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North Korea Test Nuclear Weapon


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We can't compare this to the Nazi state! They had an half-assed national excuse which made the people follow that, they had allies, and more importantly a completly different international structure, with countries like UK and US being too reticent of intervening, and without the existence of the UN.

Im still failing to see a motive to launch a nuclear attack though, even if they could.


They don't need any. As Iun said, all they need idiot despot and a button.

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If they want one, let them ahve one, but North Korea pretty much keep to themselves, why builkd it, if you're not gonig to use it?


In my opinion they're planning something, possibly against China, or a Western country such as the USA or maybe even us. If WW3 happens, it doesn't worry me, but it annoys me, why we all live on this planet, but ahve to blow ourselves up.

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a mad man dose not need a motive you little detective you. nor dose a sane man for that matter. but you are kind of right their is no real motive for them to attack any one.


lets considder this all the fighting with israle palistine and now lebbonon.

iran providing cash for israle to get smashed and inbaris america. america providing israel with funds to do their dirty work just like saddam all over again. china stepping up on the world podium and havin more say with america as it has been lending masses of funds to the great usa even tho their human rights is outragouse with a blind eye provided by the rest of us. usa wants iran to stop but their not showing any sign of retreat. now lets throw korea in to all this


:laughing: things are looking bad for america if more powers with nuclulare capability are against them and their polacies. like you all no americas army is scaterd all over the world leavin the home land quite vunrable.


korea dont need a motive the rest of the world does bring on the china as the next supper power thats what i say:horse:


China as a world power a good thing. They play realpolitik without the need to be seen as hypocrites. I think when America fade if they do people will be wanting them back.

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i cant argue about the nuclear power side of things i say let everyone have nuclear power plants if they want. If anything goes wrong they have to sort it out.


:p excellent dont forget they make great terrorist targets:p


but nuclear bombs? i think everyone should have them disarmed and destroyed. no nukes for anyone. but turning round and saying "good on them we did so they should too" is not good. america bombed hiroshima should korea do the same?


:hehe: dont be silly why would i say korea bomb hiroshima:woops: that wouldnt be very nice now would it............you must realise thair talking about any kind of nuculare capability well they were with iran.

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A friend of mine once said, and to be honestly I agree with him, that North Korea is probably the only nation on Earth that could actually be crazy enough to launch a nuclear weapon. North Korea is a fanatically Stalinist regime that rule with remittant and unwavering brutality. The problem is how to make sure they don't - all even the strictist of sancitions seems to have achieved is to have starved many of the oppressed populace to death. This is going to have to have to come to a head one way or the other.

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A friend of mine once said, and to be honestly I agree with him, that North Korea is probably the only nation on Earth that could actually be crazy enough to launch a nuclear weapon. North Korea is a fanatically Stalinist regime that rule with remittant and unwavering brutality. The problem is how to make sure they don't - all even the strictist of sancitions seems to have achieved is to have starved many of the oppressed populace to death. This is going to have to have to come to a head one way or the other.


errr america im sure they should be at the top of the list seeing as their the only ones to deploy an active nuke on to someone elses bonce:shock: twice for that matter.


i saw in the papper the other day that a man was arrested and sentanced for thinking about rape. he never acted on this nor did he try. and in another storey a man got less time for actualy killing some one. sounds like your mate is hand in hand with the dark side letting thes kind of things happen are our selves as god aint coming to save us we have to save our own

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errr america im sure they should be at the top of the list seeing as their the only ones to deploy an active nuke on to someone elses bonce:shock: twice for that matter.


i saw in the papper the other day that a man was arrested and sentanced for thinking about rape. he never acted on this nor did he try. and in another storey a man got less time for actualy killing some one. sounds like your mate is hand in hand with the dark side letting thes kind of things happen are our selves as god aint coming to save us we have to save our own


Let's look at this chart.


(powered by wikipedia)



Out of thousands, the US used 2 bombs to end a war (maybe not necessary). I would trust more US with 30.000 nukes (or even Russia), than North Korea with 6.

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im looking at a chart but it aint telling me anything. are you saying russia has bombed more than america eerrrr you might have to spell that one out to me as its been the week end for me since wednesday and my brains being a little slow.


maybe not necesarry!!?? ARE YOU HAVIN A LAUGH MATE. NECESSATY WAS NEVER AN ISSUE IT WAS ALL OUT WRONG WRONG WRONG and you no it even the americans no it the fish in the sea no it.


so you would put trust into some one that has done something wrong and distrust the person who aint done a thing. er thought police.

oh crap yeh thats right your the masia as your gender is jesus. you should come lock me up because i thought about killing my parents as a young boy.

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Fookin' Commie Bastards!


Fake Edit For Content: N.Korea may have one of the largr armies in the world, but it doesn't mean they're any good. Saying they have blind devotion is only half-true. some people are blindly devoted, but a lot aren't. There was some guy that came from there that did a talk at a university, he said for about every ten people, there was an informant, so you couldn't really show you weren't blindly devoted. He said lots of the people that live in their capital city (which is like one big shanty town at street level) listened to asian and US radio transmitted from South Korea. It was quite interesting.


Edit: also, their undergorund trains are the deepest in the world (at over 100m or something), and are supposedly excellent bomb shelters.

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That Kim Jong-il is such a little trouble maker. He really needs to get over his short-man complex, I can't imagine anything worse then him with a nuclear weapon. Don't like the sound of Bush's response either, "North Korea has defied the will of the international community and the international community will respond''. I can imagine him having a tantrum right now, "Damn Koreans, I wanna bomb them now".

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Its actualy quite worrying what could potentialy happen. North Korea pretty much hates Japan. Now most people admit they would be foolish to launch a nuke at South Korea because the resulting fallout would probably wipe out half of their own population. Japan on the other hand.....


Japan have a treaty of sorts with America stating that they wont build nukes in return they are protected by Americas nukes now im sure we can all see where thats going..


And also theres China to throw into the equation who also hate Japan. Its going to be an interesting and possibly worrying time I would imagine.

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If there was a war between N. Korea and USA, I'm pretty sure that USA would pwn N. Korea. If I remember correctly, Iraq had a powerful army before the Gulf war. But look what happened! Iraq was pwned. And USA can use some kick-ass satellites, which can see what Kim is having for dinner (j/k).

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Don't forget the US has sea and ground based missile defense systems, which almost completely protect them.


And the US did nothing wrong when they bombed the Japanese. They gave them warning days ahead of time. Before both bombings. And a full scale invasion of Japan would have cost many million more lives, for both sides.


This is very serious stuff, but I can only see it ending badly for North Korea.

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but if you back North Korea into a corner and they have Nuclear capabilities with the ability to hit targets at range, and they were attacked from all sides, you would have to worry about Seoul being hit, which is exactly what the South Koreans are worried about at the moment

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but if you back North Korea into a corner and they have Nuclear capabilities with the ability to hit targets at range, and they were attacked from all sides, you would have to worry about Seoul being hit, which is exactly what the South Koreans are worried about at the moment


Which they don't have.


South Korea will have it's own short to medium range ballistic missile defense in 2008, through it's KDX-III fleet of ships, which use the Aegis defense system, developed by the US. Not to mention the US most likely has interceptor ships of it's own in the area. And I know japan has operational anti ballistic missle systems.

The world is a safer place than it sometimes seems. I would say Seoul is fairly secure.

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96% of the world's known nuclear weapons are in possession of the US and the USSR. USSR are still disarming a lot of them but the US disarmament has practically come to a standstill.


Why the hell is it okay for them to have so many damn nukes? Why don't more of the so called 'developed' countries kick more of a fuss about that? Because they're scared of America's power. Not just in weaponary terms and force but in every possible way.


North Korea demonstrating to the world that they have (or trying to make it seem like they have) nuclear weapons is a very worrying thing. Especially when Bush has gone on record saying that North Korea having access to that kind of power is simply unacceptable. And we all know how much George Bush likes to think of himself as President of the World. If they think North Korea has nuclear weapons they'll -probably- go in (though NK doesn't have -much- oil as an extra incentive for Bush - thank god) but with kim jong il at the helm I dread to think what could happen.

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