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Everything posted by somme

  1. They could put a lot of make-up on him, lol. Legion was a good episode. Which was your fave male Holly or female Holly?
  2. Wheres the film they were gonna make? Wasn't pleased it ended on a cliff hanger.
  3. Aww the furlings make me happy.
  4. Beer doesn't like me.
  5. Well I'm used to it as it's already in affect over here, but I'll be home in 3 weeks so I'll get used to smoking wherever again. As long as it's all done well I won't mind. To a certain degree.
  6. Princess Peach because then I can wear pink ALLLLL the time.
  7. Well it took me a year, well just under really but I'm finally able to fit into all my old clothes. Binge drinking helps pile on the pounds so after a year of less drinking, and not eating crap I have finally gotten to a weight I'm happy with. Anyone else lost/want to lose weight? ME in December 2005: ME a few weeks ago: And another one later than night...I was immensly drunk, as was the photographer...
  8. Teach yourself. When taught by a teacher you're taught the "rules", this can stunt creativity.
  9. Loved "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots" album. Must re-buy that.
  10. If you feel alone, you are.
  11. I don't ever want children and am only go to get "married" to obtain certain rights, such as getting my spouses stuff if they die. Because, if I am correct, if same sex couples don't get a Civil Union and one drops off, the stuff goes to the family as it's not viewed in the same light, I think. I'm too selfish for children, and probably won't change. Wanted kids when I was younger and changed my mind. I want a life-long career instead. And my primary school best friend had a baby at 18 and the baby is very adorable. It was an accident but she didn't believe in abortion so kept it. She's still (last time I heard) with the father and planning to go back to collage when it's in school.
  12. I like my DVD's.
  13. Some sort of media course? lol
  14. Chase the dream. Sounds pretencious, but if you don't chase what you really want you'll kick yourself when you're old. If love is all you want that isn't any less of a dream, but if you have a dream job, go for it. Also really look at whether Uni is good for your job. So many people get into jounalism by simply sending in articles/starting at the bottom of a company. Degrees aren't always the easiest option. So many people get degrees in "the arts/creative jobs" but aren't actually any good.
  15. I'll probably go to HMV now then.
  16. Grats. I'm too self-destructive for relationships.
  17. Placebo - Lazarus. A new b-side I only heard today. "So bored of being alive" Edit: And OK, the other b-side, "UNEEDMEMORETHANINEEDU". Distorted vocals, the title is all you can make out. Powerful.
  18. I'm not a fan of any. I'm not voting.
  19. I only used Game for their 10 day return policy, without that I'll find somewhere cheaper.
  20. It all depends on your sense of humour. I prefer Futurama and Family Guy over the Simposons.
  21. "Did she just shake her Tampax at me?"
  22. Well it's actually Sunday morning. But it's "Fair-day" in Perth today. The gay pride thing. Gonna get wasted. A lot.
  23. I don't think it' a case of lyrics over music. Both are very important.
  24. Favourite lyricists? Brian Molko and Polly Jean Harvey.
  25. I've only heard the single, and only about 3 times. I like it.
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