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Everything posted by somme

  1. Well it'sthe longest running (something) series. Going on 10 years, it's still good, although in my opinion not as good as it used to be. Watched it since 1997 when it first aired on SKYOne. Woo. I was 11. Or 12. Discuss anything about the show or anti-show. Bard and I will only shout you down if you disagree with us anyway.
  2. Ah well sci-fi are missing out. I can see it going on for 3 more seasons myself. I have hardly any DVD's. At home in England i've got seasons 3 and 6 on DVD, 1 on video, and all the rest on VHS. Oh and the end of season 9 and begining of 10 on DVD that my dad sent over! HAHA
  3. You're right it is Kree, and you've officially become a legend. Too bad SG-1 has just been cancelled. Maybe we should start a SG-1 support thread where only you and I will post! lol
  4. Yes. It certainly is.
  5. I love it. Imagery and actual plot is fairly decent.
  6. I think the last film I saw was "13 going on 30" with ...Jennifer Garner? It was surprisingly OK.
  7. Life of Pi - Yann Martel. A movie of it's being made next year. Very good book.
  8. Same goes for anyone. lol
  9. lol probably not. But from what a lot of people are saying, looks like thats what they are. :p
  10. I like white trainers.
  11. I meant in Perth. :P
  12. lol. Obviously I'd rather be attractive than not...but people often look at you and think, "I'd like to fuck that." If you're not so attractive they won't think that, will talk to you, and if they get on with you, will probably marry you in 10 years. They'll want to get to know you.
  13. And in reply to the person who asked why you take them: Strangely enough I took drugs because i always knew I would. I'm the kind of person who wants to try nearly everything. I like taking drugs and working out how it makes me feel about myself, people and where I am. As a musician it's very good for inspiration. You look at things completely differently. Thing suddenly dawn on you. And you also realise how many references there are to drugs in every day life. Especially in music.
  14. I've bought hardly any clothes in 8 months, (when I came here). They're all way too expensive and not that attractive. Luckily though no one has any of my clothes. Although apparently not many people wear the collar up and not many men wear pink!
  15. The government would tax everything SEVERELY so no body used it, unless you were rich, So it would probably cost a lot more. Drugs are expensive in Perth anyways, a hell of a lot more than England. Luckily I know the right people and get it for free! Not meaning to be rude, but it's your fault you hang around with people who think you're "dull for not doing drugs". I mean my friends, who yes do drugs, would never say that to me if I said no. They'd just say, "OK maybe another time then," or if I didn't do it at all they'd make sure I was all right with them doing it around me. I've come to realise there are defintitly many different types of drug users. Luckily I'm friends with the nicest type.
  16. I'm happy with my looks. Why? Because most people want to sleep with me. Is that being big-headed? No. Unfortunately it's true. Unfotunately? Yes it gets rather annoying.
  17. I miss H&M. Perth doesn't have one.
  18. somme


    I'm not going to learn a foreign language in the forseeable future because I just don't need to.
  19. The fact that alcohol "desesitises" everything, is not a bad thing, On occasion people can make arses of themselves, but that's generally funny. You can also learn what people really think, when they're too "scared" to say things when they're sober. And if people doing pot think they're having a deep and meaningful conversation, who really cares? If they had fun leave them alone.
  20. Well, Chelmsford is my home town so I would have gone but I'm in Australia so i couldn't. I can normally hear it from my house.
  21. Well I'm working in oo 20 minutes and I'm working for 8 hours. I don't know how I will cope.
  22. I would vote, but my fingers just fell off.
  23. I had a birthday once...never again.
  24. I didn't take any exams, but I did a few drugs last night and they're still working and I have to work in ooo 45 mins. Luckily it's a bar. Good luck to everyone. I turned up to get my results drunk. It was fairly humourous. It was like 2 or 3 years ago, can't remember really. 2004 I think...ooo my favourite song is on.
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