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FIRE EMBLEM: A blockbuster made on a shoestring...

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Jeez, I wouldn't even finish it twice probably.




As I get older I find myself having less and less time for actually completing games. Finishing a game once is an achievement for me, let alone 15 bluddy times!


Plus, with YouTube available nowadays, you can probably watch the ending there and save yourself the effort and chore of completing it fifteen times.

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As I get older I find myself having less and less time for actually completing games. Finishing a game once is an achievement for me, let alone 15 bluddy times!


Plus, with YouTube available nowadays, you can probably watch the ending there and save yourself the effort and chore of completing it fifteen times.


I finish every game I own at least once, but NEVER 15 times. I don't see the point of buying a game and not completing it. Especially a game like Fire Emblem. I love the feeling of completion and accomplishment.

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I finish every game I own at least once, but NEVER 15 times. I don't see the point of buying a game and not completing it. Especially a game like Fire Emblem. I love the feeling of completion and accomplishment.



Wow, I applaud you, you must have more time, or more likely, much more commitment than me. I tend to not be able to stop myself when I see games at cut prices, regardless of I need them.

But then again, how would one define a game as complete, for example, I would say you haven't completed Super Mario 64 till you get all the stars and see Yoshi at the top of the castle.


Anywho, back to Fire Emblem. It's a fantastic game, but I just can't stand letting my characters die, I mean they're gone forever! So I take a lot of restarts which can get frustrating after a while, but then again, this just shows the superb characterisation within the game, so to the extent that you actually care whether they live or die.

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Wow, I applaud you, you must have more time, or more likely, much more commitment than me. I tend to not be able to stop myself when I see games at cut prices, regardless of I need them.

But then again, how would one define a game as complete, for example, I would say you haven't completed Super Mario 64 till you get all the stars and see Yoshi at the top of the castle.


Anywho, back to Fire Emblem. It's a fantastic game, but I just can't stand letting my characters die, I mean they're gone forever! So I take a lot of restarts which can get frustrating after a while, but then again, this just shows the superb characterisation within the game, so to the extent that you actually care whether they live or die.


I know what you mean about the criteria for beating a game. I did get all 120 stars in Mario 64 though. I think the criteria for beating that game is beating Bowser the final time. If you get every single star then that's just really going the whole hog! It's like Zelda OOT, I've completed that, but never got every single Skultula.


As for Fire Emblem, I got through that without letting a single charcter die. As for the restarts, it was a funny one. Some levels I seemed to just get right and breeze through, and others were a bitch! Plus I actually got attached to quite a few characters. I loved Captain Haar and Jill especially. I really loved Naesala and Tibarn too.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I did get PoR and have begun playing it at the difficulty level "normal". However, after completing chapter 9 I find that the game is rather easy. Will it become increasingly hard as the game progresses (as I would hope), or do you advise that I should start a new game on the "difficult" setting?


The game is great with story, visuals, menu, options, controls and sound effects. But I wish it was a little more challenging so far. It is possible that the early chapters are easier to allow players to learn the ropes, but having gone 9 chapters I'm still looking for a challenge...



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I did get PoR and have begun playing it at the difficulty level "normal". However, after completing chapter 9 I find that the game is rather easy. Will it become increasingly hard as the game progresses (as I would hope), or do you advise that I should start a new game on the "difficult" setting?


The game is great with story, visuals, menu, options, controls and sound effects. But I wish it was a little more challenging so far. It is possible that the early chapters are easier to allow players to learn the ropes, but having gone 9 chapters I'm still looking for a challenge...



It is hard if you're playing without letting anyone dieing

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I did get PoR and have begun playing it at the difficulty level "normal". However, after completing chapter 9 I find that the game is rather easy. Will it become increasingly hard as the game progresses (as I would hope), or do you advise that I should start a new game on the "difficult" setting?


Game does get harder when it progresses. I wouldn't really recommend using "Difficult", as it is really, really hard later in the game.

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It is hard if you're playing without letting anyone dieing


Too right, it's not that hard to breeze right through it if you don;t care about the characters. It took me a while to beat, but not one of my characters died. However, I didn't get every character to join my team that could've done.

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It gets much harder later on, especially if you wish to keep all your characters from dieing.


It gets much harder later on, especially if you wish to keep all your characters from dieing.


Thanks for the tip. Indeed, it is easy to make a wrong step and loose a Pegasus knight here and there, and be forced to restart a chapter (I completed boarding the ship without loss and having visited two houses and befriended the Myrmidon in Chap 11 on the third try). But does one get to a point where, even with good play, precious combatants must be lost in order to move on? You guys are talking about Normal mode now, right? How much harder then is "Difficult". Of course I could just try myself, but I'll first complete "Normal"...


By the way, did you realize that there is heaps of online stuff on Fire Emblem. A Google search picks these dedicated websites where trued devotees are just raising the bar in terms of gaming perfectionism...



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Thanks for the tip. Indeed, it is easy to make a wrong step and loose a Pegasus knight here and there, and be forced to restart a chapter (I completed boarding the ship without loss and having visited two houses and befriended the Myrmidon in Chap 11 on the third try). But does one get to a point where, even with good play, precious combatants must be lost in order to move on? You guys are talking about Normal mode now, right? How much harder then is "Difficult". Of course I could just try myself, but I'll first complete "Normal"...


By the way, did you realize that there is heaps of online stuff on Fire Emblem. A Google search picks these dedicated websites where trued devotees are just raising the bar in terms of gaming perfectionism...




Nope, you don't have to sacrifice anyone, I didn't! I made it right through to the end and completed it with out a single death! But sometimes it is frustrating, you can get to the end of a very long chapter and lose one person through a freak accident and then have to restart, it's very annoying. It's all about how much you care for the characters and whether you can be bothered to keep a perfect record. I loved them, and I wanted to make sure they all survived.

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I nearly kept everyone alive. I got to the last chapter and Titiana died but I thought what the hell, it was the last level anyways.


How could you!!! She was my MVP at the end, I loved her, she was like a tank. The only Chapter where she performed poorly for me was the last one. I really loved Haar, Jill, Oscar, Kieran, Shinnon and Zihark. I also thought Tibarn and Naesala were brilliant. I didn't use a single mage though as I don't like them. I had a super hard 'cavalry' and 'air cavalry' which stormed forward relentlessly whilst the on foot guys cleared up any mess left over.

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My MVP was probably Soren as nobody couldnt touch him. I was also a fan of Oscar and Boyd as you had them from the start and learned to love them. Another character who I thought was class was Shinon ( sp? ) I love attacking from far away so him and Soren was a match made in heaven. Stinks how I had to lose him early on in the game though.

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I finally got this game and Resident Evil 4, a week ago, both sealed. Both are my first games in their respective series, so now my Cube collection is a bit more complete.


Anyway, I'm loving this game! (in fact, more than Resident Evil)

Allthough I must admit to having used GameFaqs for the current chapter. Chapter 13 or something, the first one where you actually encounter the Black Knight. There's so much going on on that map. I was going about my business, but then the Black Knight appears, those wyvern riders get active, and one of those vigilantes has my attention. So I checked the guide to find out what to do with those 2 characters (how to recruit them if possible) and now I know.


It's my first tactical RPG by the way, and like I said, I'm loving it, allthough their are some disadvantages compared to regular RPG's. I like to grind (well, at least level up considerately), but this game doesn't let you do that.. I really have to choose what characters to use and who will get the exp..


I'm also wondering, if it's possible to let everyone just die, and play through the game with just Ike.. I'm guessing not, but if you can, what a weird (and probably very hard) playthrough would that be..

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Ooh, playing it on normal!


Let us know how that goes difficulty-wise wont you, I imagine that it'll be horrendous come the latter half of the game. :heh:


I missed the odd character when I played this. I think two maybe, that'd be why I'd replay, though I'd probably need to check some tips to see what I didnt do to not recruit whoever I missed.

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My grip with this game is only on the visuals.


The gameboy adv versions had amazing animated fights that you never got bored of and colourful locations that I don't think have transposed from handheld to console very well.


In the cube version the battle animations are pretty stale from the slow ass knights to the godamn flyers who glide over a few feet, set themselves down gently then give a gentle prod to show them who's boss.


If the next one has fast action, creativly animated, battle scenes and locations that don't dull the senses then I will be completely sold.


ps POR rocks.

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I finally got this game and Resident Evil 4, a week ago, both sealed. Both are my first games in their respective series, so now my Cube collection is a bit more complete.


Anyway, I'm loving this game! (in fact, more than Resident Evil)

Allthough I must admit to having used GameFaqs for the current chapter. Chapter 13 or something, the first one where you actually encounter the Black Knight. There's so much going on on that map. I was going about my business, but then the Black Knight appears, those wyvern riders get active, and one of those vigilantes has my attention. So I checked the guide to find out what to do with those 2 characters (how to recruit them if possible) and now I know.


It's my first tactical RPG by the way, and like I said, I'm loving it, allthough their are some disadvantages compared to regular RPG's. I like to grind (well, at least level up considerately), but this game doesn't let you do that.. I really have to choose what characters to use and who will get the exp..


I'm also wondering, if it's possible to let everyone just die, and play through the game with just Ike.. I'm guessing not, but if you can, what a weird (and probably very hard) playthrough would that be..


Both are awesome games, tuly gems. I'm not sure which one I'd pick though if I had to choose between them.


My grip with this game is only on the visuals.


The gameboy adv versions had amazing animated fights that you never got bored of and colourful locations that I don't think have transposed from handheld to console very well.


In the cube version the battle animations are pretty stale from the slow ass knights to the godamn flyers who glide over a few feet, set themselves down gently then give a gentle prod to show them who's boss.


If the next one has fast action, creativly animated, battle scenes and locations that don't dull the senses then I will be completely sold.


ps POR rocks.


Yeah, it's sad that they didn't put more effort into the graphics.

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Ooh, playing it on normal!


Let us know how that goes difficulty-wise wont you, I imagine that it'll be horrendous come the latter half of the game. :heh:


I missed the odd character when I played this. I think two maybe, that'd be why I'd replay, though I'd probably need to check some tips to see what I didnt do to not recruit whoever I missed.

I played through it my first time on Normal. Was damn hard towards the end to keep everyone alive.

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cutscenes are great if they are done properly.. my favorites are from FF 9.. I had NEVER seen such beauty on a console bofore.. and it was on the ps2 I played it...

Ill probably pick up fire emblem when i find it cheap enough... sigh.. have found 2 used editions in EB games.. but they know what to charge for these hard to come by nintendo titles.. id rather pay full price somewhere else.. it's

only a few bobs more

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cutscenes are great if they are done properly.. my favorites are from FF 9.. I had NEVER seen such beauty on a console bofore.. and it was on the ps2 I played it...

Ill probably pick up fire emblem when i find it cheap enough... sigh.. have found 2 used editions in EB games.. but they know what to charge for these hard to come by nintendo titles.. id rather pay full price somewhere else.. it's

only a few bobs more


This game is worth full price. I don;t mind getting second hand copies of some games, but this is sooo expensive second hand its worth paying the extra fiver to get it new and factory sealed.

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