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Once again, and i'l probably say this everytime i read the manga, to those who still didn't start reading One Piece, JUST DO IT!!!


SH are doomed, they needed to use all their forces to defeat one PX-4, and now there's PX-1, the best guardian in the world, and an Admiral, even Railegh can't save them now


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Guest Stefkov
So finally, the 8 tails is out! awesome, he looks huge! but i swear sasuke was stronger than this, they took the other tails, why does this one cause issues? the extra tails can't cause that much change can it?

I was thinking the same. Sasuke is meant to be powerful and he's getting battered.

The 8 tails does look pretty huage, can't wait to see how the battle will pan out. The 9 tails is the most powerful of the tailed beasts so I would have thought the more tails they have corresponds with it's powar. So the 8 tails would be pretty damn powerful. Especially if the guy is controlling the demon.

The battle with Orochimaru, Naruto had. He only sprouted 4 tails and that much damage was done to the landscape. Another 5 tails and the damage would probably be immense.

I wonder if we'll ever see Naruto turn into 5 tailed fox, or even control the 4 tails. If this guy can control the 8 tails then it could be possible for Naruto to control the 9 tails after a lot of training.


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Soul Eater 20 made me laugh


I know i should've been sad, but that part with Chrona as a kid and Maka turning crazy were just too fun for me to handle, Maka looked like Patty xD


Anyways, in the manga, it was much better.


And i'l remain with the: "YOU DUMBASSES, DON'T MAKE IT 51 EPISODES ONLY!!!"

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The last two Parallel Works clips were shown yesterday at an event.

It seems they are thinking of making more if the DVD sells.


Here are some comments from people on 2ch who attended...


On Yoshinari's video on the adventures of Lord Genome:


-"It was so incredible I got chills"


-Nia resembles Lord Genome in his youth. He was actually a very beautiful man.


-In the beginning, the main staff weren't going to participate, but Yoshinari went and made one on his own. He was very inspired after his scene in the final episode and you can tell from this video. The reason it was delayed was because what happens in the video is too magnificent and they want to use it in the movie.


On Yamaga's (Libera me from hell):


-"The sky was pretty"


-The reason his video was delayed was because he just couldn't completely make the deadline



PW#7 will be released on September 5th (a day before the movie releases).

PW#8 will be released on September 12th.

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Just finished watching the two Death Note films, bloody AWESOME.


Haven't gotten round to seeing the Anime yet (i know, shame on me), as I've been lazy and not finished Witchblade yet (4 eps left) and Death Note was next on my list, but when I saw Tatsuya Fujiwara (From Battle Royale, the awesome Shuya Nanahara) starred in in the film I just had to see it.



Light/Kira was awesome, first film I really liked him, and understood his reasoning, hell with that kind of power I'd probably do the same thing. But when he started killing FBI agents things started to get iffy, but I still kinda sympitised. Up until the twist at the end when he killed his girlfriend, then I really was like, "holy crap dude is an evil SOB".


L, was a freaky SOB (how is he not a big fat guy eating all that chocolate?), and dispite Light killing his g/f at the end of the first film I was still wanting to see Light kill L. But the scene where Misa saw him at the college and he pick-pockets her phone was bloody classic. And he suddenly became "shit cool" :heh:


From then you kinda wondered which one was really the "good guy" and "bad guy".


The final twist(s) at the end of the 2nd film was amazing. Was half hoping Light would appear when L's time ran out with some long winded explanation for how foresaw L's plan. Even though by the end i felt Light really was a massive evil SOB, I still wanted him to beat L. How he managed to stay one step ahead all the time of L, only to mess up because Misa didn't remember L's name when she got her memory back was annoying. You'd think he would have thought of that possibility and accounted for it. :heh:





Now just gotta finish Witchblade and then I'll move onto checking out Death Notes anime, with how much I enjoyed these films I can imagine the anime should be even more mind blowing.

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Guys, i don't know if you already knew, but the ending of Death Note Anime wasn't supposed to be like this, the ending would be at Episode 25, here it is:



To be honest, it would be better, even tough i loved the "Near and Mello surpassed L" thing, the second half of Death Note was worse than the first, and Light "won"


See for yourselves, its a great ending.

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Guest Stefkov

I've been reading the FMA manga the past 2 nights. 7 hours in and I'm on chapter 46.

'Scuse the language but fuuuuuck me it's so awesome. So, so awesome.

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I've been reading the FMA manga the past 2 nights. 7 hours in and I'm on chapter 46.

'Scuse the language but fuuuuuck me it's so awesome. So, so awesome.

Yup, it's the only manga I've actually bothered to buy all the books for. Should be good when the new anime series comes out for it too. :)

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At long last, my journey with E7 is nearly over. Finished episode 44 not too long ago. I'll probably finish the series tonight. Started watching it late alst week, stopped a few days then back to it again.


Such an amazing series. One of my favorite up with FMA and can easily watch it again without it being boring. I get so attached and engrossed into it.

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Guest Stefkov
Yup, it's the only manga I've actually bothered to buy all the books for. Should be good when the new anime series comes out for it too. :)

I'm in the process of buying them now but I've read it elsewhere.

The story, development, action, everything is so much better than the anime. I'm extremely glad I started reading it now. Too bad it's a monthly one.

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I'm in the process of buying them now but I've read it elsewhere.

The story, development, action, everything is so much better than the anime. I'm extremely glad I started reading it now. Too bad it's a monthly one.


Well I get the books, and they take forever to come out. Kinda sucks as I forget the story a little by the time the next one has come out.


My take is that they should lock the author in a room until she's made a good few volumes.


Where abouts does the manga split off from the anime? Ive only got around to reading the first book and that was quite a while ago now.


Well, while things that happen in the anime do closely follow the manga at the start, it's not quite the same. The timeline for certain events seems different (with regards to Ed being 3 years younger). But really it splits up properly around when:

Hughes is killed.


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