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Everything posted by Fields

  1. Are you saying such pranks aren't funny? Certainly funny than hitting slapping someone with your cock.
  2. Thankfully, I go to a university where slapping people with your penis is not socially acceptable.
  3. I guess it's a shame that another Nintendo mag has been discontinued, but let's face it, CUBE was pretty poor wasn't it? Hopefully the far superior N64/NGC (of which I am the proud owner of every issue) will continue though.
  4. I don't think you can beat the N64 to be honest. Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark...
  5. Anything could work to be honest. The pointer just replaces the right analogue stick on a standard controller. But FPS games are obviously going to be well suited.
  6. Brilliant! The Mancs are in crisis! Expect to see Fergie gone by the end of the season too.
  7. I know, it's tough being a student. Oh, and if that was an attempt at sarcasm, getting drunk is infinitely cooler than spending 8 hours+ per day on the internet, I can assure you of that.
  8. I agree, HD is over-rated. Although I wouldn't mind it on Revolution since I have a shiny new HD ready TV. Oh well.
  9. I don't know how people can spend so much time on the Internet. Do you not have lives? I work during the day, get drunk at night, and spend an hour or so on the Internet in between (ie. now).
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