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Everything posted by somme

  1. I did it at 14.
  2. I just want Rousseau to find Alex.
  3. The polar bears were in one of the old Dharma videos. Good theory though
  4. Well I don't like anyone reading my messages. I don't have anything to hide, it's a respect thing. It's my property. It's like opening someone elses mail. (Except not illegal) This wasn't really in responce to the original post though, was just talking about me. I mean desperate times call for desperate measures, I probably would have done the same, but I wouldn't want it done to me.
  5. That would be fairly interesting, it could end when the guy wakes up in hospital.
  6. I know next to nothing about what they actually believe, except that a woman shouldn't make any noise during labour.
  7. I like music I make music, I even have the apetite of musicians.
  8. Linkin Park are still around?
  9. Worst movie I've seen recently is "Red Road." Some Scottish movie that apparently won 5 bafta's or something. Some woman looks through a lot of CCTV camera's. I fell asleep...twice. It also gave me a headache.
  10. 28 Weeks Later Really liked the first one and although this one had a very different feel to it, it was such as good, in very different ways. 9/10
  11. I thought it was really good. Quite a different feel to the first one, but that's to be expected most of Britain was either wiped out or evacuated. I eagerly anticipate 28 Months Later.
  12. I've had sleep dep many times. Well those long speedy weekends, where you don't sleep for about 60 hours can bring on the elephant hallucinations. And some tree's have very strange hair...
  13. I wish I were Paris Hilton. She's gonna have so much fun in jail....cocaine...sex..
  14. NEW video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZRT3AgF9p8 For, "How do you like me now?". Watcha think?
  15. A good time was had by all.
  16. Take a gram of speed? Actually you may end up just cleaning your cooker...
  17. Thanks.
  18. Here's a video for one of our songs too: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=2024530208
  19. Not a session per say, more of a druggy drunken experiment but thought I'd share anyway: More on our myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/evaliaband :D Thanks for looking.
  20. Where may I ask did you put the finished product?
  21. I enjoyed the first season of Atlantis way more than any of the ones after. It held so much promise, a whole new galaxy, a whole city to explore, but we got lumbered with the Genii, the most boring enemy ever. The wraith were interesting but don't seem much of a threat anymore, and the replicators are...not as interesting as they could be. We rarely see the Stargate, which I miss, as the new DHD looks cool.
  22. Judge not, lest ye be judged. Enough said.
  23. I really enjoyed the finalé. Basically they carried out their standing orders. They aquired powerful technology to aid in the defence of the planet. It was quite a nice "Full Circle" for me really. And remember the third spin off should be out next year.
  24. Ab Fab. And whilst spending the last year in Australia I asked them the question of whose comedy was better - british or american... 9/10 of them said British. They said it was more intelligent and there weren't fart jokes every three minutes.
  25. I just treat people as people. Regardless of sex. So for me...no gender doesn't exist.
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