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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. It seems to be big in the tech sphere but our team was happy to just use whatever the name of outlook's chat app was pre-Teams. We were mostly just bitching about other people in the office after all.
  2. I know that feeling well. Someone at work tried to get everyone to use slack because he liked it and ultimately ended up being the only one using it, which just meant if you wanted to ask him something you had to use slack. But there's just something about JSX that feels wrong.
  3. From what I know various European countries use , whereas in the UK/America we'd use . for things like prices. I think Shorty was talking more broadly when it comes to things like "color" because most tech things come from America and thus after a while your brain gets used to that syntax. Or even their pronunciation of "route" when watching tutorials. @Shorty didn't know you used Vue. Everyone seems to love React but I've never really gelled with it and much prefer Vue myself.
  4. Congratulations. Glad to hear he's doing well
  5. Yeah but it's going against the Barbie movie so... plus you'll be able to hear what people are saying in the Barbie movie
  6. Let me know what you think. I have some Sony in ears but stopped using them a month or two ago as one ear lasted an hour (the other was more normal).
  7. So the next prime minister will either be the "low tax" tax raising millionaire or queen of the pork markets. What a future.
  8. I'm going for the more Lara Croft look
  9. Forum/knowledge repository/place to ask questions Although be sure you thoroughly search beforehand because some people can be very snarky when it comes to repeated questions
  10. And adding //I don't know how this works
  11. So my (current) day job is that kind of thing but its for very specific education software built on its own bespoke language (although vague similarities to Python it turns out) and then the web-based stuff is that layered with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In my spare time I have dabbled with C# for gaming, Dart for apps and then various frameworks such as React, Vue and (moons ago) Angular.
  12. Fuck that I'm in a vest! Only had three meetings today; a catch up with my team, a chat with a colleague and then an update call with a client but the client is my former employer so meh. But at least it's one of my more modest vests and not the low cut one I wore to the gym! Just moved the fan into the living room (/workspace) to cool me down. Usually just closing the blinds is enough but alas not.
  13. I work from home normally anyway but because of some meeting I'm going to the gym at midday but will just drink plenty and go easier. Tomorrow I have a funeral though so that'll be interesting. My plan to be suited has changed to formal trousers and a shirt and hoping the burial plot will have some shade! Keeping an eye on trains today though to see if I travel after work today or in the morning. They're normally every 15 minutes but looking at National Rail at the moment there's one at 18:30 and the next one is at 21h. Apparently none are cancelled tomorrow but that doesn't feel right.
  14. Went with a friend to watch Thor and I am pretty sure its the first Thor film I've seen and I think the last Marvel film I watched in full was Black Panther (watched about an hour of whatever the first of the new Spider-Man trilogy was called but got bored) so I expected a lot of it to be lost on me and thought I'd share.
  15. I imagine its a bit daunting and naturally frightening but by the sounds of it you've got good medical staff who have put you more at ease. Hope it all goes well!
  16. I feel like I should spin this off into another topic but I'm not quite sure what or where and I'm just going to bed. Maybe tomorrow. But for now... New decree: 35% of posts need to contain this video:
  17. How dare you assume I don't know who Domo-Kun is 😋
  18. Who did the Yoshi yarn shorts? Between that and the Pikmin ones it would be nice to see more stuff like that. Just little things to release online like the Pokemon shorts.
  19. I'm always moved to tears (of joy) looking at Kirby
  20. Well the original post got a lot of reactions. I'm a sad face away from a full sweep.
  21. The little round boy seems to be getting some kind of Fall Guysesque* title this Summer on the eShop. *Turns out it's racing and then at the end you do the fight thing shown
  22. The Tories are very good at hitting the reset button. The next leader will fight an election on a "allow us to improve the economy" kind of message even though they will have been in power 12+ years by that point (and there's a chance the leader will even be the former chancellor)
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