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The celebration of Jack's return is cut short when he arrives at the beach with an Other, Juliet, whose flashbacks pick up from where they left off, showing us how she got onto the island and became an Other. Meanwhile, Claire is threatened by a strange illness.








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The episode will contain:


  • Answers
  • Standout quotes


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So... it's all about the curing cancer on the island. That nobody could get cancer on the island is true, since Rose didn't get it either (she LOST it there). I think answers are coming very soon and LOST is getting better every day (okay, week, it's episode-wise). It's just lovely. But it's sad that they did the predictable thing again by letting someone of the others into the camp, no? It's so... expected. But I loved this episode and I'm hoping on more answers soon. Sadly enough, the answers about the island ("it's special because it cures cancer!") won't be suffice for me. If that is the answer, the serie doesn't live up expectations in my opinion...




Awesome episode. I appreciated the 'mystery' music from the first season when Juliette emerged from the sub. Haven't heard it in ages. I thought Juliette was sincere, just goes to show you can't trust the others. It also made it seem as though Mikael wasn't part of them either... or maybe that was just me. I just hope Sayid and Sawyer catch on to her plans.



Desmond gets a flash of the future and enlists Hurley, Charlie, and Jin to join him on a mysterious hike. Hurley becomes suspicious that Desmond may be acting without everybody's best interests in mind. Desmond's vision reference the cable that Sayid, and later Hurley, found in season one.






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Offical ABC Podcast

-Juliet is up to no good.

- There's going to be a Goodwin story in the future, although it's hard to determine if they are joking

- Something "fairly momentous" is going to happen in Catch-22

- D.O.C will take us back to the death-of-pregnant-women storyline

- The question arose of the now famous "did we miss something in the pilot" question. They called it a false rumour and that no hidden clue from the pilot has been un-addressed. The last remaining one is: "Guys, where are we?"

- We will see Dharma before the purge and we might see how they repelled the smoke monster with the sonic fence.

- Mentioned Smokie was "Taking Pictures Of Juliet" and "Similar To Reading Eko"

- M.C. Gainey and Carlton Have Worked Together Before

- Rachel may not have had the cancer come back... Ben's folder may have been a lie, MAY.

- Smoke monsters cant jump

- It can go vertical but they raise this question... "Can it detach from the ground?"

- Lost Video Game - XBOX360 PS3 and PC and Damon and Carlton are Working with Ubisoft to make it.



3.18 - D.O.C (Sun/Jin Centered)

Juliet finds out that Sun is pregnant and tells her that women who conceive on the island could die if they carry to term. Sun responds by telling her that the baby may not have been conceived on the island, in fact it may not even be Jin's child. So the two set off for the medical hatch to try to determine when the baby was conceived. Meanwhile, Desmond and his crew scramble to save the life of the mysterious Naomi and are assisted by an old enemy, seems eye patch guy survived the fence after all.


3.19 - The Brig (Locke Centered)

Locke slips away from the others and lures Sawyer away from the beach. Flashbacks will reveal what Locke has been up to with the others since they abandoned their 'village'. In a secluded Dharma holding cell, Locke will bring Sawyer together with Anthony Cooper for a fate full encounter that will resolve a long standing season one mystery. Meanwhile, Naomi will return to the beach with some alarming information concerning flight 815, but can she be trusted?


3.20 - The Man Behind the Curtain (Ben Centered)

The past of the island is explored including how Dharma came to be there, why, and what the fateful 'purge' was really all about. Flashbacks will show Ben through various ages up until adulthood. The mysterious 'Jacob' will finally be revealed, and the question of whether any Dharma members still live will be revealed.


3.21 - The Truth About Lying / The Greatest Hits (Charlie Centric)

Rescue is finally at hand for the survivors of Oceanic 815, but first someone must reconnect an underwater sonar beacon. Despite his foretold death, Charlie volunteers. Copious rumors suggest that Charlie dies in this episode, but some new rumors I've been hearing suggest that this is a huge misdirection and there will be another highly unexpected major character death instead.


3.22/3.23 - Through the Looking Glass (Jack Centric)

This episode promises a Jack revelation of legendary proportions! Also, there will finally be an en masse collision between the beach folk and the Other's. On the speculation end of things, folks are saying that the island folk will split into two factions themselves, one led by Jack, and one by Sawyer, but the division will be at the will of another, and for purposes no one will expect.



-Jae Lee commited suicide. Sun's father didn't push him off the balcony. Apparently, some people thought Jae Lee was murdered.

-Damon and Carlton finished writing the season finale and are now filming the finale.

-There will be more about Charlie and Desmond's premonitions.

-Penny sent the parachutist. Damon and Carlton do not refer to her as (this name is a spoiler until it is told to us in an ep).

-(this name is a spoiler until it is told to us in an ep) will be explained further in D.O.C.

-The mystery of the wire, including where it goes to and what it does will be answered this season.

-Damon and Carlton made a point to mention that the father of Sun's baby could be Jin, Jae Lee, or a mystery person. They are probably joking, but if they weren't, my guess is Michael would most likely be the mystery person.

-More of Juliet's motives will be shown in D.O.C.

-Ben wasn't conceived in a test tube.

-Don't believe Ben when he says he was born on the island.

-Ben wasn't the father of Savinne's child.

-There were discussions whether Aaron said Claire or not in One of Us. I actually thought I heard it too, but Damon and Carlton confirmed that Aaron cannot talk.

-For the (insert insanely large number here) time, Christian Shepherd is DEAD!

-We not seen Jacob in a previous episode and won't until he is revealed.

-Ben has been in love. We will get a "sense" of it in 2 weeks.

-There will be a Rousseau flashback eventually. In it, it will talk about Montand and his arm.


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