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UK Wii Tour - Details FINALLY!


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What's Rayman like? I was so disappointed they didnt have RedSteel there at all....


Didn't bother playing Rayman, not that interested really, but a mate of mine played it and just gave up lol but the absence of Red Steel was a bastard alright, I think a lot of the fellas standing about were fit enough to cry when it wasn't there!


Zelda definitely made up for it though, such a great experience. I stood watching people struggle to aim the bow and I thought "shite, that looks hard" but it's actually quite simple if you just think about what you're doing and not swing the Wiimote all around the place, and it works very accurately! Surprised no one tried the fishing demo too!

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I saw two people try it. It looked a bit difficult to be honest.


Yeah I've noticed that watching people who struggle make it look difficult but when you try it yourself it's not so bad. Should have tried the fishing demo myself, oh well.


Also actually, at one stage when I was using the bow the crosshair just started going fuckin crazy, flying all round the screen and literally nothing I did steadied it, even pointing the Wiimote completely still at the screen, so I just had to cancel out and aim again. But I realised that the sensor bar probably was very roughly set up as well as the sensitivity so I didn't mind that much...but naturally I wouldn't want to see that in a finished version, it could become really annoying.

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From what conor said the press day on friday they went to at that toys for big boys event they didnt have any units for the press day and they got the units there for saturday.


Yeah thats what Franklin and COnor told me. They seemed to have som eproblem setting up the units on the Friday night


Wow, Conzer. It seemed like you had an amazing time with the guys. Glad you enjoyed it.


I wish i knew more people from here. Any of you guys from Brighton?


It was great! :D


If you can get to an event, go!

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So were Nintendo there first thing in the morning? I'm heading to Bluewater on Thursday and hoping they will be there early so I don't have to wait long

I also plan to get to bluewater early on that Thursday, hopefully around 9-10am. I'm going with a mate who I used to work with, and he's sometimes on this forum aswell. I expect Platty and Oli may turn up at Bluey aswell considering they live close by.


I was going to go to the lakeside one originally this week, but the Bluewater one would be more convienient, and I suppose I can wait another week to have a lil go at Wii Sports.

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I also plan to get to bluewater early on that Thursday, hopefully around 9-10am. I'm going with a mate who I used to work with, and he's sometimes on this forum aswell. I expect Platty and Oli may turn up at Bluey aswell considering they live close by.


I was going to go to the lakeside one originally this week, but the Bluewater one would be more convienient, and I suppose I can wait another week to have a lil go at Wii Sports.


Yeah we will be there, if you see us say hi :)


Yeah me and platty will be there hoping to be early but I have work wednesday night just hoping to be home early. Me and platty are gonna aim for getting there early.


I dont care im waking you up early! you can sleep some other time :kiss:

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Guest Stefkov

So is anyone here going to the Manchester Arndale one?

I also wish i knew people from here..


(ive had to come on firefox for this, opera crashed, and ive just experienced the spelling thing on it...wow)

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I dont think I'm going to go to any, could only really do it tomorrow, and by the time I'd get there it'd be around 1. So I just figured that once we get our demo pod in I'll go in on a day I'm running before the shop opens and play.

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Anyone thats going to bluewater on Thursday look out for me and my mate (its me on the right) and shout Scuba!!!!!




I will keep and eye out for you guys.


Look out for me and Ollie.




Note: This picture is a few years old and i have a lot less hair now and yes i do love Oliver :wink:

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Guest Stefkov
Anyone thats going to bluewater on Thursday look out for me and my mate (its me on the right) and shout Scuba!!!!!




The guy on the left reminded me of who that guy...Jude Law..

I think so a little bit


.....I think so...

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Anyone planning to go to Glasgow Buchannan Galeries on 16/17/18?


I'm going to be there on either the 17th or 18th..


I'm probably gonna be at the Buchanan Galleries Thursday and Friday, it's gonna eat into my GoW play time, but I don't care :P

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I'n gonna be in bluewater tomorrow from 2ish I reckon, cos I get out of uni at 12(sposed to stay until 3ish, but i wanna play wii so im gonna skip my tutorial and get a slap on the wrist for missing it). Looks like I'll be there by myself, but I'll probably pop into GAME to see the old workmates. If you see me, feel free to say hello, I look pretty much like my avatar, despite that being about 2 years ago now. Does anyone know any sort of times for it, like when it starts and ends, and where it'll be? I imagine it'll be by M&S, as that's near both the GAMEs too, and it tends to be host to random display stuff.

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I have no idea on times. Bluewater opens at 10am so me and Ollie are gonna head there around mid day or so.


As for where i think you're right it could be by M&S or perhaps in that bit by the cinema as they usually put displays and things there like santas grotto etc.

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