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Everything posted by Fields

  1. Your argument is flawed.
  2. Ah, now I get it. Yes, that all makes perfect sense.
  3. http://www.webmonkey.com/webmonkey/frontdoor/beginners.html
  4. Fields


    Of course, this sort of thing doesn't happen anywhere else
  5. I'm looking forward to having a few pints of Guinness tonight!
  6. Post deleted to save embarrasment But I guess the point I was making (somewhat inadvertently) is that you can have a good time at uni without even going out (and be wrecked by 9pm...). But after last night's end of term binge I'm not looking forward to the 5 weeks of boredom that will follow Seriously man, uni is awesome, good luck with your applications and everything.
  7. A girl told to play in a girls' football team? Whatever next?! Actually, a few years back one of the top Italian teams (Atalanta I think, but don't quote me on it) wanted to sign some Swedish woman, but it was blocked by FIFA.
  8. I got loads of silly school awards and stuff including, amazingly, the Physics prize in my last year, despite being shit at physics. Actually, this thread has sort of made me realise how much of a failure I am.
  9. Please don't ruin Star Wars any further...
  10. No you don't. Honestly, there are so many things to worry about when you start uni, but I never once thought 'ZOMG I HAVE TO SHARE A SHOWER WITH 4 OTHER PEOPLE!!!!!!11' There is more to life.
  11. Yeah, I want one of those. Not that I can afford one mind.
  12. Oh wow, excellent! 'You're floating home in a painted narrow boat!'
  13. McDonalds is good for you. Fact. Anyway, what are these new adverts like? I don't have a TV at uni so I've not seen them. But for Euro 2004 they had one where some random guy would sing random football chants in various random situations. Are they anything like that, because those were fucking quality.
  14. Nooo, these ones were way cooler. And they were official things, not cheap knock offs.
  15. Yep, it's true, FilmFour will be FTA from July: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/article/ds28928.html
  16. I'm not sure I could live without Sky Sports though.
  17. You're just bitter because you can't afford an iPod and you've got an ugly girlfriend. :p But on the subject of the ice creams, they're really pathetic. Imagine a poor child's face when he opens one expecting to see Mario and sees that. It's just wrong
  18. Erm, couldn't you just record something if you know you won't be able to watch it at the scheduled time?
  19. Sorry if I've missed something here, but what's wrong with iPods?
  20. I remember a fair few analysts saying Gamecube would claim 'first place'. Look how that turned out...
  21. Before you get too excited about this, I think you should check this article: http://www.adslguide.org.uk/newsarchive.asp?item=2580 In other words, the Times article is totally misleading, and shockingly poor journalism.
  22. I know, you can't say anything these days without being branded a racist. How is saying you dislike the French racist? Grow up. Oh and by the way, I hate the French. And the Germans.
  23. Yeah, but unlike most teams, we have an impressive history to talk about, so why not?
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