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Everything posted by Fields

  1. Fair enough, didn't realise we ever had rep. Can I ask why it was removed? Surely it would encourage better quality posts? And the sig thing isn't exactly of great importance, it's just something I've seen done elsewhere and thought it was cool. It might also mean you could relax the restrictions you have on sig file sizes etc.
  2. OK, I have some suggestions: 1. Rep system, so that people can tell the good posters (like myself) from the complete and utter fucking morons that also inhabit R-E. 2. There is nothing more annyoing than opening a thread and having to scroll past dozens of hideous sig images to get to the part you want. I have seen other forums where, if a user has several posts on one page, their sig is only displayed in the first of their posts. It would be cool if you could implement this. 3. Um, that's all I can think of right now...
  3. This place is 'sane'? Fuck me, I'd hate to see the places you're talking about.
  4. ECTS, GDCE, and various other things that seem to change their rather confusing acronyms each year. All in London. If you're not in the industry you can't get in, apart from the crap stuff like Game Stars Live and the like. Oh and there's the Edinburgh Interactive Festival Thing or whatever the fuck it's called.
  5. Year 12 for the proper one, although I think they do similar stuff for younger students.
  6. There's no point arguing about this as you clearly don't have a valid point to make, and are only interested in making me look stupid, so I will conclude with the following and not post in this thread again: You are a complete fucking retard. Thank you.
  7. Hold on a minute... I made a point about how annoying it is that people can brand the entire US population as 'stupid' based on the actions of one individual. You quoted it, and went on to say 'Who put the current government in power? I think it might have been the people?'. If you were getting at something other than what I have assumed, you've made your point very, very badly. Think before you type.
  8. Good argument, and I accept your point, but I still believe that the ad was deliberately trying to cause controversy, and that's something I disagree with. Things that are unintentionally offensive are a different matter. I guess we'll never know whether this was intentional or not. And Faz, you inferred that the American people were 'stupid' for voting Republican, that makes you a critic of Bush's administration as far as I'm concerned. Unless I read your post wrong.
  9. First of all, what is wrong with the current US government? I'd love to see you, and all of George Bush's other critics, do a better job. And you know what, I don't like Labour, but do I go around saying that the British people are 'stupid'? This, ladies and gentlemen, is precisely the sort of mindless bollocks I'm talking about.
  10. You're right, I would say that was political correctness gone mad. Like that whole Danish cartoon thing. Absolutely fucking retarded that is caused such an uproar. But the point is, it did. Just like this advert. The advertisers knew it would cause a great deal of controversy, and there's no doubt that was their aim. Are you telling me the link to terrorist attacks was purely coincidental? Don't be so naive, it was a deliberate part of the ad campaign. So, if they knew it would cause offence, why did they do it? My point about anti-Americanism was somewhat separate, and was in response to comments in this thread that went 'stupid Americans' or other such bollocks. It annoys me that the US are blamed for pretty much everything these days, and that the country's entire population is branded as 'retarded' on the basis of one individual's actions. Xenophobia if I ever saw it.
  11. But come on, putting it on a black banner with the text 'You have been warned' is pretty much a direct reference to past terrorist attacks. I hate political correctness as much as the next guy, but adverts like this are just asking for trouble. What if I made an advert that was very slightly offensive to a small minority of Muslims? Yeah, I'd be in the shit.
  12. When I clicked the link to the trailer, I was preparing myself for some shitness of the very highest order, but to be fair to them, they made it look fairly professional, and not to cheesy. Not a bad effort at all. But I guess it's easy to make a half-decent trailer, and slightly less easy to make a feature length film that doesn't suck. And they could have been more original with the music in the latter part of the trailer.
  13. Maybe R-E just uses pop-up ads these days? In which case just tell FireFox to block them. But you should probably PM an admin/staff member, they'll know more than me.
  14. May I just add: if anyone has the chance to do YE, make sure you do as it's incredibly good fun, and you might even make some money out of it.
  15. Who should be arrested for stupidity? The woman who called the FBI or the movie promoters? While it may be a little silly to assume that terrorists were advertising attacks, the banner is tasteless beyond belief. Remember 7/7 last year? But hey, it's a perfect excuse for yet another piece of blatant anti-Americanism on R-E, eh?
  16. If you're getting pop ups or whatever while browsing R-E, I'm pretty certain it's not from this site. Something has probably already installed itself on your computer. That'll teach you not to download porn over P2P, eh? But I can't really help other than to tell you to use Ad Aware, Spybot etc.
  17. Fair enough, but if that's the case, link to an article about this rather than the actual announcement in December, so that we know.
  18. But everybody else already knows. And why insult people who disagree with you?
  19. There's no doubt that the great man deserves a knighthood, but why post 3 month old news? Why? WHY?
  20. Looks like I'm confined to the desk then. Is this why they now market them as 'notebooks' and 'portables' rather than 'laptops'?
  21. I remember the C-E one from a few years back. 'GameCube +' would apparently be a 512bit console, would play all N64 and Dreamcast games, and would launch with 'The Legend of Zelda: Piano of Time'. There was a surprisingly high number of people on the forums who believed it...
  22. You spelt superstitious wrong. I tend not to be too superstitious, but apparently if you wash your uni gown before you graduate you get bad luck or something. Which is sort of awkward as I got drunk the other week and was sick all down it.
  23. "They're catching the Skills Train!!!!!" If you haven't seen it you need to watch more daytime TV.
  24. I'm not saying anything... ps. I love your sig... so original!
  25. I'm sitting here with my laptop on my lap, and I'm getting this strange burning sensation in my testicles. Is it the radiation or something? Should I be worried about my ability to procreate?
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