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Oh my my. What an epic chapter of Naruto. Finally we get the truth about something that we've known about for ages.


Finally we get the reason why the Uchiha clan got killed of and only Sasuke survived. I never seen this coming, I expected Itachi to be a bit of an anti-hero, but to gain his eyes and gain that power. Just wow. I can't wait to see how this turns out. Now we know how powerfull Madara was and how he's become that person. No I have no idea what will happen. Will Itachi or Madara gain the power to be all powerfull or will Sasuke beat him(likely since it's Shonen). My god things are tense, though I wonder what made Madara so weak, was it cause the 9 tails got sealed in Naruto?





Wow what a chapter. Shino, read :heh:


Screw the anime, when the mangas like this, who cares.



You.... I've read that spoiler though, it made me really hyped, but I can't... I Mustn't!

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The anime will get there in 2 years at this pace and with the manga as good as it is just now, it's not worth waiting for the anime especially when it might ruin it.


If they pick up the pace a bit then i'm all for it cause the fights at the moment will be amazing animated.

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I just prefer watching the anime, the manga doesn't have half the feeling.

It's hard not to pick up the manga though, but I've been watching Naruto weekly from nearly the start and I'll stay strong!


I did too, but the fillers... so many of them, everywhere!

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I prefer watching it aswell, it makes viewing so much better, but with the manga just now, I forget about all these things. Fights are better in the anime though, that is a given.


Also giving up the manga is hard for me just cause of the current arc, it's far ahead so will be a fair bit till it catches up and I want to know what happens...

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Ok, I'm the one with the bleach sig and avvy, I'm bound to leap to it's defence, but you guys are wrong about it tbh. It's obvious you really dislike it so you can't possibly have given it a chance through to the later episodes. The story is pretty cool and intricated, and currently, in the anime, can be summarised as followed


death gods police the world, rescuing souls that cling to Earthly wants when they die, as ghosts. These souls are hunted by weird creatures called hollows. Death gods, or 'shinigami' to use the Japanese phrase we all know from Death Note, fight with 'soul slayers', swords which are able to cut souls and the hilt can perform 'soul burials' to send nice people to Soul Society.


<skip a massive bit where the main character, Ichigo, is given death god powers and goes to the death god world to save another death god who broke laws by giving him powers>


anyway there's this other death god who's a bit loopy, he realises that to expand the limitations of death gods' abilities, he needs to blur the line between death god and hollow, creating hybrids called "arrancar". He also shows a special interest in one of Ichigo's friends, who gained powers from hanging around with Ichigo a lot, and he pinches her. Ichigo goes to get her back.



A unique story any way you look at it.


I like Bleach. It's just completely un-extraordinary. Doesn't mean I can't like it though. And Naruto may also be completely un-extraordinary, but it's better in it's execution than Bleach. Anyway, onward... the Bleach story, yeah yeah, it's all fine and dandy, but just like most shonen, it doesn't have a point to make, it's just random coolness. It's just like the Matrix sequels, the story's there, but it has no point to make, it's just overall randomly cool story, not much more to it. There's no superior purpose. The same with the characters, they're just there to serve the purpose of offering cohesion to the story. (Naruto main characters > Bleach main characters)

And although Bleach may have some good characters, they're mostly secondary, like Ulquiorra & Kaname Tōsen. Most other suffer from a severe case of been there done that.


But do take this into account... I do like Bleach, I simply acknowledge it's shortcomings, wich are plenty.

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Ok, I partially agree with what you said, but...





Have you gone mad? Bleach is even fucking worse than Naruto!


Like most people have said, Bleach tops it in appeal. Naruto was once good, but that was a long time ago. Bleach is a lot more mature than Naruto, the main character isn't such an idiot and the battling is generally more interesting. Everything isn't just explained by the magical Chakra.

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Like most people have said, Bleach tops it in appeal. Naruto was once good, but that was a long time ago. Bleach is a lot more mature than Naruto, the main character isn't such an idiot and the battling is generally more interesting. Everything isn't just explained by the magical Chakra.


Exactly, everything is just left unexplained.


The battling more interesting. *chuckles*


I tried to avoid that. :P

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bleach is okay, maybe its not as intelligent as some other animes or whatever, but i still love it. ^_^ (i'm a simple woman at heart obviously) I also like naruto, but i have to say bleach would be my firm favourite after the 50/60odd filler episodes i went through with naruto. =(


Does anyone find the beginning of shippuuden odd? Its like 3 minutes in then the intro song starts! :/


And bleach intro/recaps have been getting longer by the day also!


I think the chakra/reiatsu things is very similar in both Naruto and Bleach. Kinda fills in the gaps they cant be bothered explaining methinks. but it is rather awesome in moderate doses! =) And you know its good when either of them start to take solid form haha XD


I love Ouran High school, its good for a bit of light hearted fun ^_^

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Guest Stefkov

I hate Naruto's intro. It's like it sets down ready to go on till the half way break then all of a sudden the starting song plays. It's like WTF why didnt you just play that at the beginning.

That is another reason I prefer Bleach, the opening song is done and out of the way. But the recaps every episode is annoying.

If you were to stop watching and then watch most of the newer episodes back to back you'd go crazy. The week apart between the episodes makes the recaps tolerable.

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I hate Naruto's intro. It's like it sets down ready to go on till the half way break then all of a sudden the starting song plays. It's like WTF why didnt you just play that at the beginning.

That is another reason I prefer Bleach, the opening song is done and out of the way. But the recaps every episode is annoying.

If you were to stop watching and then watch most of the newer episodes back to back you'd go crazy. The week apart between the episodes makes the recaps tolerable.


Yeah its the only excuse for the recaps, major annoyance if you had to watch them in a row...the bit where they split in five has been on the recap EVERY GODDAMN TIME since it happened... i don't think i could forget in a year not to mention a flippin week XD

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Guest Stefkov

I decided to just skip ahead of all the recap this time.

Chad sucks really. He's a crap character, I was hoping in this episode he would get a body full of armour. Just a powerful right arm is kinda lame.

If anyone reads the manga if it's really far ahead or whatever if he gets full body armour?

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Guest Stefkov
LOL, people are arguing because the opening doesn't come right after the show starts. Yes, such a massive flaw... :indeed:

Not a massive flaw. I just said it was anoying. It doesn't make the program unwatchable.

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On Friday Night and Saturday i watched all of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya again but this time in chronological order. :)


It's still just as beautiful as when i first watched it even more so as watching a whole series in two days it heightens the emotions you feel and at the end i was really happy and sad at the same time! :grin:

LOVE IT! :yay:


I'm still unsure wether it's my favourite or if Death Note is! I still thik Death Note has the edge over it. But it is Awesome! :awesome:



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Dubbed? >.< c'mon man, nobody can do Kyon's tired, sarcastic voice the way it was meant to be, as performed by the original actor. Truth is, American VAs just aren't as good. And American voice actors sound silly pretending all the Japanese things around them, including names of people and places, are natural.

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Yikes! That show is a bit weird, like the anime equivalent of...er...me. :blank:


But I liked it. It was funny, and I will be catching some more episodes. :smile:


Dubbed? >.< c'mon man, nobody can do Kyon's tired, sarcastic voice the way it was meant to be, as performed by the original actor. Truth is, American VAs just aren't as good. And American voice actors sound silly pretending all the Japanese things around them, including names of people and places, are natural.


I don't really mind all that, tbh. Like I've stated before, I'm just not a big fan of subtitles. So dubbed will always be the first choice. Unless, of course, it's like Naruto, then I will switch to subbed. dattebayo?

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