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Wii in White Only


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Codename Revolution are reporting that Nintendo's Planning General Manager Mitsuaki Hagishima has been interviewed by Japanese "Nintendo Dream" Magazine, and says that Wii will be produced in one colour only. He does say that the Wii remote will be produced in a multitude of colours.





So no black at all then? How do people feel about that?

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Doubt it'll happen...Gamecube came in bzillions of colours, especially in Japan.

They could do it though, as if people dont have a choice at all, then there will be no people 'waiting' for a certain colour.


They should have released Muliple coloured Wiimotes to start with though. Not those crappy sleeve things.


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White > Black. There's no point in a black console except for goths. And nobody wants to play Wii with goths anyway :heh:


On a more serious note, the white Wii would have been far more popular anyway. I doubt there's that much demand for a black Wii.

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OH NOES!! My favorite console is white, and I wanted it darkblue with green Boo's on it!!!

I am NOT gonna buy the Wii now.



Just kidding, but I guess you get my point: I personally don't care about the color... as long as the console and the gaming itself is good

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Guest Stefkov

meh not bothered, white will go with my white lite.

Will probably get 3 other coloured maybe 2, if the Wii play controller is white, controllers.

I'd go for a green one :D

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One reason not to get White consoles is that they tend to gradually loose their whiteness over time (because of the sun); like the Dreamcast!


I couldn't decide between the White and Black Wii (I was kinda edging towards the Black one), but Nintendo made the choice for me!


I'm glad there will be different colour Wii-motes!

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i knew that wii would only come in white at lanch for a while like moria said.


i actualy wanted a white one if you don't (especialy doctor boo) you could put a skin on it.


i think the baby blue controller was just the white one in a room with bluish light.


i'm going to use the white wii-mote that comes with my console the other controller will be my sis's so it's not my choice.


i wonder if it would look coon using a white wii-mote and a black nunchuck

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Of course there will be a black Wii in the future. Anything to boost sales will do. A new colour usually has the this effect. Besides IGN did a poll a while back and it was very close in choice of colour between White and Black consoles. Its better to satisfy the masses.


For now though they should concentrate on producing as much White Wii's as possible. Multiple colour variations would slow down manufacturing.

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First of all, I'm confident they'll release black sooner or later, around march would be a good time. I want a black one (and I'm no goth either by the way), and I'll get a black one. I probably don't have the money at launch to buy a white one anyway. However, if I do have the money, I was thinking of maybe buying a white one (at launch) for the whole family, and put that one in the living room. Maybe I can get my parents to join in on the action, allthough I doubt it, they both only touched my consoles once, my mom tried some Super Mario Bros 2 back in the days, my dad some Starfox 64, I don't think they'll be up for any swinging and waving, but you never know! The white one will never see the inside of my room though, but if I do get a white one, and buy the black one later, I'm all set up for LAN action.

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Its a simple marketing/production thing, if they launced with Black and White they'd end up running out of stock with one colour and being left with an abundance of the other colour and a load of brassed off customers (think it happened with the black GC in some stores)

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