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Everything posted by Fields

  1. If you drink it quickly enough you lose your sense of taste after half a bottle, so it doesn't really matter.
  2. That's your best dream ever?
  3. The easiest (and cheapest) way to get drunk is to just down a bottle of cheap wine. This sounds fun though, I might give it a try.
  4. Well all current NGC subscriptions are being transferred over to the new magazine, so if you go to http://www.myfavouritemagazines.co.uk and subscribe to NGC you should get it. As for the free gift, you'll get whatever they've been doing lately, if they've been doing one at all. Although no doubt there'll be a new gift to coincide with the launch of the new magazine, so you might want to wait.
  5. There are some scary looking people on R-E.
  6. Even so, BlueStar, to simply call Liverpool supporters 'murdering scum' etc. is out of order. While we may never no exactly what happened, it is certain that UEFA, the Belgian authorities, the police, and the Juventus supporters all had a part to play in the chaos. Sorry but attitudes like that just annoy me And the decision to ban English clubs from Europe? That's a rant for another day.
  7. Please get your facts right before you make posts like that Do you actually know what happened at Heysel? Oh and those Liverpool shirts are fakes, they've been doing the rounds for months.
  8. If you refuse to buy one because of the integrated graphics, you're a fool. It's a great machine at a great price, and lets be honest, a £750 laptop is never going to be a gaming powerhouse, is it? If you want to play games, get a MacBook Pro or something or, as has already been suggested, a desktop.
  9. I think we should have a World Cup board like we did last time, I don't want to stick to one thread.
  10. On a somewhat related note, are there any F-Zero AX machines out there?
  11. Yes, I noticed the Mario Kart machine there last time I went. I didn't get chance to go on it. I saw some people playing though and it looked great fun.
  12. Nintendork: shit.
  13. Evil. Pure evil. Although I somehow got full UMS marks on the exam
  14. I boldified the key word for you. We won't be seeing a commercial version for a while, and when (if) we do, I guarantee it will cost you a lot more than $100. So stop wanking yourselves off over the prospect of a cheap laptop, because you're not getting one.
  15. Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet, Eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider, Who sat down beside her, And frightened Miss Muffet away!
  16. http://www.laptop.org if you want to know more.
  17. What's humanities?
  18. Aw, I haven't got this yet, I need to wait for Mummy and Daddy to forward it to me at uni. I reckon NGamer/NGaming is a safe bet for the new name. Any idea how long we'll have to wait for it?
  19. Resident Evil Star Wars: Rogue Leader Pikmin Luigi's Mansion Tony Hawk 3
  20. Well no fucking shit, Sherlock.
  21. Fields


    I didn't think anyone over the age of about 15 used these sites. Facebook is OK though.
  22. This may not have occurred to you, but we don't care what happened at your prom or the 'afterparty', because we don't actually know any of the people involved, therefore any potential for amusement is removed. Even if we did know said people, we still wouldn't find it funny, because, let's face it, most of us grew out of 'OMG this lad had like a WHOLE bottle of cider lololol and was like totally wasted and got off with this GIRL, like OMGWTFLOL!!!!!11' stories many years ago.
  23. Well if we're going to bitch about prices, my June Ball this year is £205 per couple... But seriously guys, go to your leavers prom. You only get one chance and you might regret it otherwise.
  24. I thought my school proms were great at the time, but compared to some of the balls I've had at uni, they were pretty shit to be honest.
  25. 'One nit when I was sleppin a grackler cam' I am the proud owner of every single issue of N64/NGC ever. You know what's scary? I've been reading this magazine since I was 10 years old. I have fond memories of taking the latest issue into primary school and looking at the latest game with my mates. It has been a part of my life for a hell of a long time, and despite the recent decline in standards, I really will be sad to see it go
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