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No Rumble for N64 VC Games!


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Apologies if this has already been posted somewhere, I searched but could not find anything.


I just saw this post from Revolution Lifestyle's news forum:




CVG interviewed Nintendo, who confirmed that there will be no support for force feedback.


:( :( :(


Starfox64 (Lylat Wars) just won't be the same without rumble... Why on earth didn't Nintendo support rumble? Ah well, so much for perfect emulation...

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Apologies if this has already been posted somewhere, I searched but could not find anything.


I just saw this post from Revolution Lifestyle's news forum:




CVG interviewed Nintendo, who confirmed that there will be no support for force feedback.


:( :( :(


Does it actualy bother you that much?

Yeah it would have been nice.. but for years i didnt even have a rumble pak for my N64.. and i dont feel that i missed out.

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Does it actualy bother you that much?

Yeah it would have been nice.. but for years i didnt even have a rumble pak for my N64.. and i dont feel that i missed out.

Not that much, to be honest. But it is a bit of a shame when you consider how the rumble was an integral part of some games - such as Ocarina of Time. In some games, it wasn't simply force feedback - it was part of the game mechanism.


Ah well.

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Not that much, to be honest. But it is a bit of a shame when you consider how the rumble was an integral part of some games - such as Ocarina of Time. In some games, it wasn't simply force feedback - it was part of the game mechanism.


Ah well.


I see what your saying and TBH i cant understand why they wouldnt have rumble on the N64 games... surely it wouldnt have been that hard to get it to work?

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Yeah, just sellotape the Wiimote to the Classic Controller or use a Gamecube pad - sorted. :P


At least the rest of the Virtual Console should be great. :) Absolutely itching to get my hands on some NES/MD/SNES classics I never played.

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Yeah, just sellotape the Wiimote to the Classic Controller or use a Gamecube pad - sorted. :P


At least the rest of the Virtual Console should be great. :) Absolutely itching to get my hands on some NES/MD/SNES classics I never played.


Hmm this has made me wonder... im 99% sure that the cube pad rumble worked when you played OoT and OoT Master Quest... and even Majoras Mask on the Zelda collectors edition disk.... so if it was possible then why not now?

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The thing about Wavebird is that it makes it far easier to pick up and play after you've played a while and you need a short break to make errands during gameplay (could be everything from your daily life, like checking who in the world has been ringing at your door for the effing 11th time) without the danger of entangling yourself in cables.


That happens quite often when you live in a limited living area and there are lots of distractions, like the beautiful, hot blonde walking along with her black girlfriend and your pet who thinks the GC handcontroller-cable is the best toy in the world while you hurry your best at the window to hollow at the girls, like:

Yo, bitches! You wanna check out my Nintendo-collection?

However, doing that you end up stumbling on your GC handcontroller-cable and taking down your GC and home cinema system along with the heavy stand, hurting you in the process and the only thing you can think of that moment: Why the fuck didn't I just invest in that sexy, little Wavebird?


My point is this: Wavebird is far more convinient (sorry, this PC doesn't include a Word processor that has english spelling checker) then original GC controller.


But, I do miss a force feedback for my Wavebird. I am currently playing Skies of Arcadia: Legends and I'm looking for the second eyestone in Ixa'taka. I already found both the Golden Man and Golden Bird. But, the second eyestone hasn't arrived and the Golden Bird just circles around. I've looked many a times in that circle, but to no avail. And, in that area I think a rumble feature would be beneficial.

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I am kinda disappointed to hear this, it was something I hadn't even considered happening. Whilsts theres lots of praise going round for the wii, it's a bit of a shoddy job, ninty really need to get their arses into gear and sort it all out, without charging us lots of extra money.

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