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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. Although I can't contradict you on all of those due to my somewhat limited knowledge of FPSes, I can confirm you're wrong on various things. 1) Starsiege: Tribes did seamless vehicle/on foot coombat back in 1998. 2) It was Goldeneye and Perfect Dark that perfected FPS controls on a console, not Halo. Infact, I feel that Halo brought them down a notch if anything (fucking dual-stick controls). 3) Revolutionary level design? You obviously forgot about the highly criticised library level, amirite? 4) Perfect Dark on the N64 had a co-op campain, if I'm not mistaken. I'm sure some people can confirm that the other claims you made are errorneous, though.
  2. I speak english and spanish (the latter is nearly fluent)... I know a tiny bit of French, but practically nothing
  3. Oh, I forgot to say, I wanted to be a Jedi for ages and ages.
  4. Umm.... I wanted to drive Thomas the Tank Engine, be an astronaut, be a superheroe (mainly Spiderman or Batman), a mad scientist, an actor, etc... Yeah, all of my dream jobs were fucking unrealistic.
  5. I generally find it hard to get to sleep. Therefore, I usually stay on the internet late at night to make myself feel more tired. That, and I also read a few pages from a book before nodding off. Although, recently, a certain lass I've got to known has been in my head too much to allow me to sleep.
  6. I lol'd inmensily when I saw the thread title. Then I read it, and felt disapointed.
  7. Christ, talk about a fucking waste of gold. I mean, what's she done to deserve a fracking gold statue of herself. Chuck Norris deserves one more. And if a future civilization does find the Chuck Norris gold statue, at least they'd think we had the most fucking awesome god ever. Period.
  8. Depends on which version he means. If he's referring to the N64 version, then it's definatly possible.
  9. "Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!" Taylor, in Planet of The Apes.
  10. If I must confess, Planet of The Apes is the first one I've seen (the crappy remake doesn't count, ever), I've yet to see any of the sequels, although after reading about them, it's definatly sparked some interest for me.
  11. Lolwut. What the fuck is Drowned in Sound? Edit: That's the last thing I'd use to describe myself. I'm more of a computer geek tech thingy than an indie boy!
  12. Planet of The Ape (1968 version, not the trashy 2001 remake) Brilliant. Just absolutly fucking brilliant. I can easily say it's one of the few sci-fi movies from that era that has actually aged well. "Get your stinking claws off me, you damn dirty ape!" 9.6/10.
  13. Your boss has a point. I thought that was you at first until I read the fineprint stating otherwise.
  14. ... Do your maths classes by any chance consist of hour long orgies with incredibly attractive cheerleader?
  15. So, are you hinting at that mowing down zombies, although at a slow pace, is more boring than sitting through an hour of some boring old fart dribbling on about algebra?
  16. Then I assume that you never turn up for maths class then?
  17. NES condoms: Now you're playing with power! DS condoms: Touching is good. Yeah, I know, awful.
  18. Oh god, my poor virgin eyes weren't meant to peer upon such a ghasty sight. HELP ME! I jest, I jest.
  19. Is that actually real? Also, at first post... W...T...F...?...!
  21. The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor. What a load of fucking wank. Seriously. If I want to get tortured like this, I'll just go down to one of the British bars on a Saturday night and insult the drunks there. Excrement/10.
  22. The art design reminds me of Psychonauts. And yes, it's looking good.
  23. Oh sweet lord... Let's just hope the RSPCA don't see that picture.
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