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I've just been informed by a games rep here that The Gamecube version of Twilight princess is coming in February 2007. This makes very little sense from a comsumers point of view I reckon, It might make business sense to Ninty, but I ain't Ninty. I wanted my Gamecube to go out with a bang because it deserves it. Now I have to wait another 2-3 months for the bloody thing. I've already had to wait an entire year for it already since it was pushed back and now more unnecessary delays. Is the same situation happening in the UK?

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I'm going to assume "here" means New Zealand, because you're a Kiwikid.

Anyway, it seems like a kick in the pants if it happens everywhere... But when you think about it, Nintendo would just be shrinking the initial Wii sales if gamers had an option. They want to increase the install base of the Wii, and they're doing it by only giving Zelda to those who buy a Wii. Are they being assholes? Yes. Does it make good business sense? Also yes.


Damn them.


Argh. I'm one of those sad people who won't buy a Wii at launch, because I don't think I'll have the money, but also because I'd like a black console. I was looking forward to playing the Cube (authentic lefty :D) version this Christmas.. They're taking this away from us! Grr.


But I'm optimistic, I'll look at this way. If they're willing to still release Cube games in February, 3 months after the Wii launch, perhaps there's still a chance we'll get Baten Kaitos II.


Anyway, let's wait for the official word first.


I am also going to buy a Wii in February for my birthday so won't be getting one at launch. I guess I'll get Zelda then too. How strange - walking into a games shop, buying a Wii console and a Gamecube game. My head hurts now, time for a chocky bickie and a lie down.


In fact Nintendo haven't even confirmed it is still being released anywhere except the US. I have a feeling it may well be cancelled. But that is good business sense, as more people will have to pick up a Wii, and to be honest - Wii does have the most anticipated game EVER as a launch title! I wouldn't mind so much if they did this - but ONLY if they included standard controls as an option.

In fact Nintendo haven't even confirmed it is still being released anywhere except the US. I have a feeling it may well be cancelled. But that is good business sense, as more people will have to pick up a Wii, and to be honest - Wii does have the most anticipated game EVER as a launch title! I wouldn't mind so much if they did this - but ONLY if they included standard controls as an option.


i agree, i thought it was stupid to remove the 'classic controller' functionality from the Wii version. if it was left in then all these people giving Nintendo shit over their correct decisions (mostly) should be happier, but on the other hand if Nintendo did that its almost like saying the Wii controls are less accurate than the normal configuration or are broken. so its a no win kinda thing.


Well, I think I'd rather play Zelda with the regular controls. I don;t want to have to be swinging my arms everywhere and jumping around everytime I draw my sword. Now, that may be just me, some people I'm sure will relish the idea of using the Wii-mote to control this.


Yarnton said that the GC version for EU will be released in the middle of December,i'd rather play TP with the normal controls aswell,the way it was ment to be played.


Well, I actually think the new controlls will be fun, maybe even better.. But it's a principle thing for me. It was meant as a Cube game, so I want to play it on my Cube. I want to buy and play both versions, and I will be slightly pissed if the cancel the Cube version (allthough admitted, I'll quickly forgive them when I play the Wii version).


For the same reason I'm not that enthousiastic about Paper Mario anymore. Which is weird, because it will be the same game (more or less?). But it's just that I still want Cube games, and allthough Paper Mario along Zelda en Baten Kaitos looks great, but when I'm buying Wii games, I'll have other priorities..



Last i heard Super Paper Mario had been moved to Wii anyway.


Don't you love how people come on forums without sources and say they heard something? Gotta love these kinda people...

Hmm...Are you trying to hint towards something?






I still hope to get the cube version when they bring it out but, I plan on getting the wii version so im not all that bothered about when it comes out.


I know I'll end up getting both, the Gamecube one as that's the one I'm looking forward to, as it's Zelda as I believe it's meant to be with the classic controls. But I'll get the Wii version because I am intrigued to see what Nintendo has done with the new controls.


I'll be getting both because with the Wii Controls it will be different and fun and i'll get it for the Cube because that's the console it was made for,and plus because I want to have the traditional controls.


Wasn't OOT like the most anticipated game ever? It felt like it, I remember I had to travel every where just to get a copy before Christmas.

Wasn't OOT like the most anticipated game ever? It felt like it, I remember I had to travel every where just to get a copy before Christmas.


yeah i think so, then after OoT probs Halo 2. but TP i think has alot more hype and anticipation associated with it.

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