look better than the original. Definatly was a technological masterpiece, and it proved that the N64 was capable of FMVs and such. I warn you guys though, it's hard to emulate, since no emulator can emulate the FMVs yet.
  6. Instore, believe it or not. I got it from the Spanish hypermarket "Eroski".
  7. Guitar Hero 3 (Wii version) - 60 euros Star Wars Trilogy - 30 euros Die Hard - 8 euros Mel Brook's Silent Movie - Free (Took advantage of a special 3x2 offer )
  8. If you think about it, Dynastygal is a bit like a Yugioh or a Pokemon card. Note, the pic isn't of Dynastygal. I just found it on google image search (I searched for "Vegan".
  9. From what I can gather, she got into some major flame wars with a member where who's a butcher, and I think she even threatened to bomb his shop.
  10. The Golden Compass Not as bad as what many people let on to be, but not brilliant either. 6.5/10. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Do I even need to justify why this is a great film? 10/10.
  11. Picked this one up in the January sales yesterday for 60 euros (30 euro discount, woo!), and so far, it's pretty awesome. It's also my first Guitar Hero game.
  12. I found This One (The Goldberg Depression Questionaire), in which I, disturbingly enough, got a 62, which is "Severly Depressed".
  13. Of course, there's more reasons why I'm depressed. I feel that no matter what I do, I'm always ignored by people (often, I've been there to help someone if they're suffering from temporal depression, or some bollocks like that, and then later barely even acknowledged me, and pretty much gives all the credit to some half-wit who barely had any involvement). It doesn't help that I'm in a foreign country that was pretty much cut off from the civilised world until about 25 years ago, and it still rather xenophobic. There's even more bollocks to tell, but that's for another day.
  14. I suffer from it on a regular basis. Mostly because I realise that no matter how hard I try, I can't fit into normal society (hense the reason why I'm on the internet during the majority of my free time), and basically that people can't except that I'm a black sheep Basically, the chances of me ever leading something that resembles a normal life are rather low.
  15. Can someone re-invite me to the N-Europe tribe again? I accidently left it, you see (I was drunk, and unaware of my actions).
  16. Back in 2006, after I had my first (and only) motor scooter accident, which consisted of falling of it at around 30km/ph on a dirt track (I was taking a birthday gift to a mate's house), I had loads of shit in my knee, and it had to be removed in the local medical centre. Well, the following morning, when I got up, I feel down instantly, feeling extremely hot, shakey, dizzy, etc, and nearly passed out (fortunatly, my mum came to the rescue with a class of lemon and lime juice, which, strangely enough, stopped it). When I returned to the medical centre, it turned out that was caused by a large pepple enbedded deeps inside my knee cap, which really f***ing hurt when it was removed.
  17. Getting into a fight back in late 2005 (defended my ex-gf, that's a story for another day), and getting my back kicked in, breaking 2 of my vertebrae in the process.
  18. What....The....FUCK?! It's pretty obvious now that Konami aren't taking the Wii seriously. -56 respect points for Konami.
  19. All the class clowns in my class are complete total and utter wankers, and aren't remotely funny, and make it impossible to do anything in class. 'Nuff said.
  20. NONONONONONO!!! Not him, anyone but him! Ok, I've never seen Avatar before, but for Christ's Sake, don't get him!
  21. It isn't Matanor, it's "¡Mata lo!", which means "Kill Him!".
  22. To study more, mainly. Also, attempt to get a gf.
  23. This is what a Club Nintendo card looks like. In this case, it's one which was included with "Link's Crossbow Training". Other games and consoles will have different images on them. On the back, you will see a silver strip which you need to scratch off with a coin. Once you have scratched that off, the code will be underneath. If your game/console didn't include one, get in contact with Nintendo and tell them about your situation.
  24. I don't tend to watch much anime (the only other anime movie I've watched is Akira, and I only have freeview, so I don't get channels with anime), so I was definatly able to enjoy it more than, say, an Otaku.
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