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Casino Royale 16/17th Nov


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When you say you go out on average once a week is that get pissed once a week or just go out and see your mates (and it is possible to do this without picking up a pint!)?


Seriously if its the former then I would suggest spacing it out a bit more, just going on personal experience but since I stopped getting drunk so often (seriously, once you get pissed, throw up on your bedroom floor and then have to sleep in a different room for a week and a half due to the smell you'll realise that there are some pretty nasty downsides) I find that when I do go out to get drunk (e.g. party) then it just seems that much better - because it isn't a week in, week out occurrence! Maybe you should try it.


Just my two cents (we're English shouldn't it be two pence?)!


Nah, It's not just to get completely pissed every week, sometimes I'll just have 2 or 3 pints, sometimes I'll get totally bladdered, but yeah, I've only thrown up in a couple of periods of my life, one was when I had the most extreme food poisoning imaginable, and the other was that 28 pint stint I was telling you about (I threw up like a madman). I do realise the downsides, and yeah, I guess it would make it that bit more fun if I didn't do it so often...

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Goldeneye is my current fav bond movie but this has the potential to be better. I'm gonna see it friday.


i've decided i'm going for the thursday evening screening even if it means waiting 30 mins or so in between screening.


i'm really enjoying the bond theme now after buying it off itunes last night. (you need to play it LOUD)

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Cinemas have no right to refuse you access if you're taking your own snacks in. They'd love you to think that but it's merely an urban myth.

I do it all the time, taking a 2 litre bottle is slightly extreme but I was merely using it as an example to compare it to free refills.


People do it all the time, our ODEON is opposite a Woolworths which always has better deals. I only ever see people going to the ODEON thing for ice cream or pop corn.


Two things which are better fresh. It's just a rip-off.. £2 for a bag of sweets which would be buy one get one free at Woolies for £1.


I'm a natural cheap skate.. I would pay £10 for free refills and foods.

The comfy seats do not appeal to me, they're all the same at my local except for about 10 at the bottom where you have to jerk your neck.


I always take a four pack of my preffered lager or about two thirds of a bottle of vodka to the cinema, plus a carrier bag full of snacks. Never get any hassle, even when I'm strolling round the lobby beer in hand.


You know one day your gonna grow up and realise that getting wasted at every opportunity really isn't all that great! If you haven't fucked your liver up so badly that you die before hand!


Or not, as the case may be.


As for CR, it's the first Bond I've been interested in in a while, but I've got this horrible feeling the 67 version won't be beaten.

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Every new bond actor basically "resets" the Bond timeline (hence why M is still the same as the last few films), so don't have much relevance to the films from the other actors. If you think about it, Bond in Die Another Day should be over 60.


Well I always thought why they added a new actor is because in the films universe that "Bond had been killed"- you know like James Bond is just there AKA and there number is just their agents number to help with bureacracy within MI6


Oh and Roger Moore died his hair black.


And I want my heroes to have to take the piss abit. But for christ sake keep loads of gadgets. I want my fucking gadgets

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I shall be watching this tonight. I grew up with Brosnan as bond, however i'm willing to give the new dude a chance. I couldn't care less about hair colour as long as he does a good enough job. Plus it's a very different bond we'll be seeing.

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Just saw this too. Katie will be pissed I didn't put my review in her thread but meh, what's she gonna do. My thoughts, well I didn't care much for the storyline or villains to be perfectly honest. However, its the new bond that matters right. Well, there were points where I didn't question he was actually Bond. I guess that's a good thing. Though there were bits where I thought he was very unbondish. That's probably the point considering he's not experienced. I'll say this though, he's a hardass compared to other bonds. If the next film has some gadgets, hardass villains, and a better storyline, it'll be great. He definately can be a good Bond and i'd say he would most compare to Timothy Dalton.

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saw it last night as well. well gutted that the opening sequence and opening credits were pretty dull-wheres all the naked swaying ladies with guns?!?!?!


the action is pretty awesome and it made me cry (when his car got fucked up :cry:). some good little twists and an awesome ending. the humour is still there but not as much as in Brosnan's films, and the lack of a MAJOR villan in it made it more interesting. the ending had people clapping and leaving the cinema with HUAGE grins on their faces. Daniel Craig is surprisingly good as bond and fashions his own no nonsense character out of the role. his body is a little scary and his pecks could rival Jordans breasts-but he does look DAMN GOOD in a dinner jacket or suit. Dame Judi is amazing as usual as M and lack of Q and gadgets isn't as noticeable as i thought it would be.


however what REALLY got to me was Sony product placement. theres Sony phones, Laptops, TVs and even bloody Blu-Ray Disc players-its stupidly ridiculous, I'm sure if Sony made cars he'd drive one of them rather than the Astin. GRRRRRR


overall great film that allows Daniel Craig to make his own bond and show us what he can do.


now we just have to wait another 3-4 years for the 22nd bond film :(

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Daniel Craig is easily the best Bond since Sean Connery, and Casino Royale is the best Bond film since before Goldeneye. Indeed, even as a red-blooded hetrosexual man, I'm still a little truned on by the thought of Bond emerging from the waves in his tiny tiny trunks, complete with abs of steel and pecs that alone could kill a man at twenty paces. The whole card game was great, and I particulary like the way that Felix has been updated from a White-CIA-guy to big, fat, black soul agent. Would love to see more of him later.


For me though, the defining moment of the film is the scene where Bond finds Vespar crying in the shower, and just about pools all his hummanity and sensitivties together to offer her a comforting, pulsating bicep to cry on.



See it now.

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this is the funniest damnthing i've ever seen in my entire life...he bursts through a bloody wall for gods sake, this film was probebly done with the female audience in mind due to the incredible amount of man-boobs and male flesh although there are a couple of filer scenes where he is constently trying to have sex.


The movie basicly goes like this: action, sex, action, action, sex, action, card game, sex and then all three at once.


felix was also a nice add-on to the film, being so big and black and all with has big manly blackness and empty prommises (telling bond he get the guy and then falling asleep)


all in all this is the best damn bond film yo date even though the actor was a blond bloke



this tells us all to bursh through walls

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Actually Bond 22 does have a confirmed release date of November 7th 2008, so hopefully there will be a new Bond every 2 years, like in the old days!




Pierce Brosnan STILL the best Bond ever!


1) Brosnan

2) Connery

3) Craig

4) Moore

5) Dalton

6) Lazenby


For me though, the defining moment of the film is the scene where Bond finds Vespar crying in the shower, and just about pools all his hummanity and sensitivties together to offer her a comforting, pulsating bicep to cry on.


i loved that scene! we don't really see Bond being sensitive beyond kissing a dead girl so that scene was really a stand out moment. along with the Aston :cry:


the poor poor Aston :cry: :cry:

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Pierce Brosnan STILL the best Bond ever!


1) Brosnan

2) Connery

3) Craig

4) Moore

5) Dalton

6) Lazenby


i disagree greatly.never seen new bond yet so..








I dont like pierce too much.always felt he was too goody goody for the bond role were as with sean connery u had a more serious dirty bond

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The opening sequence was average in my opinion, the fight wasnt very clearly shown. But I absolutley loved the Main Titles sequence, with the cards, and the symbols being used as weapons. Twas very clever! Pitty the songs is not being released as a single :-(


The gunbarell moment was cool too!

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The opening sequence was average in my opinion, the fight wasnt very clearly shown. But I absolutley loved the Main Titles sequence, with the cards, and the symbols being used as weapons. Twas very clever! Pitty the songs is not being released as a single :-(


The gunbarell moment was cool too!


if you like it, get it off iTunes dude! It's off Chris Cornells solo album i think or the Bond Soundtrack.


i felt the opening titles sucked-where were the silhouettes of naked women?!?!? where was the weird ways of hiding their nipples and arses?!?! i may be gay but their Bond traditions!!!

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