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Everything posted by conzer16

  1. Nice to see you again Stocka
  2. Hmmmm none of them are on skype atm.... Edit: Since when did you change your name Stef?
  3. I only saw that one thread - the penis cake for rez? Was there more?
  4. blehhhhh must be at epidemic proportions....
  5. Dya know what? That's exactly how I feel at the moment. I don't feel like anything I've known. Ever?? It's a weird feeling. A feeling where I just don't want to do much, a feeling where I know I have to do stuff but won't and a feeling where I seem to be stuck in. Now don't get all concerned and say it's depression - it's not. It's not laziness either - as I know how to be lazy, this isn't me being laxy this is just what it says right up there.....blehhhhh Has anyone else experience blehhhhh? How the hell do I un-blehhhhh myself? Yours in blehhhhhh-ness, conzer16
  6. Finished my exams before Christmas. I now have New Zealand to look forward to in about 30 days
  7. Yes definitely!! Grey is aaaaaawfully boring - Nintendo realised that after the SNES :p and..well...the others don't scream N-E that well do they?
  8. Current Job: I work in a bar when I'm not in university. Dream Job: To be a successful film actor...
  9. I'm pretty damn lucky in the fact I've never suffered any sort of depression. ut I have a friend and members of my family who have suffered, some worse than others . It's horrible. It's almost as horrible watching what it does to someone.
  10. Happy Birthday arab_freak
  11. Hope it's a good 'un for everyone
  12. Nintendo doesn't have an Irish subsidiary, but most mulitnationals seem to think we're part of the UK anyway.... I have the jackets on my remotes and tbh I kinda forget they're there!
  13. You scored 36 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight) You are mainly heterosexual, but you have a few homosexual qualities. You much prefer the opposite sex, but you have a mild interest in the same sex. If you disapprove of homosexuality, it is likely that you act overly straight to deny your slight gay tendencies. If you are comfortable with your sexuality, you might be up for experimenting with members of the same sex if given the opportunity. If you are sexually inexperienced, you could shift on the spectrum at a later time depending on whether you have sexual encounters with the same sex and whether or not you like those encounters. ---- Wouldn't consider myself as having homosexual tendencies at all to be perfectly honest. Gimme a woman. Any woman!
  14. Mine is just 2 random pics that are melded together.
  15. I Am Legend Pretty good movie. Really enjoyed it. The ending kinda sucked a little and I missed the first 10 mins as we were late getting there. Overall, it was one I'd definitely watch again. 8.5/10
  16. Without being the ultimate pedant, shouldn't that read: Could I suggest a Grammar thread?
  17. I haven't decided what if any I'm going to make. I usually don't but I feel like doing something this year. What's yours?
  18. This game sucks. My bro got it for xmas and well, we've played it once. And I don't think I'll be going near it again...
  19. Sky News article: Benazir Bhutto Assassinated At Rally Updated:15:59, Thursday December 27, 2007 Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto has been shot dead at a political rally. The gunman then detonated a bomb, killing at least 15 of her supporters. Many more were injured in the suicide blast. Ms Bhutto, 54, was shot in the chest and neck as she got into her car after her speech to thousands in Rawalpindi. The former prime minister was unconscious as she was taken to Rawalpindi General Hospital and died soon after. "She has been martyred," said Rehman Malik, a spokesman for her party. Some of her supporters smashed windows and doors at the hospital, chanting: "Dog, Musharraf, Dog." It is the first major attack since President General Pervez Musharraf lifted emergency rule two weeks ago. He has appealed for calm in the country following the assassination, Pakistan state TV reports. Sky News correspondent Alex Crawford said the country's January 8 elections would now "most likely be postponed or cancelled". She added: "The entire political scene in Pakistan will be torn apart. She will become a martyr in many people's eyes. "This is an end of a dream for them. I really don't think she ever thought it would come to this." About 20 people died in the blast About 20 people died in the blast Rehman Malik, Ms Bhutto's security advisor, said: "We repeatedly informed the government to provide her proper security and appropriate equipment including jammers, but they paid no heed to our requests". Shabbas Sharif, the brother of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, said: "I'm shellshocked. It's very bad for this country. Whoever has done this has done the biggest disservice to Pakistan." "The government must resign, Musharaf must go home, they must hold a very transparent enquiry into Benazir's killing." Defence and political analyst Ayesha Siddiqa said part of her undoing was "the fact that she thought she could negotiate with the military". Britain's Defence Secretary David Miliband described Ms Bhutto's death as "senseless". He paid tribute to the political leader and told Sky News: "She knew the risks of returning to Pakistan for the campaign, but was convinced her country needed her." US President George Bush is expected to make an announcement about the assassination this afternoon. The US State Department condemned the killing, saying it undermines the reconciliation process. A spokesman for the White House said: "We condemn the acts of violence which took place today in Pakistan".
  20. Leeds managed to scrape a draw today and for a moment or t20 before the other games started / finished we were top of the league.......
  21. Nollaig Shona dhaoibh!!! Happy Christmas everyone!!!
  22. Hah! Jeeze I've forgotten about that!
  23. meh... tis the way it is.
  24. Merry Christmas Eve! At the moment I'm just in the door from work and I've just finished a bowl of Rice Krispies! I'll be up at about 8.30 to get down town and get my hair cut, I also have to go shopping for some new clothes, help the mother do some last minute food shopping and then be in work for 6pm!
  25. Jesus, don't smile or anything!!
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