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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. ... ... ... ... I'll grab my coat then
  2. Am I the only person who doesn't mind the style of the Wii Ghostbusters game?
  3. First screenies from Wii and PS2 version:
  4. "Where the hell is Australia anyway?!" -Britney Spears. "More and More imports are coming from overseas these days!" -George Bush.
  5. I do it because if I don't, I do this: Yes, that's a real pic of me, destroying Cardiff in my anger (Note, I had to destroy Cardiff instead of an actual important city like Tokyo, London, etc due to BBC budget restrains).
  6. Either A) He stole them, and that's how much he payed for the bus fare, B) He traded in some games, C) He used store credit (from a card of some sort) or D) He ordered them online and used some fancy code to get price reductions.
  7. Talking of cake... Since I'm feeling most terribly ill again today (f'ing colds and such), t'is time for a little comfort food XD
  8. Some details about the Wii version: - Due out close to Halloween - cartoon-style graphics - same storyline as the 360/PS3 version - multiplayer a big focus - Single player allows 4 player co-op or competitive (split-screen) - Adversarial mode: ghosts vs. Ghostbusters - Ghosts can pass through certain objects, fly, and sneak up behind players to scare them. Scaring reduces the Ghostbusters health for a certain amount of time. - Ghostbusters have all their tools, and each Ghostbuster has a special power (Ray is able to spot where ghosts are going to come through the wall.) Source: GoNintendo.
  9. Okay, you've left me little choice but to name... BABY GENIUSES 2!
  10. Try watching Son Of The Mask, Catwoman and anything with the name "Bratz" attached to it then for the definition of torture.
  11. Watch "You Got Served" then. It's so awful, I wanted to poke my eyeballs out using cocktail sticks covered in bleach and blue cheese.
  12. Update: No need for me to worry now, the bad neck and general fatigue has cleared up now. All I needed was a good nights sleep
  13. Nah, it's not that. I had my meningitis jab back a few years ago. Plus, my throat's starting to clear up, although my cold is getting worse ¬¬
  14. Today, I've felt like excrements freshly spewed from the anus of a goat. Why you may ask? Because I've had a sore throat, a bad neck (I can barely bend the bugger), a cold in general, extreme fatigue for no reason, and general depression.
  15. Watch out, if you use a German Wii in England (or basically, anywhere that isn't Germany), it'll blow up, destroying your entire house, and possibly everything within 500 Square Metres of your residence.
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