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Everything posted by Fields

  1. I did Young Enterprise a few years ago. We did really well, won loads of awards and everything, but still didn't get in the top 3 overall. I'm still convinced to this day that it was fixed.
  2. But if you want to work in film, do you really need a degree? Would it not just be better to go and get some work experience and get your 'foot in the door' now?
  3. Quantum field theory? What's that got to do with homoerotic entertainment?
  4. Sweaty, muscular, shiny-bodied men touching each other up isn't my idea of entertainment, so I probably won't be watching.
  5. Stop copying and pasting. It's getting annoying.
  6. ...and the answer is clearly no, so go away.
  7. No. ps. What is 'Revolutions'?
  8. Yeah, they were fit as fuck. Do they still do them anywhere?
  9. To be honest I don't think you can beat a good old fashioned Dairy Milk. Mars and Snickers are pretty cool too, and of course Kit Kat (but NOT Kit Kat Chunky).
  10. Yeah, I've heard that. Anyone know when Sky will be showing it? Still, I kind of wish they'd ended it around season 8/9.
  11. My choice would be StarCube.
  12. Personally I think the Go name and logo are pretty cool. But of course, it is just about as fake as it gets. Feel free to ridicule me in a few hours time when it turns out to be real...
  13. As a huge Simpsons fan, I'm obviously incredibly excited about the prospect of a movie, but when you look at the quality of the episodes they've been churning out in recent years, is this really something to look forward to? And quite frankly, the Bart losing his virginity thing is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. The Simpsons, at least in its heyday, was a family show, with jokes on a number of levels that could appeal to all ages. 'Edgier' storylines like this, and needless swearing, is not something I would like to see, and would take the show to a new low
  14. I thought I'd wait until this morning... too busy celebrating last night. ps. Steve Bruce has got a big fat head.
  15. Without doubt, post of the day
  16. You forgot the sarcasm smiley. Here, I'll post it for you:
  17. How do you change your name? Even Xsorbit had that feature. *Cough*
  18. The Hillsborough disaster, 15th April 1989
  19. You all lose 1977 1978 1981 1984 2005
  20. Excellent thread by the way.
  21. Just read it and it sounds lame.
  22. Well when it does return, remind me not to watch it.
  23. Yeah, you would never have caught Saddam Hussein doing anything like that, would you?
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