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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. Any missions forcing you to kill an animal. One of the SE Tomb Raiders did the same. I never got round to playing part 2 so the song was unexpected to me at least 😋
  2. Okay that trailer actually got me interested. The first is one of the few games I've actually finished although I can't remember much about it other than the giraffes (and I think one mission where I had to kill a deer and I dislike those) but the visuals of the trailer were impressive. And the song choice was unexpected. Although now I want to watch that Covid Community table read thing if for no other reason that to hear Pedro Pascal giggling about semen.
  3. In fairness at the time I posted it the issue seemed to be more that the mass firings meant it seemed likely at some point something would snap and it would go down without intent, rather than a huge group of people leaving. Now it feels more like it'll be a slow drain away of people and advertisers and become more and more right wing and less relevant over time. I think it just needs a decent alternative to crystallise and that hasn't happened yet. I'm considering giving it up. Recently I cut my following count right down to primarily people I know, or people I occasionally interact with. Put a chunk of those on mute (polite following) and turned off retweets for many because I just wanted to see people I know posting about themselves. However I still see other things get through and end up seeing tweets and then making the mistake of looking at responses and seeing the dregs. I could be more disciplined, but I think maybe just giving it up in the new year.
  4. I prefer Blastoise but that's probably because I like water Pokémon and not just, as someone on the street pointed out to me a few months ago, I occasionally dress like Misty.
  5. And @Glen-i will be here to slag off Charizard in 3,2... Edit Well I timed that well.
  6. It might be standard practice for the publisher to post patch details, even if it's written by the development studio.
  7. Yeah. And going back to an earlier point I realised something; I imagine we'll get the final trailer on March 10th.
  8. I think they were fine but putting it next to the French one just made it sound half-arsed. It does amuse me that his line from the first trailer has been cut in the cinema. I wonder if they're regretting the decision.
  9. Yeah I looked online for parts of the fetch quest because I just didn't care but the battle was fun. As you say, having different sections made it interesting like a series of challenges.
  10. I assume this is the axe one? If so I've just finished that (did the fetch quest last night and the battle today). The reach the goal part was a lot of fun, in part because I managed to keep the enemies in each area at bay (think I only took damage once) so it made me feel smart 😅
  11. These comparisons do show how half-arsed Crisp Rat's work is, particularly when put next to the French.
  12. He does look closer to the original design in fairness, but that design does make him look like he has about two brain cells.
  13. Amused at the idea you might have watched it this morning and completely changed your mind.
  14. See in the games I've always just accepted humans are a thing in the mushroom kingdom, there just aren't many, but now the movie has made me doubt everything. I'm guessing we're getting another two trailers before release, each about 6 weeks apart (maybe a bit more because of Christmas). Guess the next one will feature the voice actors for Luigi and Toad and then maybe just a general one? Although given we didn't hear DK speak in my head he's going to sound like he did in Marge Be Not Proud. And speaking of he seems to be peak himbo in this film:
  15. If she's a Toad then why doesn't she look like one? And do i need to explain colonialism to you?
  16. The broadness of Mario, while not surprising given the studio and the voice actor, is looking to be the most annoying part but at least Peach seems to be far more interesting. Also not really feeling the cross-eyed Kong but by no means a big issue. Although I am confused that Bowser described Mario as a human and thus out of place but what does that make Peach? Looks like it's going to be an Easter egg filled movie. And i feel like Seth Rogan was just showing off his view.
  17. I'll be asleep by that point so I guess I'll catch up in the morning.
  18. Yeah it did require multiple times, but it was at least more creative. Different strokes for different folks and all that and I imagine our view points are defined by our play styles anyway (I don't care about catching em all). I do like how PLA did a good job of incorporating (or retrofitting) it's mechanics into the story and that is one of them.
  19. That's not strictly true. There were various ways you could complete the entry which allowed you to tailor it around your specific play style. I actually liked what it offered in that regards.
  20. I have had it since launch and I don't doubt that you'll have it finished long before me. Hell, probably long before I finish posting this.
  21. Plus some people are just collectors. Look at all the plastic tat (amiibos) some people bought! 😋
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