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Everything posted by Fields

  1. Believe me, I try my best to 'supplement' the college diet, but as a poor student I can't afford to eat out/get a takeaway every night. I was eating lamb one night last week and found something unusual stuck to it. So I scrape away the gravy and take a closer look. What is it? A piece of plastic with the text 'tear here' printed on it. Bloody hell, they could at least remove food from the packaging before serving it!
  2. There's no point rating college food, I'd always give it 0/10. Same old plastic beef and rock solid roast potatoes for lunch today
  3. Just post mindless rubbish like everyone else on R-E!
  4. http://www.google.co.uk http://en.wikipedia.org
  5. Wow, they're really cool! Whenever we have fancy dress ents, I always leave my costume until the last minute, resulting in it being a bit crap.
  6. What was your name on C-E?
  7. Each to their own I guess...
  8. You seriously wear that?
  9. Sudoku is not new. It is old.
  10. Personally I wouldn't be seen dead in a Nintendo t-shirt.
  11. This morning I had three posts deleted for deviating slightly from the thread topic. You create two blatant spam threads about an issue that nobody gives a fuck about, and slag off other forum members, yet get away with it. Talk about double standards. Lock please.
  12. Wow, that narrows it down!
  13. All forms of internet slang and abbreviations are retarded IMHO.
  14. I've been menaing to read it for ages but haven't got round to it. I also plan to read some more Discworld books. You can't beat a bit of Pratchett.
  15. What a legend that man is!
  16. Ooh, exciting! Edit: Fair enough, it seems to be working now. But buy the magazine you cheap bastards!
  17. Well I have to say I'm extremely impressed with the new ONM. Of course, it doesn't compare to the glory days of N64/NGC, but then what does? I'll be buying this from now on me thinks. Whilst we're on the subject of the ONM forums, I've just been on there and a number of people have complained saying that the new mag is not as funny as the old NOM. One person even rated the two magazines and gave NOM '10000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' out of 10 for humour... Really, some peoples' stupidity never fails to amaze me. Edit: Ok people, choice quote from the ONM forums. When asked what he wanted to see in future issues, the one known as 'Guest' responded with this: Aw, OK I'll stop picking on them now.
  18. Erm, do people really buy this sort of stuff? Do they get off on it or something?
  19. May I ask why that is your nickname...?
  20. The only thing that particularly bothers me is the text 'HairyArse reveals all' in huge lettering on the front page...
  21. If you believe typing a few lines of chat to a person you will never meet counts as 'interaction', you probably need to get out more.
  22. I meant my post. But whatever.
  23. Yeah but the word 'retard' is offensive in itself, and it's inappropriate to use it as an insult. What if someone called you a 'nigger' or a 'gay'. Would that be acceptable? We all know this will be deleted, it's far too controversial for R-E
  24. But online gaming is pretty much single player... there's no interaction with the other players. So it's just as socially retarded. Actually, I don't get the argument they're trying to make if I'm being honest.
  25. Fields


    I don't see what's so funny to be honest. Homophobe.
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