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Everything posted by Fields

  1. Well you should have made everyone pay up before you did the draw, because now people like me, who have shit teams, are not going to pay. This is like letting people see the lottery numbers before they pay for their ticket
  2. There were some shit questions on my exam today. 'Why is the sea salty?' How the fuck should I know? But I think I did OK, and I never have to do any physical geography again so it's all good
  3. Two words: 'Cheating' and 'scum'.
  4. Get out
  5. I'd go with the £1 each thing, via PayPal or something.
  7. Are these the best biscuits ever or what?
  8. I hate Arsenal, I hope they get twatted.
  9. Count me in! ps. Can I have Brazil please?
  10. Just as gaming begins to gain some credibility amongst the general public, something like this comes along and destroys it
  11. Bah, physical exam on Thursday. Let's hope there's some questions on glaciation and Quaternary environmental change, they're about the only bits I'm good on. And I just realised I have an exam on a saturday, how shit is that?
  12. Wow, really? Most exams will have been writted before the AUT started its 'action short of a strike', so they can be sat as normal. They just won't be marked until then situation is resolved. But yours are cancelled completely? You lucky, lucky bastard (what uni is this by the way?).
  13. No. You are not allowed to use it.
  14. Not really. I haven't been excited about games for a while now. I've been playing some Animal crossing which is good fun, but generally just... meh.
  15. Exams here officially started today, but my first one isn't until wednesday. I'm not sure if that's good or not, I'd rather get it over with. I have 5 in total, I'm fairly confident on them all except physical geography, but since I pretty much nailed the summative essays, I can afford to do badly on the exam and still pass the module. And of course first year marks don't count towards your degree
  16. Excellent post my friend.
  17. According to Martin Kitts, on the Gamesradar forums, issue 120 will be the last: http://forum.gamesradar.com/viewtopic.php?t=88361&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15 Sad news indeed Sorry if there's already a thread on this, but I couldn't see one (I did a search and everything).
  18. Tut, tut, tut, needless spam. I expect better from you Ashley
  19. Are we going to have a World Cup forum like last time? I don't want to have to stick to an 'Official World Cup Thread' or anything gay like that, and you know there's going to be a lot of posts during the tournament, so what do you reckon?
  20. These people are now on six figure salaries, yet I could honestly do better with my eyes shut.
  21. OMGWTFBBQ = 'Oh my god what the fuck barbecue'... Oh and I agree with Moria, let's see some proper spelling and grammar on here.
  22. Good, I was about to get very angry about 'whould' and 'whatch'. I don't watch TV much to be honest, since I don't have one at uni, but I admit to being a little partial to Coronation Street when I'm at home . And of course Deal or No Deal :o . And the Paul O'Grady Show :o
  23. Ruth must win, that other one is useless (unless she's improved, I've not watched it for ages). To be honest, I thought they were all pretty crap considering they're supposed to have come from top management jobs. And what happened to that little shit Sayed (or whatever his name is)? He needs a good smack in the face, that one.
  24. I wonder how much of a say David Dein had in the squad selection...
  25. Theo Walcott? Sven has got to be having a laugh there. He hasn't even played in the Premiership for goodness sake. I'm sorry but this is a disgrace, there must be at least 20 more suitable strikers than him.
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