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Everything posted by Konfucius

  1. Happy Birthday Josh64!
  2. You could also try to boost the signal with tin foil. Step 8 on the following website: http://www.wikihow.com/Boost-a-Router-Signal A friend of mine did this successfully. Although I heard there's a slight chance to fry your antenna, but I think this mainly applies when you wrap it tightly around the whole antenna.
  3. I remember watching the first RE movie in the cinema with a few friends. We were all 14 at the time and I think that was the first horror film I've ever seen. We got so nervous and scared and almost jumped a few times during the film. Great memories I watched it again two years ago when it was on TV and fell asleep halfway through. I watched all the other RE films as well and actually find them quite entertaining, but then again I don't expect anything but lots of killed Zombies from the films.
  4. The Amazing Adventures Of Little Batman: A tribute to the 60s Batman show with kids.
  5. Very true. On my second playthrough I played on Legendary and enjoyed it a lot more. It's nice to see that some thinking and tactical approach actually pays off.
  6. Very nice comparison. I'm only about two hours into the game but that's what really bothers me. I never expected the game to live up to the hype but I expected Duke's character to live up to it. Instead he just walks around trying to show everyone how great he is. Also, we get it, Duke likes Babes but making every woman in the game totally horny is bloody annoying.
  7. Good question. Google says: Seems we're missing out on something awesome.
  8. Probably funnier without the caption but anyways:
  9. I hope it's only a character model replacement and doesn't alter gameplay in any way. Regardless, so true what you said. Any of you remember when nice bonuses like this would be unlockables?
  10. Happy Birthday Flameboy!
  11. I had that thought for so long as well. Putting Falcon and Samus together in a game could be interesting. Did Kirby ever appear in a Mario game or vice versa? I think Kerby should save the Mushroom Kingdom at some point. I know they tried it in Starfox Assault and failed but a Starfox Game with on foot missions could work. They are a group of mercenaries after and some of them look like they could handle a fight. I mean they could give you a mission which always starts with GreatFox at the edge of the specific system. Then you plan your approach on a tactics map, in which order and what you want to take out. For instance you have to destroy a ground installation. You can choose to: attack power generators to disable their defenses and then bomb the hell out of it with GreatFox. make a brute force attack with the Arwings and Landmaster, make it to the installation and try to destroy the thing by continously firing or infiltrate it on foot, set up some charges and blow it up. sneak onto the planet using Arwings and flying under the radar and then sneak into the installation and blow it up. Of course you should also be able to combine any of the three approaches and be given many more options. This could also add some replay value trying to find the best strategy and I think it would be especially interesting to figure out how to get the "Mission Accomplished" instead of "Mission Complete". Also a crossover between Zelda and Pokémon would be something. Instead of fighting through the tall grass you could just cut it - convenient And while we're at it, let's put Donkey Kong, Yoshi and all the Starfox characters in Animal Crossing.
  12. I played through the first Halo a year ago again and enjoyed it a lot more than the first time around. Sure there's a lot of level recycling but I really like the pacing of the game and on Legendary it's a nice challenge. So I'm actually tempted to buy this as long as they fix the look of the suit in the remake. Give me back the faint green glow and cool helmet - what were they thinking?
  13. Trailer and everything looks fantastic and all but it's Zelda so anything else would be a surprise. What annoyed me though was how Link looked. I know it sounds stupid but I really don't like his face. It's quite similar to TP Link's and the way he looked actually alienated me from the character. Why can't they go back to the style of OOT Link (particularly in Smash Bros Melee)?
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. I was a bit shocked at the realism of it all. I like violent games but here you can beat virtual people to a pulp by using the actual movement you would have to use in the real world.
  17. Are you using a mediaplayer or is it a flashvideo on a website. If it's the latter I have the same problem that my monitor turn off after 10 minutes (because I set it to turn off after 10 mins idle) and I'm not sure there's a solution to that because as far as I understand it the media player applications tell the system that it's not idle and therefore shouldn't do any of the power saving stuff.
  18. Oh, I wasn't aware of that, but is it actually relevant unless you plan on OCing?
  19. It might be worth considering a H67 Chipset. Nvidia recently said something about upcoming drivers supporting the graphicschip on the SandyBridge processor so the nvidia graphicscard can shut down when it's no needed. However therefore you need an H67 Chipset (which means no overclocking capabilities - of course you could always get the Z67...). Harddrives don't really benefit from SATA-III but I guess there's not much money to be saved there. You should consider getting an SDD for the OS though. It's amazingly fast but also amazingly expensive :/
  20. Did anyone else notice a (real) woman sitting to the right of the Duke poster? I'm wondering if she's there by accident or if this should be some kind of joke or something.
  21. FPS: For instance look at Crysis. More or less physically correct destructible environments, brilliant AI, a dense jungle one could use to hide in. Also the large draw distance made it possible to actually scout from afar and plan an approach. Racing games: Again physics. I got the impression that with this generation cars started to behave a lot more realistically. One could actually feel the mass. Sports: I can't comment on that. I don't play sports games. Also usually the tracking systems are quite resource intensive and I am quite convinced that the Wii pointer would be more precise if the system had more power. Also for instance they had to cut Kinects resolution because it was too much to handle. If you connect it to a PC Kinect can recognise individual fingers because it runs in full resolution. Better hardware is not just shinier graphics, but a better draw distance, smarter AI, more advanced physics, new environments. Of course not every developer will use everything to its full potential but with more resources there are less compromises to be made. Now I'm not trying to say that better hardware is the only way to go but and underpowered system with a unique interface isn't the best approach either. Why can't we have the best of both worlds? Plus an option for classic controllers; you know when one actually wants to play videogames to relax. What I'd actually like to hear are your arguments for what changed with the Wii, because you just posed three question and answered only the sports bit.
  22. Happy Birthday!
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