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I've always had serious reservations about Red Steel, but the other week when I placed my order everyone was saying it was going to be great so I thought I'd bite the bullet and get it. But still not convinced it's going to be anything other than mediocre.


Good to see Wii sports getting a good score, not too surprised about Zelda not getting max scores across the board though. Not ordered it at launch, might pick it up after Christmas or something unless something like WarioWare comes out.

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I have faith in Ubisoft, the studio in charge of Red Steel are experienced and Nintendo wouldn't have helped and promoted them so much if it wasn't atleast going to be a half decent game.

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IGN COD = 7.7 (PS3 and x360 got 90%)+


Actually no. IGN hasn't even reviewed PS3 version yet and Xbox 360 version did get 8.8. And how is 7.7 bad? It is "Good" by IGN's own standards, as it's even clearly stated below the score. And score was mainly reduced by lack of online play*. Plus launch games won't never get that good scores. There is always maybe one or two really good games, others are average. This has been true to every other launch and Wii's launch won't be exception.


EDIT: Added stuff. Sorry Blender.


* Online play that really don't mean so much people as some posters / reviewers make you to believe. I mean, Xbox Live is world's most successfull online platform for consoles. Still only 18 percent of all Xbox users are active Xbox Live users. With PS2 number didn't even reach 10 percent.

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Actually no. IGN hasn't even reviewed PS3 version yet and Xbox 360 version did 8.8.


sorry read the first paragraph and saw 90% and ps3 and xbox in the same sentence. Obvioulsy missied the "nearly". Anyway thank for pointing that out, I will need to tweak my scanners.


gamecube use to get similar score differences for not having online for all the cross platformers

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Online play that really don't mean so much people as some posters / reviewers make you to believe. I mean, Xbox Live is world's most successfull online platform for consoles. Still only 18 percent of all Xbox users are active Xbox Live users. With PS2 number didn't even reach 10 percent.



WTF? Are you trying to downplay the enormous success of XBOX LIVE? Around 6 million people will be using LIVE by june 2007. That are about 6 million more than on the Gamecube. Oh wait ... Gamecube online does not really exist. But Wii online will take care of that because it is free ... oh I forgot there are no online games at launch - but hey at least it is free. I rather play a shooter all alone instead against humans...



Yeah online doesn't mean much ... that should be an article on Wikipedia under "How to defend Nintendos decision in every case"

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Well, on the Zelda issue, you know some people are just going to be gunning for this title, they'll pan it whatever just to make a name for themselves.


I think Gamespot are usually a little harsher than IGN, but they are still the only two sources on the net I trust.


I've just read the Excite Truck review and it is rather negative, but hey - what if it is just a poor game? What if the Wii-mote controls aren't the greatest thing ever? What if they don't take us to the next level and are just a gimmick? I'm not saying that is the case - but what if? They were also very scathing about the graphics - this looks like a nother game where no one really tried in that department.


As for CoD, it's a little disheartening that the XBOX 360 version scored a whole point more in the review, IGN cited certain problems with the control system.

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I've just read the Excite Truck review and it is rather negative, but hey - what if it is just a poor game.


*Sigh* Did you "read" or read the review. It was pretty clearly stated that the game was really fun, but only so long as it lasted. They also said controls were good. Even world's greatest controls can't make game into brilliant masterpiece if it only lasts 4 hours.

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*Sigh* Did you "read" or read the review. It was pretty clearly stated that the game was really fun, but only so long as it lasted. They also said controls were good. Even world's greatest controls can't make game into brilliant masterpiece if it only lasts 4 hours.


No I read it, and I looked at it as a whole, from the poor graphics, right through to the fact they said:


"The controls are easy to wrap your mind around, but they never feel very responsive."


Ultimately they said the controls gave it potential, but the whole thing fely more like a tech demo. You can trawl through the review as trying to pick out positive points if you wish, but I didn't pick up on that many.

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* Online play that really don't mean so much people as some posters / reviewers make you to believe. I mean, Xbox Live is world's most successfull online platform for consoles. Still only 18 percent of all Xbox users are active Xbox Live users. With PS2 number didn't even reach 10 percent.


Where did you get that stat from? Over 50% of 360 users are connected to Live in either Silver or Gold.

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Where did you get that stat from? Over 50% of 360 users are connected to Live in either Silver or Gold.


That number was for original Xbox and came directly from Microsoft. And numbers that Microsoft have given for Xbox 360 are also true, but there are few things you must remember when you look them:


1) It's quite early in X360's life

2) X360's current user base is around 4-5 million units.

3) Most X360's early adopters are hardcore fans. Same hardcore fans that also used actively original Xbox Live.

4) Of course many people have silver account just to get firmware updates as it's free. But do they play online? Nope, as it isn't even simply possible with silver account.

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I thought Silver got you weekend play free?


Anyway everyone knows COD is shit, unless you haven't had the chance to play it on a previous system.. or can't play it in HD don't bother.


IGN has financial ties to certain developpers.. I don't always consider them to be impartial.

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Seriously, no hating on XBOX Live is an incredible service and well worth the £40 a year.


Yeah, it really is. But the point is that too often we lose perspective to these things, and except everybody be interested about playing games online because we are very active Internet users. But the basic truth is that the more smaller the minority is, more vocal it is also.

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Excite trucks looks fun for 10 minutes. It is not worth £30 or what not.


And on the topic of Xbox Live


It is the most superior online service around. And Sony nor Nintendo will surpass that, I dont care how free Nintendo wifi is, the service is shit, and they need to take serious note.


Oh, and gamespot will give Zelda a 9.7+


You heard it here first.

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It is the most superior online service around. And Sony nor Nintendo will surpass that, I dont care how free Nintendo wifi is, the service is shit, and they need to take serious note.


Well, you really can't judge Wii's online system as many details haven't been revealed. It's bit too early to say how badly it will turn out.

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Excite trucks looks fun for 10 minutes. It is not worth £30 or what not.



Hmm, that reminds me of something:


No one on this board has played all the games in the list


All opinions are invalid


Opinions made are pure Fanboyism.[/Quote]


I remember you posting that the other day. Here's the thread: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10309


So, what makes you think that the game isn't worth the money? Your own playing experience? Or are you just judging it from videos?

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Oh, and gamespot will give Zelda a 9.7+


You heard it here first.



Wasn't it you who said 8.5 ¬_¬



The myriad of high reviews for Zelda is getting my hopes back up. Though there's still nothing else for launch or even announced that I'm interested in.

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Hmm, that reminds me of something:




I remember you posting that the other day. Here's the thread: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10309


So, what makes you think that the game isn't worth the money? Your own playing experience? Or are you just judging it from videos?


First off all, My opinions are always valid, this fact should of been noted many years ago.


Secondly. A game that is essentially a racing game, in this generation of video games, should have, and i repeat should have a bigger multiplayer option. This is essentially an arcade type game. This isn't Gran Turismo where you can fiddle around with tiny bits and bobs, and mess around with over 700 cars or what not.


2 Player multiplayer, we are talking SNES era. That is almost 15 years ago.


It is backwards.


Wasn't it you who said 8.5 ¬_¬


That was sarcasm.


When i say 9.7 im being serious. Wind waker, got 9.6 right?


Now i know this will be better then Wind Waker. And Many many many people will agree with this. Hence my hypothesis.

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