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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. Hey don't blame me. Someone years ago (pretty sure it was @Fierce_LiNk) edited my profile so I've got to roll with it. And of course there was that mudkip/UKIP mock advert on the tube years ago.
  2. Maybe they'll shadow drop it in a few weeks time in the UK and then a few months time in America.
  3. When I saw you tagged me in this topic I thought "wow he remembered how much I liked World of Goo" but alas you just want me to do your bidding 😋
  4. I actually liked that Legends let you complete the Dex through different play styles/interests. Been a few years but I seem to recall you could complete them through battles, catching and other stuff so it adds some variety that may be more aligned with your preferred play style.
  5. A friend pointed out there's a Pokémon event (marketed as a Go) event taking place at the Empire State Building and Black and White is a homage(?) to New York.
  6. A game where you collect GameCubes?
  7. Mudkip is a funny meme but it's not cute. It's got dead eyes, udders on its face and a you know what on top of its head.
  8. Personally I like cute Pokémon and after Johto there's not one of them for four more generations when it comes to the starters. And in that mix is Snivy who is a smug little fucker which is pretty much the opposite of cute. But I'll explain my feelings towards them all when each generation comes around.
  9. Totodile will always be my boy because I'm a water Pokémon fan. I'm glad we got another water himbo starter in the new generation too. However, I'll always feel a kinship with Cyndaquil because we have the same eyes.
  10. That is in fairness. I forgot it was announced earlier. I was thinking of the proper reveal alongside the road show stuff in January. My bad.
  11. They could pull it off because they already did with the Switch. Announced in January, released in March.
  12. No. That's a standard feature that applies to everyone and is a software thing, not an us thing.
  13. Mario Kart 8 Redux would be a clever title (if I say so myself) but essentially a Wii U situation again.
  14. Ubisoft did basically confirm/hint (depending which way you want to look at it) that cross-platform updates would be possible when talking about Rabbids a while back.
  15. Surprised Chameleon go such short shrift. I know your focus is in the games but it had it's own arc in the anime and was the only one of the starters to evolve at all. It at least has that. But I'm a water guy so Squirtle all the way.
  16. Don't worry, I've got your back.
  17. Shouldn't we have a Pokémon direct later in the month too? The anniversary one is usually late February right?
  18. I'd guess two player? Tried the demo and it's fun and I do like this kind of puzzle game but not for £40
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