The Metallic Pigeon, (Columba vitiensis) also known as White-throated Pigeon is a medium-sized, up to 37cm long, bird in the family Columbidae.
You've played Starcraft online then right?
When are people gonna play, we should have some 4v4 matches
Well my handle on is Gate911 so /whisper me if you come on.
Defo. I'm getting annoyed at playing with people whose language I can't understand.
Best maps to play are the "faSTeSt eVER MapS". All the resources are basically infinate so it's all about the violence.
Maybe the next Metroid will involve Zero suit Samus having to save her kitten, "Scrinkles" from the Space Pirate, "Noel".
Might be a good change of direction.
I listening to everything my band has recently recorded so I can gauge which ones could be reworked into acoustic versions for our acoustic gig next month.