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Everything posted by conzer16

  1. 2 stars left. The daredevil comet of Bouldergeist!!! And the purple comet Luigi's Purple coins............dammmmmmm hard!
  2. Scott Tenorman Season 10 Season 11 Mr Hanky "Reshpect maaa Authoritaaaah" ep plus many many many many many many many more!!
  3. I mentioned IRC when referring to Dante and this thread just caught my eye
  4. Yeah, I met Mokong, Conor and Mark (Cullinane) in Dublin before the Wii launched.
  5. Dunno mate - just how you come across to me. The thread is what we associate forum users with it's just what I associate you with...
  6. Does anyone venture in there anymore? I havent been in for a while...
  7. Unbelievable what people will do for a Wii. So sorry to hear that not_so_tiny. At least they left most of your stuff though. It could've been a lot worse
  8. Check out his other videos too. Johnny Lee is amazing. His website shows just how talented he is. Kotaku are mad about him, forever posting up his videos! Love this tho - easily his best video yet!!
  9. I'll probably get GHIII Gotaa get in on the frotting fretting action
  10. Some have said over the years that I look like Robbie Williams when I ave short hair.
  11. Eenuh - Belgium, Art, Hot, Buttery cookie thingies Fierce_LiNk - Wales, unhappiness Ashley - Nero coffee, Kirsten Bell, and emo for some reason..... o_O AshMat - still think of you as retro!! and EPIC thread MBAM - The North, our birthday Mr. Paul - Smiling, goofy pics! mcj - the leaving cert! Limerick! Moyross Dante - IRC, MSN Rokhed - weirdo, crossdressing ReZ - funny, youtube, madness The Bard - Music, passion, intensity Tellyn - 888 , 24, MSN, conspiring LUFC!!!!!!!!! Platty - London, England football Stef - Ukraine, Boosh whatchamacallit The Fish - lick arse, pretentious fuck Jordan - tech, Microsoft, desperate, unloved...... Letty - naive, confused Demonmike04 - EPIC thread, MSN, the craic! motion - Rugby, England Moria - Celtic, driving, women Mokong - Na Déise!!, Tramore video, Toys 4 Big Boys, Maiden, youtube vlogs, podcast Mr. Odwin - glasses, old-ness, Odwin Jnr. That's all I can think of at the moment...
  12. Well I actually got a new wallet today and here's what I have in it so-far: Debit card Student ID card National ID card Vision Express card Blood Donor card Health Insurance card European Health Insurance card 24hr banking thingy University Library Online Borrower PIN 1 x €20 note 1 x €5 note 2 x US$20 notes My dad's memorial card And that's it.
  13. 10 What is/are your preferred genre/s [multi choice] - Action adventure - Sci-fi - Fantasy - Historical - Religious - Horror / Thriller - Classical - Documentary - Reality - Comedy - Entertainment - Crime / Detective - Mystery - Other [specify] 11 Are you male or female? Male Female 12 How old are you? 10-16 17-21 22-30 30+ 13 What is your ethnic background? - Caucasian - Black / African American - Mixed race - Asian - Other [please specify]
  14. Ah happy Birthday Noodles
  15. Bull-shit. Nobody can predict when the world is going to end.. it's so counterintuitive that it's laughable!
  16. Kudos lads
  17. What are you doing now MCJ and where?
  18. Just had my last exam. Not very confident about it. Very disappointing...
  19. I have my last exam of 6 tomorrow. It kinda sucks tho - almost all my class were finished tonight and I couldn't go out with them. Ah well. Tomorrow night should be good - dunno what's happenig yet but hey ho! Going to TGI's on Wednesday night with about 20 of the class then onto a club, and one of the lads is throwing a party on Thursday night to finish off the year as a lot of us are going abroad next semseste! Can't wait for these exams to be over! Although....I reckon I'm in trouble for the exam tomorrow...
  20. Scum, the lot of ye
  21. Legal. 10chars I meant happy birthday
  22. My main goals for 2008 are thus: Lose about 2 stone of weight (well convert about 1 stone into muscle!) Play rugby again Score some hot NZ chicks Pass my exams Pass my driving test in Jan
  23. Had my Finance exam tonight at 6pm. Went well. Accounting exxam tomorrow at 6pm. Have to be up early tomorrow to cram for it. And my housemates friend who stayed with us for a couple of weeks was knocked down today on her way to the exam... Apparently she is okay tho - a little shaken but not too hurt Edit: I just found out that a fella I knew when I was about 16/17 (4-5 yrs ago) died last night in his sleep from a severe asthma attack..... fuck ...
  24. Yeh, it wasn't overly brilliant. I had a good year. Made some great friends, had some amazing trips away and found out I'm going to live in New Zealand. 2008 promises to be better for me tho.
  25. Just upload any pic and you just move the little dots so surround your face! Some sort of face recognition do-hickey I suppose :p
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