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Everything posted by somme

  1. I actually always wanted to see more of the future timeline in the Terminator movies. Let's hope it's done well.
  2. Adobe Audition is what I use to mix songs.
  3. Russell Brand. 'Citin'
  4. If you can't beat them, join them. He probably just wants a friend. Get high together and you won't even care about the project.
  5. And I've done copeous amounts of both. The universe is balanced.
  6. yay finally!
  7. I dislike Wesley Crusher immensely.
  8. I heard that too.
  9. Requiem for a Dream 9/10 One to watch. Even better when watched when using narcotics.
  10. Hmm after not reading anything about this...and expecting it to be more like previous Paper Mario's I'm dissappointed. We'll see how it goes.
  11. And songs don't always have to have rhyme in at all.
  12. Life experience normally helps. Failing that take drugs.
  13. yes... ...i didnt have the strength to flush..
  14. http://pete.headcounter.co.uk/popsong.mp3 Just finished the first phase of mixing with a song ^ It's not completely finished yet, the "fuck off's" have to be replaced...and it has to be named.
  15. It's actually just from a cheap guitar. The makers name is apparently; "Westfield".
  16. I use facebook more, but use myspace to whore my music.
  17. However I wouldn't want to be the lady who is so sensitive she has hundreds of orgasms a day. Even walking sets it off!
  18. I disliked football and rugby...well actually any outside sport... I was afraid of the balls.
  19. The only sport I could ever play well was Badminton.
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