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North Korea Test Nuclear Weapon


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Anyone without sunfactor 100 000 is gonna have a really bad day.


LOL nice Terminator 2 quote :heh: I don't think anyone's stupid enough to start a nuclear war, even North Korea. It seems more like a deterrant. They're fucked if they fire it at anyone so what's the point.

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From BBC News this morning...


"Only Iran, which also faces Security Council action over its failure to suspend its uranium enrichment programme - has voiced support for North Korea."


Hahahaha! Iran is ALREADY being shoehorned into being exactly the same thing as North Korea and the current scaremongering buzzword for nukes and the like, 'weapons of mass destruction' is already being bandered about by the US in their proposals.


"Halting trade in material that could be used to make weapons of mass destruction"


You just wait. In a couple of months Iran and North Korea will be exactly the same thing and they'll both have weapons that are a -direct- threat to US security. Either that or they'll play it as a 'very noble attempt to help save our brothers in the free world' or other such bollocks.


Iran's army is not even half the size of the North Korean force. And possibly more importantly, Iran, unlike North Korea, is absolutely drowning in oil.


The troops'll be in Iran in no time!

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Excuse but what the hell did you mean by that?


i just ment they couldnt bomb any where if they wanted it was just the first place to pop into my head.


like i said before korea china iran. that could be a formidable force. america has played this game before with the same results china taking controll as america are deep within chinas pockets. iran does what it wants as long as they play the americans at their own game and china would kick ass if anything is launched at their general direction witch would be korea. japans scared of china and even with america protecting them they wouldnt be so silly to attack korea. nor can america embark on another war.


check out sun zue art of war the basics are in thier. plus they would have to go to china for yet more money see where this is going


plus today china said their would be no millatery action................america must obay again becuse of the money:bowdown:


and i think russia would be easyer swayed to go the china root than the stars and stripes road


and if america do fade out of power i dont think anyone will be cryin for them to come back. DO YOU HEAR ANY ONE CRYIN OUT FOR THE REBUILD OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE NO NO NO NO WAY. BECAUSE IT WAS WRONG WRONG WRONG


china is on the side of korea and iran they just get pissed off with them when they dont talk befor they act but it dosent mean china will abandon the two.


you realy have to read between the lines with all this its not all so straight forward like most of you may think it is.

look at the progress from afgan to iraq theirs plenty of things in that that tell you one thing is conected to most things.


THE END:zzz:

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But isn't Kim Jong Yale(sp??) isn't he actually an alien cockroach in a robot humanoid suit.


He's also very lonely




"I'm So Ronery

I'm so ronery

So ronery

So ronery and sadry arone


There's no one

Just me onry

Sitting on my rittle throne

I work very hard and make up great prans

But nobody ristens, no one understands

Seems that no one takes me serirousry


And so I'm ronery

A little ronery

Poor rittre me


There's nobody

I can rerate to

Feer rike a bird in a cage

It's kinda sihry

But not rearry

Because it's fihring my body with rage


I work rearry hard and I'm physicarry fit

But nobody here seems to rearize that

When I rure the world maybe they'rr notice me

But untir then I'rr just be ronery

Rittre ronery, poor rittre me

I'm so ronery

I'm so ronery"

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Quite honestly, and this might be irrational, I'd suggest attacking North Korea right now. I'm also against the war in Iraq and whatnot, but North Korea is a far greater threat than Iraq was. Kim Yong-il is a madman with mad weapons. He continously tries to push the border of what he can do, and this nuclear test was one of them.


I say act now before we are too late. This man, with his army and nukes, has proved himself he is a threat to the world.

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Quite honestly, and this might be irrational, I'd suggest attacking North Korea right now. I'm also against the war in Iraq and whatnot, but North Korea is a far greater threat than Iraq was. Kim Yong-il is a madman with mad weapons. He continously tries to push the border of what he can do, and this nuclear test was one of them.


I say act now before we are too late. This man, with his army and nukes, has proved himself he is a threat to the world.


Actually if you give me some spy equipment and a can of bugspray i'll get rid of him.


P.S. If I always look at the news and find out isbad theres nothing quite like a warm cup of hot chocolate and roaring fire and a good laugh:santa:

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I say act now before we are too late. This man, with his army and nukes, has proved himself he is a threat to the world.


I think war is an absolute last option. Any campaign commited against North Korea would have to be a prolonged and bloody campaign. They fought an massive UN force to a standstill in the 50s, and even without Chinas support they would fight to the absolute death, as the Nazis did right back to the last 3 square miles of Berlin. It could even mean conscription - you, me, in the trenches waiting for a shell to land on our heads. I certainly hope it doesn't come to that.


I think our first move is levering China and Russia as far away as possible from NK diplomatically, and then hit them with some Section 7. It won't solve the problem but it might contain the NK government by cutting them off completely. I feel really sorry for the people there though.


Anyway, here's some handy filler info on North Korea and Kim-Jong Il. Enjoy.

North Korea Profile

Kim Jong Il

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i just ment they couldnt bomb any where if they wanted it was just the first place to pop into my head.


I'll take this one poorly written paragraph at a time.


like i said before korea china iran. that could be a formidable force. america has played this game before with the same results china taking controll as america are deep within chinas pockets. iran does what it wants as long as they play the americans at their own game and china would kick ass if anything is launched at their general direction witch would be korea. japans scared of china and even with america protecting them they wouldnt be so silly to attack korea. nor can america embark on another war.


I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that China sells most of its products to the US. Therefore, if the US market disappears, so does all their money, not to mention their industrial force would be depleted if there was a full scale war, which I doubt there will be. I don't think the "supper power" that is China could easily "kick ass" because the US is much more highly developed missile wise.


check out sun zue art of war the basics are in thier. plus they would have to go to china for yet more money see where this is going


America couldn't borrow money from China if they were in a war, not that they ever have borrowed money.


plus today china said their would be no millatery action................america must obay again becuse of the money:bowdown:


What does millatery mean? And China does not control the US, no matter how much you wish that was true.


and i think russia would be easyer swayed to go the china root than the stars and stripes road


I really doubt Russia is interested in getting very involved either way. And I would also think that many in Russia distrust China because they are communists. Either way, Russia would never launch a missile at the US or anybody else.


and if america do fade out of power i dont think anyone will be cryin for them to come back. DO YOU HEAR ANY ONE CRYIN OUT FOR THE REBUILD OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE NO NO NO NO WAY. BECAUSE IT WAS WRONG WRONG WRONG


I seem to remember millions of men owing their lives to America during the World Wars. And the British Empire was wrong? Check a map, dipshit. Countries that were among the British Empire are now among the greatest in the world. Except the middle east, of course, but no one has ever been able to very successful there.


china is on the side of korea and iran they just get pissed off with them when they dont talk befor they act but it dosent mean china will abandon the two.


China is extremely furious with the North Koreans. Even though they're allies, they know Kim Jong is just enough of a retard to actually fire a missile, which would eventually lead to a war for China if they continue to support Korea, something that is becoming less likely every day.


you realy have to read between the lines with all this its not all so straight forward like most of you may think it is.


Who ever said it was straight forward?


look at the progress from afgan to iraq theirs plenty of things in that that tell you one thing is conected to most things.


And I just can't make sense of this last pseudo-paragraph. You sound like a total nut job. "Put it all together:The world is nearing an end!"


THE END:zzz:


If you're coming here to criticize to US action, learn to spell and capitalize first. This stuff is for the adults.

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I'll take this one poorly written paragraph at a time.




I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that China sells most of its products to the US. Therefore, if the US market disappears, so does all their money, not to mention their industrial force would be depleted if there was a full scale war, which I doubt there will be. I don't think the "supper power" that is China could easily "kick ass" because the US is much more highly developed missile wise.




America couldn't borrow money from China if they were in a war, not that they ever have borrowed money.




What does millatery mean? And China does not control the US, no matter how much you wish that was true.




I really doubt Russia is interested in getting very involved either way. And I would also think that many in Russia distrust China because they are communists. Either way, Russia would never launch a missile at the US or anybody else.




I seem to remember millions of men owing their lives to America during the World Wars. And the British Empire was wrong? Check a map, dipshit. Countries that were among the British Empire are now among the greatest in the world. Except the middle east, of course, but no one has ever been able to very successful there.




China is extremely furious with the North Koreans. Even though they're allies, they know Kim Jong is just enough of a retard to actually fire a missile, which would eventually lead to a war for China if they continue to support Korea, something that is becoming less likely every day.




Who ever said it was straight forward?




And I just can't make sense of this last pseudo-paragraph. You sound like a total nut job. "Put it all together:The world is nearing an end!"




If you're coming here to criticize to US action, learn to spell and capitalize first. This stuff is for the adults.


Finally someone that's politically conscious. Some people percieve this like a video-game, that it's just pushing the button and missiles fly for no real reason. Today's world is so globalized that full scale war between countries with big economic power is just insane, that's the very reason we have a EU.

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Finally someone that's politically conscious. Some people percieve this like a video-game, that it's just pushing the button and missiles fly for no real reason. Today's world is so globalized that full scale war between countries with big economic power is just insane, that's the very reason we have a EU.


Actually the EU originaly started with France and Germany to make sure they got the best price for iron ore and coal

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i just ment they couldnt bomb any where if they wanted it was just the first place to pop into my head.


like i said before korea china iran. that could be a formidable force. america has played this game before with the same results china taking controll as america are deep within chinas pockets. iran does what it wants as long as they play the americans at their own game and china would kick ass if anything is launched at their general direction witch would be korea. japans scared of china and even with america protecting them they wouldnt be so silly to attack korea. nor can america embark on another war.


check out sun zue art of war the basics are in thier. plus they would have to go to china for yet more money see where this is going


plus today china said their would be no millatery action................america must obay again becuse of the money:bowdown:


china is on the side of korea and iran they just get pissed off with them when they dont talk befor they act but it dosent mean china will abandon the two.


For starters its 'Sun Tzu' and what 'basics' are you referring to? I don't think Tzu covered the economic dynamics of China and the US and it's relation with the Democratic People's Repubic of Korea. For someone to be literate enough to read 'The Art of War', you sure have poor spelling and grammar.


China has good political relations with the DPRK (has to do with both being communist states more than anything else) but then so does Indonesia, and that doesn't mean either state will go into bat for the DPRK if Kim Jong starts pushing 'fire' buttons. China has absolutely nothing to gain from siding with the DPRK in a war. If anything China are in the pockets of western developed nations and not vice versa. We use thier conveniently labour and industry to help the bottom line of our corporations. China is only growing because we've sent most of our manufacturing business over there.


Japan isn't fearful of China. Japan is a small, heavily overpopulated island with little primary resources in comparison to China. Japan is fearful of the DPRK because it's well within firing range of North Korean missiles. The DPRK can use this to their advantage as Japan is a major global economic hub. Threatening to blow the shit out of Japan is a good way to get what they want from the UN (ie: lots of food and financial aid, and to basically be promised to be left the hell alone).


Iran is a different case altogether. The Middle East alot more volatile. It's already in a pretty hectic state and having a fundamentalist Islamic state with nuclear capabilities is a very worrying thing. I'm sure the US is much more worried about Iran than the DPRK. If the US come to the point where they have to go in and secure oil and 'change' the Iranian 'regime' they would want to do it without having nukes dropped on them.


The DPRK is only a worry if we put them in such a dire situation that they feel there's only gains to be had by firing off nukes (probably at Japan).

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Chinas navy is worse than Britians which is embarrisng considering we probably couldnt carry out another falklands invasion. However America couldnt beat China (to many people) but they could inflict more damage on China than China could on America.

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Yes, by not invading each others countrys.


em what I talking about -I am sure if memory serves right we were told that it started in about 1910-1915 that time frame


yep invading countries is the way the world works. All congress, parliament, and maybe even the japanese political institutions along with the UN need to use reverse psychology, and saying like in south park where japan tries to blow up pearl harbour by saying ' you mericans have huge dicks, we have small ones - what can we do with those'. All you say is Kim Jong Il is the greatest movie buff thats ever lived and you end another problem

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Besides the fact that nobody will have anything to do with a massive scale war like that, China's army will do it no good in a fight with the US. In case you haven't noticed, they do not share a common border. Unless the US invaded that part of Asia they have nowhere for their armies to clash. So the fight would be won in the air and on the seas. Which country has a better navy and air force?

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