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Guest Stefkov

Dunno if anyone's seen it.

  • Details on the new season of Haruhi will be revealed in the July issue of Newtype magazine, (teaser image above.)

  • The Lucky☆Star OVA is slated for a summer release and will be produced by Kyoto Animation. Story revolves around Konata and the Animate store manager.

  • The Higurashi OVA is indeed titled, “Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei,” and is slated for a winter release. It will be composed of 3 episodes.
[Official website].


Cool beans.

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Guest Stefkov
Yay for the animation of Rei.

Thought you'd like the Higurashi news.

I'm kinda looking forward to the Lucky Star OVA. If it's who I'm thinking of I loved the animation they used for them in the series.


Waow, Prince of Tennis has lasted 7 years. The National Tournament finals have yet to be made/released aswell. They'd best hurry up, I'm on the semi finals now.

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I've finished watching Gurren Lagann the other day and it was incredible.


By some misinterpreted minor spoilers, I got the idea that it would have an apocalyptic ending. And after all that winning and spirit the anime had up to that point, it would certainly crush my heart to see everyone die in the end or something.



But no, instead I was greeted with the epitome of the spiraling and escalating events and a fitting true epic ending. It couldn't be done best. I think I got a lesson for life with this.

Sigmund Freud would have a field day with this show and the whole spiral evolution philosophy. Everything made sense in the end and no open questions were left.


EDIT: Did I mention that I freaking loved it!? And the OST is also one of the best I've heard with musics that perfectly suit the mood.


Dunno if anyone's seen it.



Cool beans.


Younger Haruhi huh? That seems to confirm the timewarp. I don't know anything about the novels so don't throw rocks at me for my brilliant conclusion.

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I've finished watching Gurren Lagann the other day and it was incredible.


By some misinterpreted minor spoilers, I got the idea that it would have an apocalyptic ending. And after all that winning and spirit the anime had up to that point, it would certainly crush my heart to see everyone die in the end or something.



But no, instead I was greeted with the epitome of the spiraling and escalating events and a fitting true epic ending. It couldn't be done best. I think I got a lesson for life with this.

Sigmund Freud would have a field day with this show and the whole spiral evolution philosophy. Everything made sense in the end and no open questions were left.


EDIT: Did I mention that I freaking loved it!? And the OST is also one of the best I've heard with musics that perfectly suit the mood.


I love you for loving it. We need more people like you.

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I love you for loving it. We need more people like you.


I cried one symbolic tear. Thank you.

I love you too.


I watched the first episode of gurren langan the other day


then the first episode of evangelion


I prefered Evangelion...does gurren get better?


I only got into Gurren Lagann at around episode 7 or 8, so yes, it gets better.

But I won't compare Evangelion with Gurren because I love both. Each one has it's own way of being great.

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Guest Stefkov
Also, who went to MCM London Expo?

Before I knew it it came. I thought this one was the midlands. The midlands is later in the year.

I think I might go to the October one again.


Damn, Prince of Tennis is nearly over. It did go from pretty cool to wtf, that is way ott. But still it's all good.

Now whilst I wait for a subber to release the Finals I can watch another anime. Gurren Lagann has been sat there staring at me for a while now.

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Dunno if anyone's seen it.



Cool beans.


Yes! All 3 are great pieces of news! :grin: I can't wait for more Haruhi!


That Lucky Star OVA Sounds amazing I love the mangastore guy! :awesome:


I didn't go to this expo as I didn't have money or anyone to go with but I'm most likely going to go to the one in October again. :)

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I watched the first episode of gurren langan the other day


then the first episode of evangelion


I prefered Evangelion...does gurren get better?

Hmm the depth to Evangelion is something I'm always going to be a fan of, but for action and overall entertainment minus the mind fuck, Gurren Lagann wins hand down. The psychology near the ending is pretty neat though, so there is some depth to GL.


Gurren Lagann sounds pretty interesting then. I'll give it a watch after i've fininshed watching Gundam 00. Only on episode 3 so far.


Ahh Gundam 00 is a great series, I hope you like it, I've watched it twice already (Well, the first series ofcourse, second doesnt air til October)

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Guest Stefkov

Gurren Lagann For The Win.


I don't know why I didn't start watching it sooner.

The best character, Kamina, just died. What the hell man. Now I'm well depressed.


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Just started downloading Gurren-Lagann. Hoping the BSS-Anon releases are near enough the same quality to Black Orders. The pack has 1-18 of [Order], and the rest BSS-Anon, I read BSS-Anon was near enough, so here's hoping.

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Just started downloading Gurren-Lagann. Hoping the BSS-Anon releases are near enough the same quality to Black Orders. The pack has 1-18 of [Order], and the rest BSS-Anon, I read BSS-Anon was near enough, so here's hoping.


There's 19 eps from [Order] and you can get the rest from BSS-Anon, they're good.

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Guest Stefkov
But wasn't it awesome? Yes it was. Everyone who isn't hooked by then, is dead on the inside.

Goddamn it was awesome. I've not felt this emotionally attached since Eureka 7. That had me depressed for weeks, even months.

Tell me it has a good ending though.

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