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Just read this morning on Gamecentral that the guy voicing Marcus Fenix is none other than the guy who voices Bender from Futurama! Awesome!


Tell what is starting to annoy me and thats how long it takes to get a Ranking match sorted. I played a few games last night before I went to bed and it took at least 5 mins before I could even start the match.

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I'm off to play some Insane singleplayer. But may join you later Chuck.


I have now completet GOW on Insane ^^

I have found 25cog tags so far.

I'll need to play through the game as Dom now and find the remaing tags.


You can do it with me, on insane:P

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God damn it Hardcore mode is raping me up the ass.

Everyone who said it was easy is a fucking liar and probably worships the devil.


It easy at least on co-op, Insane mode is...well... INSANE.


Played a few good ranked matches today when I got in from work. Really starting to get the hang of playing and working as a team while playing online.

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Question! Do you get better at online with practice? Becuase i seem to be getting worse. And it's really starting to piss me off. And it doesn't help that my team always rushes in, taking no cover at all.


Yes it does help.

Also, make sure you play player matches, as apposed to ranked ones.

They are much more casual and fun.

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It easy at least on co-op, Insane mode is...well... INSANE.



I found Insane to be disappointingly easy on co-op. I think there where 3levels that where hard and those where the ones where you split up and can't heal your buddy. I played through Insane in one night.

Don't think I would wan't to do it again any time soon though :P Sorry chuck. I'll probably try to get the last achivements by playing through the game on casual next time :)

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I found Insane to be disappointingly easy on co-op. I think there where 3levels that where hard and those where the ones where you split up and can't heal your buddy.


Yeah when you split up its a bitch. Also for some reason me and my mate got stuck on level 3 trying to kill the onslaught of exploding wrechers that attack you in the factory. Little SOBs were too fast for us.

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As the 360 thread, Everyone post YES to playing an N-E Gears of War game Friday. Or Else.


Question! Do you get better at online with practice? Becuase i seem to be getting worse. And it's really starting to piss me off. And it doesn't help that my team always rushes in, taking no cover at all.


I was sucked total ass the first time I played, mostly because I would either stay in cover and not attack anyone or because I'd be out in the open too long and get killed. You just need to strike a better balance. And remember, the chainsaw is your friend. :D


I was actually doing quite well at one point last week. Can't wait to play again. :D


Hope some of you will be online Saturday at midnight when I get home.

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Any one wan't to get the Can't Touch Me achivement?

win 10rounds in a row?


So far we got 3 players.

Me, Caris and viaTix (roommate)


We need 6 or 8 players.




Got nearly all the achivements now :)

Need to go through the game with dom (70points)

and find the last cog tag >_<.


I also need those kill 100people with x weapon and the kill 10.000 people.


Update: found the last tag. Now I'm going to bed.

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You dont need mates there is a glitch which me and a few of my mates exploited yesterday. All you need to do is play 1 round matches over and over. It counts your wins but not your losses so eventually you get it just like I did yesterday.


Np. I got it yesterday :yay:

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So anyone up for a game tonight? I really want to have one, its a friday im not working so anyone up for it at 8 or 9?


i should be-yep :D


hopefully i wont die as much as i did last week-finally got the nack of how to play it i think just nobody ask me to use the sniper rifle thing or anything, i like my chainsaw bayonet baby :love:

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Guest Stefkov
i should be-yep :D


hopefully i wont die as much as i did last week-finally got the nack of how to play it i think just nobody ask me to use the sniper rifle thing or anything, i like my chainsaw bayonet baby :love:

Chanisaw bayonet is the bomb. I killed at least 3 people in my last match with it. Two of them I was waiting for them , i knew they would go eitehr right or left, they were hiding on the same block as me, so i snook round and got them. It's so cool getting them with it.

I remember sniping a person while on the move. it was the best shot i had ever done. He was running for cover and i was following him, shot and got him right in the head, he just dropped dead and carried on with the motion.

cant wait to get some of you guys tonight ..:laughing: :horse:

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I'll be able to play tonight.


Forget Mario Kart, welcome Gears of War Kart!

Following suggestions that Gears of War is to end up a trilogy, Mark Rein has gone one further and suggested it could go on for as long as Mario or even Final Fantasy.


"Gears is a trilogy? If we can keep making quality games that fans obviously then why would we have to stop at three," Epic's vice president mused on the company forum.


"I don't see the Metal Gear Solid, Mario, Grand Theft Auto or Final Fantasy series (among others) stopping at three and they're still delivering compelling entertainment content that's easily worth the money (see Unreal Tournament as well).



"There's definitely, as many of you have pointed out, a lot more to learn about what's really happening on the planet Sera and in the lives of the members of Delta Squad," he added.


Meanwhile, Rein says the team is "working hard to support Gears of War" with "some great enhancements" due before too long. "We're not ready to provide any details yet but I assure you we're on the job," he added.


Very promising stuff, as long as it isn't whored

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Just thinking on my break off work, If you guys wanted a Ranked Match later, we could do that. Ill guess that Caris will be ok for hosting, heres what You'll have to do to join:


1) Go into Ranked Match - Custom Match in the Menus.


2) Enter 'Warzone' then (expecting it will be a 7 round game) Minimum No of Rounds - 6, Maximum No of Rounds - 8


3) A list will appear, with Host names, Map, and No of Players. Your looking for Caris's gamertag (I Caris I) as the Host name. If its not there hit 'X' to refresh (for me its in the first list).



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Chanisaw bayonet is the bomb. I killed at least 3 people in my last match with it. Two of them I was waiting for them , i knew they would go eitehr right or left, they were hiding on the same block as me, so i snook round and got them. It's so cool getting them with it.

I remember sniping a person while on the move. it was the best shot i had ever done. He was running for cover and i was following him, shot and got him right in the head, he just dropped dead and carried on with the motion.

cant wait to get some of you guys tonight ..:laughing: :horse:


Looking forward to it :D I'm going to eat some dinner then add everyone off that other thread onto my friends list, maybe get rid of one or two i don't know, and then do some chainsawing. :D


I'm almost annoyed I'm going out tomorrow night.

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