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Wii Cracked


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Taken from gizmodo.com:


Nintendo had a good thing going with its Virtual Console idea, but we admit to being more than just a little disappointed when we saw the launch titles. Well, now someone's managed to run an emulator on their Wii using a combination of Action Replay, SDLoad, and Nintendo's own SD card adapter. The combo allows you to launch DOL files/games directly from the Wii. Nice way to stick it to the man and get those games you really wanna play.


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This isnt a good thing right? I know it's only an emulator running old games but still it could lead onto other things.....as long as they dont crack it for wii games i guess or we'll be going down the dreamcast road.

Even if they did crack it for Wii games, most people wouldn't have hardware including tilt sensors etc.

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Taken from gizmodo.com:


Sigh... here is few points that people have once again missed:


A) Cube has had small homebrew scene for years and even this emulator is two years old. It's nothing new, and doesn't really have anything to do with Wii.

B) It's shitty port. Unstable framerate, slow speed, crashes randomly, no filters, no sound in some cases. Heck, some games don't even fit into memory at same time with emulator.

C) It requires either (rather expensive) Nintendo SD Card Loader or homemade SD Card Loader (easy to botch).

D) Making roms and creating the exploit is little complicated and beyond normal user's skills.

E) This doesn't affect Wii, because when in Gamecube mode, Wii shuts physically all additional features down. You can't access Wii's firmware or additional resources with this, because they aren't there.

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