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Everything posted by somme

  1. I'm bored of it already.
  2. Well at least Stargate Atlantis is all right. Quite miffed about Lost though.
  3. The prostate is up the ass, makes for great orgasms. Wouldn't do it to myself though, that's the job of the other person.
  4. I'm reading Russell Brand - My Booky Wook. It's good.
  5. The plot wasn't confusing in the slightest. It was good. Will be better later with friends and vodka though.
  6. From yahoo.com: Wii grasses up cheating wife! A US soldier discovered his missus had been playing away at home after spotting a suspicious "Mii" on his Nintendo Wii, the Evening Standard reports. The man, known only as Tony, returned from a year in Iraq to reports from chums that his wife had been cheating on him. He'd had the Wii for company while on service in Iraq, but had mailed it back to the States prior to his return. His other half claimed she'd only kissed the suspect, a professional bowler, once, but the Wii said otherwise. Tony emailed a Nintendo messageboard admitting he'd was "confused about his wife's denials of any indiscretion". However, he continued: "All that changed when I plug in my Nintendo Wii for some Wii Sports. I flip through the Wii menu and visit the Mii channel so I can peruse the many friends that I have created with the guys that I played with in Iraq. As I go through the characters I see there is a Mii that I have not created." Tony concluded: "I went into the Wii message board and click on the calendar option. Through this menu I was able to identify the many nights my wife's Mii and this other Mii character played Wii bowling." And for good measure, the offending Mii was apparently "strikingly similar" to the bowling philanderer. The end result? "Tony has separated from his wife and filed for divorce," the Standard notes. ®
  7. Some ones I've taken recently on my holiday in australia.
  8. Well more fool you. :P I saw them both when I was 4. Didn't sleep without the light on for a while. lol.
  9. I want Gremlins 3 but the guy won't do it as the studio were forcing him to use CGI instead of animatronics.
  10. i should have been packing but i made cd's instead. i'll pack tomorrow.
  11. They do pay themselves, in the form of taxes.
  12. 14 isn't too young to have "made it out" with both sides. I was 14 and had sex with a man. :P
  13. It's gonna be tricky getting a trick flight then considering it's peak time.
  14. The view from my apartment in Perth: The ocean which was about 20 mins drive away:
  15. All cats hate me.
  16. Tis annoying. I want to discuss these things but the threads are always locked by the time i get there.
  17. lol. too true. cats are evil.
  18. Well I like the heat. Can get above 40 degrees in summer. Should be getting towards 30 when i go over.
  19. I went on a working Holiday visa to Perth, Australia last year. For the whole year. Going back next week for a month!
  20. If I join the band wagon do I get a lollypop?
  21. Wow they really wanna be members of this forum don't they?
  22. I passed first time but with quite a few minors. Although a few were given undeservingly.
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