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BREAKING - NGamer has reviews of Wii games


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By, oh, I dunno, being a decent game?::shrug:


Well thats one possability, the other being that like most release titles for a new console they get stupidly high scores just for the sake of being new and then somewhere along the line the score will get downgraded using some lame relaunching of the mag as an excuse.

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76% is average these days.. I gladly buy games that get lower reviews.. but they have to be highly original to warrant it.


We've lived in the golden age.. now concepts and industry standard ideas can be punched out in 6 months and still be nothing fantastic.. take it back 5 years and in comparison this game would be pioneering.


82% of statistics are bullshit anyway.


On top of that.. the pros and cons system is much more efficient, and in comparison to words describing the use of numbers in statistics is merely a formality these days.

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How the hell did Red Steel get scored that highly??


Have you ever played it? No? How do you know it isn't that good?




Hay solintaze, what were your predictions m8?




Are there any scans of the reviews yet? Those numbers mean nothing, read the review, not the score.

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Lacking a camera/scanner and time for typing up the whole article, heres the "In Detail" section:


Red Steel


Fighting shady Yakuza types from the US to Japan in effort to save your girlfriend. It's the stuff of 1,000 action films



Nunchuck and remote both used. You'll need every button, trigger and axis of movement to play.


Graphics - 8

Not realistic, but delightfully hyper-real. Nice special effects and plenty of level variety.


Audio - 8

The burst of warbling during sword fights is weird, but suitable explosins and comical voiceovers.


Gameplay - 9

It's got a great eye for action, but is not afraid to be silly. A tad shallow, maybe?


Innovation - 9

Controls are logical and handle like a dream. Analogue stick, hang your big plastic head in shame.


Summary - 90%

Not only making excellent use of the Wii's controllers, this is huge fun in its own right. For a launch title to get so much right is an indicator of things to come.


Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz


Roll your monkey-in-a-ball around obstacle courses and collect bananas using the the tilty functions of the Wii remote.



It in vent accum vulputat ing esequis nim in henim elis doloree tumsandip ea feuis nit, sum ilit in.


Graphics - 7

In some ways, plainer than the GameCube versions, but perfectly functional and full of personality.


Audio - 8

Once the music is in your head, it isn't going away. The new monkey noises are also excellent.


Gameplay - 8

The courses are designed around the possibilities of the controller. You never have to fight it.


Innovation - 7

It's a simple way to use the remote and it works incredibly well, one you're used to its quirks.


Summary - 84%

A proper return to form for the monkeys and a party game showcase that deserves to be on everyone's Wii launch shopping list. Impressively solid, hugely entertaining.

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You just know that Red Steel will be one of those games that has it's score 'revised' in a few months as 'better' games come out. Mags do that a lot with review scores (is N-Gamer the new version N64 mag?) if so I seem to re-call a lot of review revisions in that mag (which is fair enough I suppose given the passing of time) but you just know that the game was prob never worth that score in the first place!!!

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You just know that Red Steel will be one of those games that has it's score 'revised' in a few months as 'better' games come out. Mags do that a lot with review scores (is N-Gamer the new version N64 mag?) if so I seem to re-call a lot of review revisions in that mag (which is fair enough I suppose given the passing of time) but you just know that the game was prob never worth that score in the first place!!!


Yeah look at Turok that got something ridicolous like 90% it wasn't till goldeneye later came out they realised what a N64 FPS could do.


I just wanna know how the controls have been sorted that was my only reasoning for considering not getting it, and getting Call of Duty instead.

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It is not like they have overrated Monkey ball (I hope!) though is it?

I doubt they will have to adjust 84% down.

I think it is a bit hasty to assume that Red Steel has been over-hyped.

It is possible after all that it will just be a very good game.

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Turok got 94% and kept it's 94%.


What the guys mean is that N64 Mag implemented a system later on where past review scores were reviewed themselves on a scale from 1 to 5, based on what they were worth in the "present". Turok's 94% scored a 2 about two years after. Maybe you don't remember that feature... Zelda, Mario, GoldenEye were some of the games that kept their scores, getting a 5 on that scale.

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Basically if you want something that you can take as gospel.. wait for the Famitsu scores.


4 people, 4 areas.. each giving a rating out of 10.


I have only disagreed with them once.. when they gave Nintendorgs 40/40.


Super Monkey Ball deserves an extra 2 points for graphics and innovation.. just because the game perfectly suited the controller before it was released doesn't mean it's not innovative.. they could have added in nunchuck controls in single player.


Graphics.. oh well they haven't improved much so lets give it a seven, they were already refined.

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I see a divide forming between Red Steel fanboys and Ubisoft haters.


Let the wars begin. If I had to choose I'd be with the Ubisoft haters.. I admit they're showing good support (compared to Codemasters playing stoically) but this game is not going to be godly.


It's not what Gears of War is to the 360 this Winter.

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What the guys mean is that N64 Mag implemented a system later on where past review scores were reviewed themselves on a scale from 1 to 5, based on what they were worth in the "present". Turok's 94% scored a 2 about two years after. Maybe you don't remember that feature... Zelda, Mario, GoldenEye were some of the games that kept their scores, getting a 5 on that scale.


yeah thats the scale of was referring to.

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Have you ever played it? No? How do you know it isn't that good?




Hay solintaze, what were your predictions m8?




Are there any scans of the reviews yet? Those numbers mean nothing, read the review, not the score.


There were supposed to be a load of control issues, and with it being only a couple of weeks from launch, I thought they wouldn't have managed to address the issues, and from the previews, I definately wouldn't have thought it would have gotten 90%.

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