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Everything posted by somme

  1. I'm 9 and a half stone.
  2. What kind of thing are you after? I mix all my music with adobe audition - but only if the bc900 8 track recorder i have doesnt let me master them very well.
  3. Make more music, take more drugs, and have even more fun
  4. I'm getting drunk.
  5. Have fun I'm going to a "Party Monster" NYE party, lots of dressing up and lots of drugs.
  6. Like most others I like; Scott Tenoreman Must Die. I like Towlie a lot. Some people say I'm quite like Cartman - except much, much thinner,
  7. Well I can't say the joke was very original. It would appeal to the pre-pubescent market, they generally find toilet humour amusing.
  8. Start gigging and spreading my bands music around more. That's my only aim for 2008. Music. EDIT: Oh yes I do have another aim: finish my novel.
  9. Haha maybe I'll piss around with a cover later. Should I put on his voice more? I used to, although haven't in a while, have the ability to sound nearly exactly like him. hehe Brian Molko's problem is he doesn't know when to soften his voice, it's almost like it's become a characture of itself. lol
  10. Hehe yeah we get the "Placebo" thing a lot obviously, most have said they find my voice less annoying, so i guess thats a good thing hehe. And thanks Just made a video for that song actually uploading it later so i'll post the link.
  11. Yeah and play most of the guitar and arrange the drums.
  12. 'Tis probably my voice Has a mild Molko twang. Thanks a lot for listening.
  13. I'd quite like an Oompa Loompa but I don't think there are any left in stock.
  14. I'm creating songs which appeal to lots of people. i know just need to get paid for it.
  15. I'm now making a video for a song i finished earlier.
  16. I'd like a drummer..but one without an attitude problem. But I'll never get that so a drum machine with huge amps please.
  17. When people finally wake-up I would appreciate some feedback on these - I made them myself: 1 . He's a Liar - Needs bass but I don't have one handy. 'Tis nice and fast. 2. And We Hope - Another fast one. Only finished mixing it about an hour ago. 3. An Elegy - Finished this yesterday. Slow, and some might say; "depressing". About drug addiction. 4. The Wolf Another nice fast one. Finished this about 2 hours ago, will touch up verse vocals tomorrow. 5. Pick Me Up - One of my personal favourites. If they don't load, right click and save as, sometimes it plays up. If you want to download the rest of the new demo (as it currently stands) simply go to http://www.evaliaband.tk You can download the first demo album there as well. Fanx and all that.
  18. i've been mixing songs.
  19. I was so excited about this update I momentarily lost bladder control.
  20. Christmas songs should be banned. They're all horrible.
  21. i quite like pitta bread on its own :D
  22. my band mate and i recorded another song today. im mixing it soon, im excited
  23. I'm normally outside in the smoking area making people laugh. I enjoy being the funny man.
  24. Animals only have the rights we give them. If I get to live 50 years longer and some animals have to die in the process that's fine with me.
  25. Audrey says, "Let's go out for a jolly rodgering in the field" quite well!
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