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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. For anyone looking to pick this up Currys are offering 15% off both versions with the code SPARKS15 which makes it cheaper than Amazon
  2. It's difficult and scary but just try to hold on to the fact they caught it early and experience has shown the doctors do care and are clearly fighting hard for your son's health. I hope the surgery is scheduled soon for your own peace of mind
  3. Just watched the GameXplain one. The biggest issue they raised was the frame rate issues in certain sections (eg weather effects) but said it wasn't a huge problem
  4. Happy birthday!

  5. I just want to see it slapping it's belly
  6. I'm mostly surprised/depressed it has been five years because it feels like two. I remember going to pick it up (mostly because I went to a CEX slightly out of route on the way to my friend's and then got the bus in the wrong direction) and it took me a while to realise. Still, proved to be a good purchase on a whim.
  7. Did finally get round to pre-ordering the gold version yesterday. Hopefully I'll get a chance to play it sometime this year...
  8. Anyway, returning to the discussion about the new gym leader this is perfect:
  9. You have thankfully peppered this thread with background information about Iberian culture and history to provide some context to the content of these games so let me fill you in with some British culture and history; we have way too many dudes playing guitars and they're all fucking annoying. At any house party if there's a guitar present someone is going to start playing Wonderwall thinking they're god's gift to music and it is time we, as a culture, put an end to this and it must start with Ed Sheeran.
  10. Bless you for thinking I was being serious and didn't want to just hear that raspy "wonderful"
  11. Cheers. In that case I'll just pick up the game then.
  12. That's why he had those teeth in the film eh?
  13. He's responded positively so far and this kind of thing is better caught early so try and hold onto that. That being said, I know you absolutely will be worrying until you get the results from the scan but we are all hoping the best for you.
  14. Are there any decent pre-order bonuses for this game? It's out next week and not seen much.
  15. Well Kotaku has an article for you: https://kotaku.com/overwatch-2-player-different-version-invite-bug-fix-how-1849626123 And the article doesn't mention his Instagram post after his wife gave birth to his child which could have been read as a dig at his ex. Forget the exact wording but it was something like he's thankful she gave him a "perfect child", with his first child having some disability (that could just be very bad wording on his behalf, but after a pattern of shitty attitudes it just has a nasty sting to it).
  16. Got invited to my friend's daughter's 18th and I refuse to be old enough for that to be possible.
  17. Oh yeah I'm not fussed really, but this is what happens when you have time to fill! Curious to see what they do with it. I'm not even expecting anything great but want to see how it turns out. And in terms of easter eggs this video does a good job of pointing out some of the smaller stuff:
  18. Yeah I think it's just a few different little things making up a whole that's a little 'off'. The smaller eyes (and the fact they curve before reaching the edge), the bottom of his face looks a bit wider and the lighter moustache colour. Plus the teeth also look like they're more detailed but I think that's just the shadow/picture quality. But it could very well be the angle and could look better in motion.
  19. No way of knowing if it's genuine until tomorrow evening but ummm no thanks. Again, maybe better in motion but there's just something off about the proportions
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