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GAME Confirm Whos Getting A Launch Day Wii ! ! !


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Day two of my endevour and still i have no letter from GAME, which has brought me to the conclusion that:


1. my GAME are not sending out letters

2. my GAME are too small to be confirming pre-orders

3. my GAME all ready have enought wii's to fill the pre-orders


i'll just head down to GAME on december 8th and present my slip and money letter or no letter


1 isn't plausabile, as its sent out by head office. 2 is probably the same.

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I haven't had anything from Game and I'm only 20 on the list... someone who I know who was 30-odd on the list in the same store got their letter 2 days ago.. how messed up is that! Worrying....


I'm really waiting on PCWorld to confirm my order with them tho as it's better value but was banking on Game as a sure-fire back-up!

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Just to reassure others. I haven't had anything from GAME either. Not sure what number I was on the list but I went on the 27th September which I think was the first day they offered pre-orders.


Here's hoping we all get a positive letter soon.

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Right, im slighty worried atm , today i got my pre-order confirmation from game today, (i was number 34 on the list btw) my brother orderd before me and before they did the pre-orders but we put it on my game card, and i put my wii pre-order on mine again, so infact i have two pre-orders on one game card, what im worried is that my bro won't be able to get a wii or somthing has gotten mixed up, you guys got any ideas what might of happned or am i just being paranoid , hopfully going down to game tommrrow to find more info.

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well after reading the posts here I went to my local Game where i pre ordered the Wii for me and platty and I ask one of the blokes who worked there if they can say if I will be getting a Wii as I am 3rd on there list and asked about the letters, he said he cant say anything will just have to wait and see.

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well after reading the posts here I went to my local Game where i pre ordered the Wii for me and platty and I ask one of the blokes who worked there if they can say if I will be getting a Wii as I am 3rd on there list and asked about the letters, he said he cant say anything will just have to wait and see.


Following up to that i phone my friend who works in GAME. She said that if we paid a deposit we will definitely be getting one.


She said they not taking deposits anymore cos they dont know whether they can fill the demand but as we are 3 & 4 on the list and paid deposit we will get one for sure.




She better not have got that wrong :heh:

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A friend of mine who was before me on the list went into Game Bristol today and they said that not all pre-orders had names next to them (they didn't note them!!) or some had illegible loyalty card numbers etc so they couldn't mail out to everyone. He was one of those people but he was told he's def getting one - I wouldn't panic too much....

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Number 11 on the list, put a deposit and have a GAME card...no letter. I'm sure I'll get one, tho.


If not I'll throw a fit instore (getting someone to film it), post it on the internet, 6 months later make loads of remixes. Then sell a signed Wii for massive profit.

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Number 11 on the list, put a deposit and have a GAME card...no letter. I'm sure I'll get one, tho.


If not I'll throw a fit instore (getting someone to film it), post it on the internet, 6 months later make loads of remixes. Then sell a signed Wii for massive profit.


Nintendo 64 Kid all over again... :bowdown:


My mum went into GAME Xmas shopping yesterday and asked about was told about Wii games, she said I had already ordered one and then the guy said that my letter will be sent out over the next few days. My fears have been put to rest.

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Nintendo 64 Kid all over again... :bowdown:


My mum went into GAME Xmas shopping yesterday and asked about was told about Wii games, she said I had already ordered one and then the guy said that my letter will be sent out over the next few days. My fears have been put to rest.




Its funny, how a specialist games store can get things so wrong. Sure, notifying customers is good, but all the mis information and lacking of standard response from each game store adds to the frustration. A new console release should be a big thing for any games store, and by now they really should have mastered things. My store had no knowledge of the confirmed orders letter and would not confirmw whether i will get a launch machine and im no1 in the queue.::shrug:

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Hello N-Europe, I'm new here!


I'm currently crying myself to sleep, as I haven't got a confirmation letter or anything from GAME yet. I must have pre-ordered about a week or two after they started taking them, so I can't have been that far down the line. Reckon it's worth giving them a ring and finding out where I am? A friend of mine has got a letter from them already, and he used the GAME about 5 minutes down the street.


Is there any way to find out how many Wii units a store is getting, perhaps?

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Hello N-Europe, I'm new here!


I'm currently crying myself to sleep, as I haven't got a confirmation letter or anything from GAME yet. I must have pre-ordered about a week or two after they started taking them, so I can't have been that far down the line. Reckon it's worth giving them a ring and finding out where I am? A friend of mine has got a letter from them already, and he used the GAME about 5 minutes down the street.


Is there any way to find out how many Wii units a store is getting, perhaps?


welcome!! I work at GAME and we got a memo though this morning saying that all customers that have pre-ordered will get a machine for launch, don't know if this just applys to some stores only?!?!? One question, did you us a reward card (that is yours) when you ordered?? If the address for the card is different to your current address or you didn't use one or its a friends card then the mailing will be affected.

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welcome!! I work at GAME and we got a memo though this morning saying that all customers that have pre-ordered will get a machine for launch, don't know if this just applys to some stores only?!?!? One question, did you us a reward card (that is yours) when you ordered?? If the address for the card is different to your current address or you didn't use one or its a friends card then the mailing will be affected.


so if i go into my local game and they won't take a preorder they are full up, but if they will take it, ill get one? worth taking out an insurance preorder.

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