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Everything posted by somme

  1. They make the best porn too.
  2. I started drinking at 14. You're never too young.
  3. When I figure out how to add spoiler tags I'll tell you what happens lol.
  4. You kinda find out what happens to Jonas in season 10.
  5. I remember not remembering my 18th, must have been good. Get drunk.
  6. Malibu, strawberry liquer and lemonade is quite nice.
  7. I don't like Guiness. And I hated serving it too.
  8. I;m not keen on WKD Red. WKD Blue + Smirnoff Ice Red is nice though. And WKD Blue + Vodka + Red Bull = Shrek. Mmmm.
  9. somme


    No woman will ever replace PJ Harvey.
  10. I only really like Baileys in shooters, preferably a "Cock Sucking Cowboy". Although I have no idea how it got it's name. 3/4 Butterscotch Schnapps and 1/4 Baileys! Divine!
  11. Oh dear. How did I miss that? I will have to hunt that down when I have enough money.
  12. I'm drinking vodka and coke. Mmmm
  13. Part of me longs for a new Mario cartoon, even though I'm 20. lol but I know it'd be shit. I want the original to come on DVD
  14. There is nothing wrong about WKD Blue. lol
  15. I've ordered my club to get in WKD Blue. It shall be arriving next Thursday and we shall be near enough the only club in Western Australia to stock it! Never seen it anywhere in Australia yet.
  16. I watched several Sonic cartoons but always prefered the Mario Bros. 3 cartoon. Ah Toad.
  17. I don't have a strong lust for gaming anymore, but post here because there are always interesting topics somewhere. Farewell.
  18. Actually no I'm english, just here for a year. But the Aussie's dig the accent lol. And I've picked up an aussie accent so that'll work back at home. haha
  19. Working in a bar I get a lot of offers, but meh, can't be arsed haha
  20. There are a lot of gays. We should make a gay thread. lol
  21. Deary me. Well he won't need sexual aids in prison.
  22. Well that's not totally true, you can fall in love in any amount of time. But a lot of gay men say it before they feel it.
  23. I have noticed we "fall in love" in a week and move in together after 2. Not myself but I've noticed it in others lol.
  24. Well I wasn't go to. :p
  25. Move to Australia, much cheaper. lol
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