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If Wii has more power than an Xbox...

Dilli Gee

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Thanks for that Kaxxx.. I don't have time to go there today unfortunately.. or at any stage this weekend and I go back to Uni on Monday (which isn't queens so I won't be in Belfast.. I may get a chance to check out the GAME in Coleraine though..) ..but thanks anyway, I'll keep it in mind :)

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I was under the impression that the wii being similar and easy to develop for as the cube was, would of given developers enough experience to make decent games graphically. If a company is after a particular art style, then fair do. But so many games ive seen dont, and they look terribly downgraded.

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Also, most devs are investing their time (and rightly so) on understanding the wiimote, after they do, we'll see much better graphics don't worry. Also, GC is already better in some aspects and equal in others to XBOX, so don't compare Wii to an XBOX.

Offtopic, I don't really see what's so beautiful about Ninja Gaiden graphics, they look like plastic dolls and the models are kind of lame and it has some framedrops now and then. It's good, but not that good.

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Team Ninja always makes plastic models, it looks good in DoA, here, I could make without it. I won't argue it looks better than a lot Wii games, but let's not overreact.

It's funny to see that you're clearly pissed at me,because I said MGS4 doesn't look as good as it was "supposed to".

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You make it sound like its a fact.


Looks better then 90% of Wii games.


Yup, and that's what matters, of course.:heh:


To be honest, does anybody apart from you care?


... why does a 2004 game still blow many Wii ones out of the water, in terms of graphics?


This is a serious question.


Halo 2 is a last generation 2004 game (that many mistake for an Xbox 360 title), so just by default every Wii title should look better than it, or at least equal. Excite Truck, Red Steel, Metroid Prime 3 and Zelda seem to be the only titles that clearly are a entire step above Halo 2, but that's a few games out of many. All the others look the same, or like below, even worse.


Is there an actual reason for this?


No offence, but that is a hideous comparison to make. Why does Metroid Prime still look more attractive than a fair few 360 titles?


It takes years to make games look this good. Halo 2 took a huge amount of time and money to look this great. It's an leading xbox title, so it HAD to look this good. Same could be said about Metroid Prime and Zelda. They are both huge titles, so they're obviously going to have that much more effort put into them than the average disney or third party title.

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Like DCK said, most people just don't understand the process of making games. Games don't look good just because you have a powerfull platfrom, it takes work. If you look at Metroid, Zelda and Mario, they look gorgeous. Excitetruck is also looking pretty good and very fluid, ELebits is also looking good for the style it has and so is Bwii. Truth is lots of games have effects, framerates, fillrates, etc... that couldn't be done on any last gen console. Also all screenshots are fucked up, videos look much better.

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Team Ninja always makes plastic models, it looks good in DoA, here, I could make without it. I won't argue it looks better than a lot Wii games, but let's not overreact.

It's funny to see that you're clearly pissed at me,because I said MGS4 doesn't look as good as it was "supposed to".


You picked a very poor screenshot there. And i aint pissed at anyone, MGS4 still has over a year left in developement, and frankly, its one of the best looking games out there even at this stage.


And to clarify


THIS is a plastic model




This is NOT



If his suit looks a bit plastic to you, well maybe its because he's wearing a suit made from plastic material..perhaps.?

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If Wii has more power than XBOX... we won't see this power at launch!



The problem is double the clockspeed of a CPU doesn't mean double the performance and if the Wii CPU is indeed just a upgraded Gekko (90nm, SOI) the performance will be between Gamecube and XBOX.


Nowadays most developer rely on the features of GPU chipsets because they help them to achieve their visual goals a lot faster. Flipper was great but it lacked a lot of "standard" function which are used in todays PC GPUs - so developer had to use their own way. Now if the Wii GPU would be similar to a mobile PC GPU in the lower price range we would see that instantly.


Antialiasing, Anisotropic Filtering, HDR, Bloom, No Dithering would be possible for any game - because imagine how low-end GPU works at a 640x480 resolution. BUT right now we don't see such features and that is why I believe that both GPU and CPU of the Wii are just more power efficient, overclocked successors of their Gamecube counterparts.

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If Wii has more power than XBOX... we won't see this power at launch!



The problem is double the clockspeed of a CPU doesn't mean double the performance and if the Wii CPU is indeed just a upgraded Gekko (90nm, SOI) the performance will be between Gamecube and XBOX.


Nowadays most developer rely on the features of GPU chipsets because they help them to achieve their visual goals a lot faster. Flipper was great but it lacked a lot of "standard" function which are used in todays PC GPUs - so developer had to use their own way. Now if the Wii GPU would be similar to a mobile PC GPU in the lower price range we would see that instantly.


Antialiasing, Anisotropic Filtering, HDR, Bloom, No Dithering would be possible for any game - because imagine how low-end GPU works at a 640x480 resolution. BUT right now we don't see such features and that is why I believe that both GPU and CPU of the Wii are just more power efficient, overclocked successors of their Gamecube counterparts.


So you're saying they ignored 5 years of evolution and didn't include any of those functions? I find it hard to believe, specialy after what we already saw.

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but 'gamers dont care for cutting-edge graphics'.


By repeating this mantra, Nintendo is effectively telling developers: ''go ahead and publish your shitty (-looking) game! Its ok, it detects motion!'


Some of these 3rd party games* look almost intentionally bad, as though the developer had to put forth extra effort to make it look worse than a GC game


-Necro-nesia<Luigi's Mansion (5 year old game)

-Wing Island looks slightly better than Pilotwings --SNES

-GT Pro, more like GT Ugh

-Wii Sports (redeemed for being a 'free' pack-in)

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